08/28/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission r, \Lo ~qva, EAGAN PARK CONMITTEE August 28, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members Absent: Carolyn Thurston, Jim Maloney, Larry Strohkirch Also Present: Ted Wachter, Paul Hauge, Eldon Hugelen, Bob Rosene Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Approval of the August 13* meeting minutes was delayed until the following meeting. Paul Hauge presented a current review of the park acquisition program. The ac- quisition of the William Sell property was felt to be important to preserve the 35E connection; for trail access and to fulfill the promise of a park to residents of Cedar Grove 8. Neil Coates moved and Jan Cal- lenius seconded a motion that we recommend to the Village Council purchase of the property. Barb Schmidt moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we concentrate on negotiating with Michael McCarty and that negotiations on the Kehne property be deferred. A brief discussion was held on John Remick's offer to sell 14 acre for access to Highview Park for $5,500. The committee felt that zrs could not afford to purchase the property at this time. Paul Hauge mentioned that two of the lots which compose part of the Bur Oak Park property will be considered for a road assessment at the next assessment committee meeting. The consenus of the committee was that Bur Oaks, a twenty acre park, be considered as a community park. Bob Rosene and Eldon Hugelen presented a final review of plans for Rahn and McKee park. The estimated amount of the contract is $1t000P 000 plus $12,800 for hockey lights at both parks. Approximately $80,000 of the funds will be for Rahn and $20,000 for McKee. There are no fac- ilities for drinking fountains at Rahn park at this time. The dimensions of the large play area in McKee Park will be approximately 65 x 105 and the small area will be 55 x 29. The play area in Rahn will be about 160 x 120. Bob Rosene will shoot the grades for the pleasure skating areas so that the warming houses can be placed. He will also check on the drainage problem in the Woodhaven play area and whether or not drain tiles were ever placed in Country Home Heights as indicated by the cha:ige order. Eldon presented a letter from Ron Backes of the Shellard Corp. 1 regarding landscaping of their property. Mr. Backes estimated that pro- posed planting would cost $400 or $1500 more that their proposed budget. They propose to spend $2,700 for sod now and then review plans for trees at a later date. Dale then presented the proposed 197+ park budget. After dis- cussion, Barb Schmidt moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we approve the budget. All members voted approval. Chuck Hall reported on a meeting with Univac regarding possible development of future athletic facilities on a shared or temporary basi.s. Officials of Univac are interested in extensive facilities for the use cf about 20 teams a night. Jan Callenius will check on the estimated needs of industrial leagues in our area and Barb Schmidt will check on the number of fields needed for our proposed municipal population. Barb Schmidt moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we recommend to the council adoption of our proposed fence policy. All members voted in favor. Barb Schmidt was elected to be new chairperson of the Dev0 opment Committee; . Dale Everson and Bill Branch inspected Joe McCarthy's garage and they recommended that it be converted to a warming house for use at Rahn Park. Bill Branch felt that the garage could be moved on one of the trucks. Dale will check with Bob Rosene on the placement of the warm- ing house. Mr. McCarthy had requested that his son be allowed to rent the house. Barb Schmidt and Neil Coates will inspect the house and re- port back. Barb Schmidt will report on the total number of dollars available to the Park Committee now through bond and H.U.D. funds. A letter from residents requesting that the old hockey lights in Woodhaven Park be moved because of their unattractive appearance. If the poles were moved, final grading of the park would also be facilited. Jan Callenius will check on arrangements for moving the poles. Neil Coates moved that the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, September 10th. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten Eagan Park Committee 2