10/08/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK CQF1MITTEE October 8, 1973 Eagan Village Hal.?. Members Absent: Dale Everson, Jim Ma1or.ey .Llso Present: Ted Wachter, Bill.Branch, Jim McGuffy, Ken Kersten, Gene Hol.derness, Roger Schwakopf, Jerry Leimer, Larry Kennedy and Dick Gaworski Charles Hall chaired the meeting. The minutes of the September 10til and. Sopt;ember 25th meeting were approved. Chuck Hall indicated that Lars. 5 _ hlki:rteh had sent a letter of resignation from the park board. Barba-oa Schmidt moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we accept his resigli- t.on. All members voted aye. A decision was made to arrange a joint meeting with the Village Council to r. a-r.;.ew the new park guide and Earbara Schmidt will distribute the park guides to tLe council and arrange for the meeting. Barbara Schmidt moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we contact Bob Rosene and ask him to add an order for lexon lenses to our cur- rent ccntra3t to replace those hockey lights broken by vandals. All members voted aye. Bill Branch introduced Jim McGuffy, our new maintenance man. D ing the past two weeks Jim has been adjusting and repairing playground equal, ment. He will make a list for the park committee of the play equipment needing the most repairs and adjusting. Bill reported that most of the waa-ming houses are ready for the hockey season and that only a few sections of hockey boards are left to be made. Wood has been ordered to convert the McCarthy garage into a warming house and Bill will give adequate notice to Ntr, McCarthy to give him time to remove his personal belongings. Jan Callenius said that N.W. Bell Telephone Civic Activities Group will move the light poles from TrT:~r, .,-en Park to the Village Garage on or after October Bill will contact Stanton, a member of t:ie group to make further arrangements. Jerry Leimer, Larry Kennedy, and Dick Gaworski appeared as repre- sentatives of the Timberline Association to ask about the status of the p-ropoeod park in their area. Darbara Schmidt and Ghuck Hall reviewed the expenditures of bond and match leg F•z:!~~ ib:o pG ks to this point. Chud% J.rid-~(;at-_d that we would 1-i 1.c to expand the original propjsad 10 acre site to ~ c: end perhaps Ullivac would mat-ch with another 20 acres. Ideally this wauld enable us to develope a neighborhood park as well as a complex of athletic fields. He stressed, that the discussions were still in the preliminary sta;,s. C2uc:k also r...cat~;d that negotiations with the property owner of the tea acre s:i.ta have boan u:iderway for a long time but that no agreement on .ax°-- chase price iias been .reached. Jerry Leimer asked that we contact there if' there was anything the Timberline residents could do to expedite progress on the paiwk, Gene Holderness and Roger Schwakopf of Dreyfus-Lenna.r discussed ; pa--h dc:, Ica,t:i.cn in a i 21 .8 acre parcel north of Wescott Road. in Section 14 7'11;; ,_ulders-c. lading between Mr. Holderness and the park ccrnn:ittee 1rad.e c):z G 13, 1973, included dedication of a ponding area which was to be _.Uei l In -to provide usable flat land of about 3 acres. In addition a 13.3 ooze area on the east border would provide hilly terrain for winter u.-,e --lad. a 20 root dedicated trail would connect the two sites. An additional trail connect cn to the 13 acre site was also proposed. The developer expressed Jatent to inc;t -il. tennis couxt:F:, a bas^ball diamond and a parkz.ag lot rr plely area. At this appearance Mr. Holderness indicated that they could 1_-.k9 to reconsider their proposal. Th-e Drey. us Corporation would like to drop the 20 feet trail because of the xaintenance problems it would pro- bably pose :Li the future and they would prefer not to build the tennis o+~~cR'.s bac:a ss of the expense. czr. Itolderness indicated that if a tennis _)urt unrs nequired, he would like the option of not develop.4aag it until 50-60% of the R-1 units in his der;elopmen'; were occupied. (Private fac- i ±.:i t'+ r_s for fi o%nh^uses and apartments will be davoloped later:.) The .day ; Y.tia~al trail connection giving access to the 13 acre site w-'M to bs rt~tt.isi;:d. Tha park committee in discussing the proposal reco:;ni zad that t`.he nec'Uca*3,on of 15•t acres dies excead the normal dedicaticrs xate b.at: th•~re Gz3: ;acme about the value of the hilly wooded area for a pa.,:k. The at area does not meet dedication standards for a neig;'.L•orzood I_?.7'k and may pose some maintenance problems in the future. Barbara S_-b illdt r,.akred that we recommend to the coua.cil that they consie er the D_' yfus proposal and that if this land dedication is accepted we emphasize thst ir:;:~sr ant-a ;,.f the small walkway for access. The decisions on whether the should be included should be up to the Council., M rsl y:,v,nd!::I.e . seconded the motion and all members except Gerber Hat:tsx:bnrg vc,tad a ra. Tad Wachter requested that Mr. Holderness bring a t'cr.