09/10/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission t , EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE September 10, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Me*mbers Absent: Charles Hall, Dale Everson, Carolyn Thurston, J m Maloney Also Present: Ted Wachter, Terry Langacher, Mr. Morton, Carl Dale The meeting was chaired by Barbara Schmidt. Neil Coates moved and Gerber Iiatterberg seconded a motion that the minutes of the two previous meetings be approved. The motion was adopted unanimously. Terry Langacher, Community School Co-ordinator for the Rosemount School District, appeared to explain their program to us and to obtain information on our recreation plans in their district for the coming year. Mr. Langacher has had so-me rPnuests for a basketball league to be formed at Northview School. Barbara Schmidt explained to him that at the present time our school recreation programs were aimed at those students not in organized athlatics but that perhaps the C.A.A. could provide more information on the possibility of a league. Jan Callenius volunteered to send him information on C.A.A. T.,4r. Langacher also indicated that he felt we could expect good co-operation with the school and he also stated that the district did not require deposits for use of buildings or athletic equipment. Arrangements were made to contact him for recommendations of teachers for our evening program. Barb Schmidt indicated that Dakota County is looking for supplies of trees and Ted Wachter said that he would let us know if a developer p'4us.,: to remo,►e larga nwbers of tree c. Mr. Morton of Morton Properties and Carl Dale, planner, appeared regard- ing proposed dedication of property in Section 28. Mr. Morton is planning a 40 acre P.U.D. developement. After considerable discussion it was decided that the land probably cored nou be developed for active recreation purposes but that it might be suitable as a link in our trail sys;:em. Gerber Hatterberg recommended that we consider the acceptance of a trail dedication with the location and type of trail to be determined by the park committee and the construction and maintenance to be done by the developers and future owners. Jan Callenius amended the motion to state that the proposed dedication be reviewed by the Park Developement Committee prior to Mr. Norton's appearence at the next council meeting and that they be given the authority to revise the proposal. All members voted aye. Barb Sclanidt raised the question that if we did not have title to the land we might not be able to control the type of activity on the trails. Mr. Dale suggasted that if we do accept the trail dedication, our attorney should check to see that these requirements are part of the ovmers agreement. He also suggested a clause that if the owners should default on upkeep that the village would complete the work with the costs to be assessed against the owners. A revision of the cash donations for developers was next discussed. John Voss recommended that ratio for R-1 be $120 per unit; R-4 $100; R-6 $75 per unit. No recommendations were made on dedication from industrial or commercial developers. It was decided to obtain more information on fees and rates charged by other communities and to review the schedule at the next meeting. Barbara Schmidt reported that a carpenter had been hired for park maintenance and that the hockey rinks were now being set up. Bob Rosene had shot the grades for the free skating rinks and it was decided to shift the rink at Carnellian to one of the outfields. Bob will obtain prices on the large outdoor extension cords used for the warming houses. He will also get the estimated cost of electricity for park security lights, hockey lights and the cost of a hood for security lights. The sharing of the costs for part of the proposed road into McCarty Park by the Village and Mr. McCarty was discussed. Jan Callenius moved and Moil Coates seconded a motion that Joe McCarthy pay for the removal of dirt; we pay for the gravel and the shaping of the road for approximately 300 feet and that we split the cost of the culvert. All members voted aye. Bob Rosene will contact Mr. McCarthy to have him get a bid on construction costs. Bob Rosene will check on the tennis nets and posts at Country Uome Heights to see if they are properly installed. He suggested that if there were any further difficulties with the installed play equipment at Cedar Pond that it may be necessary to extend the concrete base down past the sand to the soil underneath. Barb Schmidt reported that Paul Hauge stated that the road into Bur Oaks road is public and that we can begin to install picnic tables and grills in that area. Myrel Lundsten suggested that it be recommended to the council that a pr,,- cedure be set up so that all developers including commercial and industriai be referred automatically to the park committee prior to their appearance before the council to prevent unnecessary delays for the council or the developer. A special meeting will be held September 25th, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. to review the bids for the Rahn and McKee Park proposals. Gerber Hatterberg moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we adjourn. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten Acting Secretary