08/13/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARE: COMMZTTEL F.u-*,ist 13, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Dale Everson, Jim Maloney, Larry Strohkirch. Also present: Eldon Hugelen, Bob Rosene, Robert Taylor, Gene Holderness of D.eyfuss'and Larry Frank of Gold Medallion. Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Gerber Hatteberg moved and I1yrel Limdstea seconded a motion that the minutes be approved. The motion was un -mlir'ous . Gene Holderness of Dreyfuss-Lennar discussed park dedication in R. 121.8 acre parcel north of Wescott Road in Section 14. Several ponding a-t-cas were also proposed to be dedicated. Since some of these are not design- ated as holding ponds, the Park Cc:=ittee recommended that two of them be filled and that one of the fill,!.a raeaas with additional space be dedicated as park to provide usable flat land. The proposed 13.3 acre area on the east border would provide hilly terrain for winter use and a 20 foot dedicated trail would connect the two sites. An additir!na.l trail ci2nn c:`' :'.Un to the 13 acre site was also proposed. The Pare: Corinitt3e will rake a final recommendation after Dreyfuss appears before the Punning C• rissi.on. The developer expressed his intent to install tennis cou,-cLs, a baseU.--0.1, d.ia-mord and a parking lot or play area and will co-ordinate with the Park Committee regarding these improvements. .L--L--ry rrar.k discussed park dedication for a 23.9 acre first phase of an S;~ rsY 80 acre parcel just east of the-ewAt described parcel. No suitable addition to the park site seemed apparent. Barb Schmidt moved that the Park CoTrimittee recommend to the Council that cash in lieu of lauel be accepted for this parcel in an amount to be determined by the Council b,!~sel on 10% of the value of the land and further that the developer dedicate a 20 foot wide walkway leading from the Northwest cul-de-sac to tine park on the adjoining property. Neil Coates seconded the motion which was unanimous. Robert Taylor from Surrey Heights expressed interest in iuzther trails to connect with the internal ones in that area. Fob Ros-ale and Eldon Hugolen discussed final concept plans for McKee and RaYrn Parks. Blackhawk cannot be included as no sales agreement has been sicrled. 71iis matter should be pursued without delay. Priority in the contract must be given to the hockey rinks, first at McKee and then at FFa in Park. At Rahn Park ag lime was specified for the seating a:,-e3. Bob 1-%osene will inquire about the differs-r!cea in cost for 2 tone tennis court coloring. All fence around tale all purpose court will he eli.m-it.r-ted. Pole lines will be buried with the School District and the Village sharing the cost of approximately $1000.00. Vae backstop for both parku will be l ft out of the contract and done by the Park Committee. One set of hockey boards will be installed and one will be put up by Eagan after ;.:ne g.Yading is done. Two basket ball backstops will be put up camZZ each of the all Varpose courts. At McKee the free stride will be moo^d out into the berm area and the tether ball installed in the hockey rank area. rozrds for that rink will not be in the contract. Barb Schmtdt and Gerber will review the McKee plantings for possible savings on Mcnaay, kugtzet 20. A sribconmi•tt" will meet with Bob Rosene prior to the August 21st maet:i.ng to giva final approval to the complete contract. Ger"7ier Hatteberg rtitnved that the meeting be adjourned because of the late hour. Neil Coates seconded the motion. The remainder of the agenda will, he delayed to a special meeting August 27th. The meeting war. ar•;joui-xiA:i at 1:00 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Park Committee