08/14/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission . w Pa.2ka d.~~.l. - p~a bQ~~cm p~ 3 p~L~ . a, 3 X01UTES OF SPECIAL MSETING OF VILLAGE CO?TNCIL VILLAGE OF EAGLN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MX=SOTA August 14, 1973 A special meeting of the Council, Village of Eagan, D Iwta County, Minnesota was held on August 14, 1973 at 6:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, All members were present,, The meeting was commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance, At 6:30 P.M. the Council met with James Olsen - Fiscal Consultant, Robert Rosene n Village Engineer and Roger Katzenmeier 0 Village Accountant, concerning the proposed water treatment plant facility concerning the proposed financing for the treatment plant. A proposed water treatment facility plan for the Village for 1973 was submitted by the Village Engineer, After considerable discussion ane review, upon motion by Councilman Wachterv seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Village Kaintenance Supervisor together with the Village Engineer prepare a questioniaire to be mailed to all municipal water users asking whether they would be interested in a water treatment plant and water softening facility and for the purpose of getting their reaction to the cost to the consumer of such facilities. At 7:30 P.M+ the Village Council met with Roger Katzermeie+r and reviewed the 1972 Village Audit in detail. Mr„ Katzenmeier discussed tha need for a meeting to cover other issues as such computerizing procedures but no action was taken. At 8:00 P.M. the Council together with the Planning Committee members and other interested persons reviewed and met with John Voss of Urban Planning and D3sign, relating to the proposed development guide. It was decided that weptambec 11th at 7:30 P.M„ developers in the Village would be iwAted to be present and to review and comment upon the proposed comprehensive plan of the Village, On October 9th all interested citizens would be invited to participate in the sate type of meeting. 014 The Council then later c©w ?ened as a special FnFetir-3 according to the notice that was mailed to the Council me-Siers prior to the meeting, A letter from the Village Engineer concerning recommendations based on a request of the Minnesota Highway Department for review of the highway bridge at Interstate #494 and highway #13 was read. Upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting es, it was RESOLVED that the recommendations in the letter be apprm ed and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare a resolution to be forwarded to the highway department accepting the recommendations. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of Austin B,o Keller Construction Co. for Project ,1110-A concerning water and storm no-wer i;igrovements in the sum of $?529551.00 be and it hereby is approved. All members voted in favor. A schedule of bids is attached to these minutes. The Council then discusea6 the proposed purchase of 13 acres from the Eagan 500 developers North and West of the Village Hall for the Eagan Civic Centers Funds had earlier been set aside from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund's for this purpose. After discussion, upon motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting in favor it was RESOLVED that; the Village Attorney be authorized to make an off: to the developer through Mr. Byron tvatschke on an acreage basis for the acquisition of the property subject to survey and according to the proposed area drawn by the Village Engineer for the area covered* The Council then reviewed the proposed tree ordinance submitted by Councilman Wacatar which had been continued at an earlier meeting. The Park Committee recommended that each de;reloper be required to submit a plan possibly At the tisne of the pieiiminary plat is submitted covering existing and proposed planting for the area. Upon motion by Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that an ordinance be 2 - drafted witfa the provisions slxbmItted including the sugg(-ction by the Park Committee. mentioned above,, The Council then reviewed th- proposed sign ordinance submitted by Councilman Rydrych at an earlier meeting. The Village Attorney was requested to acquire more information concerning height limitations for signs in the Village. Upon motion by Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman RahnD all members voting yea, it waa RESO1,'JED that the bills presented by the participants in the summer recreation program be and they hereby are approved and ordered paide A discussion was then held concer-Ixing the method of disposing of special assessments covering land that was acquired for park purposes and where S3sess- ments are still outstanding. Several suggestions were made including acquiring the funds from current acquisition funds for park purposes including funds from developers, or park budget funds acqa:U.sd f:.,nm general tax revenue or funds ecqu;.red from the proceeds of the park bond issue. Another alternative might be to shift the burden of the assessment over to the general tax levy. The matter wan held over to the next meeting. The Council also informally discussed restrictions relating to sauna operations in the Village. Several proposed ordinances were reviewed anc no action was taken. At 11:15 P,M., upon motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned, Dated: Au;ust 14, 1973. /s/ Alyce Bolke Alyce Bolke, Village Clcrk, III- age of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota 40 3