*gr anh~:,al map to the Village Council for the 4r next presentation. Ken Kersten presented a t:en;:ative proposal for preparing, and main; airing the hockey and free skating rinks this winter. ilia pr:o- posa.1 i.r;.:.lsides the use cf some village equipment and the services of Jiu, McGuffy who would be trained to do the work for the next winter-. ' I.;.s einter Fagan will have 14 hockey and free skating rinks to be maintained and two rinks (Cedar. Pond and Bur Oaks) which will require only "brooming." K on will check with Dr,,b Rossne for information on gr?des for the rialks and he will write a firm proposal outlinUg costs road di)*_.ass. Hir, t:ent.,ative proposal included about $6,000 for mzn hours of Vd-4 .~i $190 0 U: c;edited back for Jim McGuffy's wages; $800-1000 for machine titre •'s..: t. and hers rinks; 0800 for snow removal. Ken felt that ro.der most ce'llcUt.'Lanz, he could guarantee all rinks would be cleared within two days. Je,.Ei Callena uc moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we accept red's plan. cn the txn-3i.t:i.on that both Drile Everson and Bill Branch ajTrove of th•3 final proposal.. All m:h ers vcted aye. r:.~erbe:. fIi:tt:: x'aexg an c' Ken will both check on prices ftrr a hG ter; for one of t`.s %o".-mi ng 1-rou acs. Thz dc-D.P.r dedication figures for residential subdi.v;~sions was d i:=ssat! next. Ae.' l Coates mavc~ ~ and Jan C:allersi.us seconded a mot ion. ;--_nat ttr~ dollar .fl are et9n,,';ajied on p.23 of the Appendix of the Park Gr.'.d-. KK. 1,` ~ On•ncil for adoption. is The motion was adopirpd era..:. , T-he p,.opnnq_ed dedication foxmula for industrial and crrmerci.- zmab- clt-ri: ;saw wLie. alas considered. Neil Coatao mo%--3 and Myrel Land.,: :r sore-nded tutu-.i. the forrala be adopted as an attachment to the residential A pne,-,,:c istruction cr„+fexe^.ci with the contractor, vet 3 age ez^:i:xni ar.3 park camnLtti-ie members will be hold. Dlyrel Lundsten rcvDncae:atded that we a : for additional information E17-r'<it the p?:,.-jblrms of installation of a nlip- ment 123 A bill from John Voss was presented but was tabled until further information cau?d be obtained. Bam:b Schmidt reported that Paul Eauge said that nFnotuations Preceding on the McCarthy site. The McCarthy's are asking $3000 an acre -7ov{.7 n2fe.i: wt!s 1,000. Cz.rollm Thurston mov-e3 and Jan Callenius seconded c. th:^t we. recommend to the council that Paul be given authority f_:o negogiat:e a compromise between the two figures. P meeting of the park ordinance committee will be helot on 1"On4ef, 03 ,-.oYta 1-5th at 3a: b Schmidt's home. Jan Callenius reported that the recreation committee had attezapleec. to ,.)t-tan schedules of the two athletic associations. It was deniCed by the r.ar.': care d.t;.e? that a letter should be drafted to the two associations re {;4es't .ng their rc,ntative schedules and asking them to notify p k cor:,*nittGq of any extra practices sc, that we can set up a rink , ih, duie. Jan Callenius moved and Ca:eolyn Thurston seconded a MI. ion th.1t the r,:a.3es -)r warming house attendcnts be raised to $1.65 an hour. A.'11 memoors voted aye. The pcssibility of a new meeting date was discussed to enablo t;i.2 nngineer, attorney or planner to attend park committee meetinac. The second Wednesday or Thursday of the month were discussed as pr sc blili.yiee. - Ba.t-h Schmidt will check to see which date is most convenient for the villag:, officials. II.~ b Schmidt indicated that thv- skate had gent a list of sead1la2g ':.s^e::g which would be available after March 15th at the cost o Y1.0 nor 1.,000 T: letter from John O'Toole was read requesting that he s alluved t-~ c:Elmper on the proposed ball park at Highview Park. Myre- F.: 7n,%ra 3 and Carolyn Thurston, seconded a motion that the request not he gra7i-it aaA. Ell members vowed aye. A discussion of a r`plae.e2rent for Larry Strohkirch was held. SevQ:ca_t suggestions were mace abou sk-'lls we would like to heave rn the j?.3.,:k ca -wUt.to,q. W w,-3t-ld I. Oke to have someone willing to Work with .~~nteer ,zoups az ! .0.t. em gems^.n'3 why corle add some botanical k zo%l edgr- ;-c the co m:i te- G€ the pe~ap,le ::-e,, ^^manded, t;2e committee decided to ask t,%e C:OtCac:U to G.lui.,i.exr Ga~'.!.3C?r' V,,,,Icpr1 as a new member. Mr. Hurphy has esprinised `.n+.'!3 CZ'': in bfni-4. g a me-:!Zs has worked with volunteer groups and has si-acia]Azed hot:-!-nical Isns~~M1 :.E: gEThy: m,:?tkng was adjoumnd at 12:10 A.M. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten