11/12/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission r EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE November 12, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members Avsent: Dale Everson, Jim Maloney Also Present: Ted Wachter, Jim McGuffy, Walt Faber Charles Hall chaired the meeting. The minutes of October 8th were corrected to read Gardner Miller/instead of Murphy and the last sentence on page 2 was completed to read that the "formula be recommended to the council for approval as an attachment..." The minutes as amended were approved. Mr. Walt Faber appeared regarding park dedication in the Woodgate addition. The addition located off Cliff Road on Johnny Cake Ridge is approx- imately 31 acres and will include 42 single family dwellings and 92 townhouses. Approximately four outlets will be developed as recreation areas for the home- owners by the developer. The possibility of a trail easement on the South and West was discussed but since the future plans for Cliff Road have not yet been definitely determined it would be difficult to select a good location for the trail. Neil Coates moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that we recom- mend to the council that a cash rather than a land dedication be made. Chuck Hall suggested that we also indicate to the council that Woodgate is the first developer in their section and that the park committee will be watching for a park site in that area as further development takes place. All members voted in favor of the motion and the additional amendment. Ted Wachter indicated that if the park committee brought the recommendation to the council that it would not be necessary for Mr. Burger or Mr. Faber to make another appearence before the council. Barb Schmidt reported that the Sell property purchase has been final- ized and that the first payment has been made. In reporting for the Development Committee, she indicated that grading is almost completed at Rahn Park and that last week-end Dale Everson, Jim McGuffee and two high school boys took down one hockey rink. Dakota Electric will begin their work at Rahn within a week. Carolyn Thurston moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that we authorized a change order for $340 to haul clay into McKee to make the sandy soil more suitable for development. The motion was approved unanimously. Next a discussion was held regarding the proposed purchase of the McCarthy and Kehne property. Several members of the council and the park com- mittee walked the area with Eldon Hugelen and it was the planner's recommenda- tion that if possible all of the land should be purchased in order to develope the type of park originally proposed. The Kehne property was seen by the park committee members as one of the most attractive areas and essential to complete the acquisition of land around the lake as well as give access to the park from the West. Ba.rb.Schmidt moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we recommend to the Council that we try and complete the purchase of both the McCarthy and Kehne properties and that Tony Roszak be consulted in regard to any past com- mittments. All members voted aye. Mr. Holderness of Dreyfus-Lennax Company contacted Barb Schmidt by telephone to indicate that they will build the tennis court as initially proposed. It was suggested that a representative from Dreyfus-Lennar be asked to appear at the December meeting of the park committee to finalize the proposal prior to their appeaxence before the council in January. Eldon has recommended that we order ginnala maple seedlings, a shrub, to provide a boundary between Joe McCarthy's home and the park entrance. It was decided to plant the shrubs on the North side of the road on the property line. Mr. McCarthy has agreed to plant them. It was suggested that additional shrubs could be ordered for one boundary in Bur Oak; between Cedar Pond and Bob Shockley's home and on one of the property lines of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that Barb Schmidt be authorized to investigate the cost and to order the shrubs. All members voted in favor. It was hoped that volunteers could be found to plant the shrubs. The problem of vandalism in the park was discussed. The damage to two warming houses was discussed as well as other vandalism. The roof of the Cedar Pond warming house was broken and the pipes leading to the stove twisted so that the stove was wrecked beyond repair. Jim McGuffee was able to find a replace- ment stove. It was recommended that Carolyn Thurston attempt to get some pub- licity about the problems caused by vandalism in the parks. An additional warming house was purchased from Lakeville and will be placed at the free skating area at Rahn Park. It is in excellent condition and has insulation in the ceiling and floor as well as the walls. A brief review of the Agenda for the Special Meeting to be held on November 13 was held. Fay Cooper, new park committee member was introduced. A meeting of the park ordinance committee was scheduled for 7:OOpm Monday, November 19, at Barb Schmidt's home. Jan Callenius indicated that a letter will be sent to all businesses in Eagan requesting information on their present and potential use of athletic fac- ilities for commercial and industrial leagues. Chuck Hall suggested that Russ Hedley of Univae see the proposed questionnaire to see if it covers all the information needed. An ad will be placed in the local papers the week of November 16-22nd to advertise for warming house attendants. Wages will be $1.65 an hour and Bill Branch will do the hiring again this year. Chuck Hall volunteered to talk to those hired about their responsibilities. Jan Callenius will prepare a list of problems which have occured in the past for Chuck's use. Due to the pending energy crisis it was decided that the warming houses would be closed when the temperature reached zero at either the beginning of the afternoon or evening session. The only exception would be when there were scheduled games during which time the warming house would remain open. During the week the warming houses would be open from 3:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 6:00 to 9:30 P.M. On weekends and during winter vacation the warming houses will be open from 12:30 - 5:00 and 6 - 9:30 P.M. Hockey lights will not be fully on except when games are scheduled. Myrel Lundsten moved and Barb Schmidt seconded a motion that the proposed hours be adopted. All members voted aye. A policy decision about who should furnish the hockey nets will be made shortly. The problems of the tube slides ordered for McKee and Highview Park was also discussed. The first set of slides sent did not have the right attach- ment and the second set had the right attachment but were full of metal burrs which would have to be sanded off and the sanding might destroy the galvanized surface. The company has offered to pay for the cost of having the work done , locally. No payment has yet been made for the slides. It was the consensus of the park committee that Eldon should be asked to write a letter asking for another set of slides in proper condition and the other set of slides should be returned, 1 The Development Committee will meet to consider further policy regard- ing dedication of easememts and ponding areas. Jan Callenius recommended that the Park Committee visit Roosevelt Park in Richfield as an example of a park with a good arrangement of both athletic and play facilities. Ted Wachter expressed his thanks to the Park Committee for attending the special meeting about conservation and he gave each member two pamphlets about conservation. He also mentioned the possibility of purchasing a soils ma.p of Eagan to help plan proper development of park property as well as other types of property. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten