09/25/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING September 25, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Barbara Schmidt, Jim Maloney Also presents Eldon Hugelon, Bob Rosene, Paul Hauge Dale Everson chaired the meeting and he gave a brief budget report stating that the Village Council had approved a $48,000 budget for the Park Committee for 1974. A brief discussion of the policy for open and league hockey was held and it was decided that the Recreation Committee will check with Mend-Eagan and C.A.A. about their potential schedules for games and practices. Bob Rosene and Eldon Hugelon discussed the bids received for Rahn and McKee park. The main difference in the three construction bids were in the costs of dirt excavation and the unit price for logs. Bob Rosene indicated that Westlund Construction, the low bidder, had done park work in Mendota Heights and had constructed a park shelter near Valley Jr. High in Apple Valley. Neil Coates moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that we recommend to the council that the low bid of We-tlund Construction be ac- cepted. All members voted aye. Myrel Lundsten moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we also recommend to the council that the lowbo~ Corrigan Electric be accepted for the electrical contracting. All members voted aye. After a brief discussion and upon recommendation of the Dev- elopement Committee, Carolyn Thurston moved and Neil Coates sec- onded a motion that we drop the planning of a park on the LeMay Lake Site. Copies of the new park guide were given to each member. Neil Coates moved that we adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Myrel Lundsten, Acting Secretary Eagan Village Park Committee