12/10/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COP/ZUTTEE r,acamber 10, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members Absent: Jim Maloney Also Present: Ted Wachter, Bill Rydrych, Jim Smithy Jon Marble, Chuck Slocumbe, Dave Kirscht, Bill Branch. The meeting was chaired by Barbara Schmidt. Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that the minutes of the November meeting be ap- proved as read. All members voted in favor. Mr. Slocumbe and Mr. Kirscht appeared to discuss a preliminary concept p" .,,.n for (ievelopnent of approximately 475 acres in Sections 29 and 31. The tentative proposal includes a potential density of about 703 units in the 90 acres south of Cliff Road and X200 units in the 385.2 acres North of Cliff Road and will include residential, commercial and industrial property. Mr. Kirsc:.t proposed a system of "greenways" on the North side throughout the development aszd along the utility easements which would represent about 11% of the property. In addition they discussed tentative dedication of seven pounds comprising 33--34 acres which would represent 9% of the property on the North. In discussing future needs it was recommended that they consider possible dedication of land suitable for more active recreational needs. Mr. Slocumbe and Mr. Kirscht plan to discuss these plans with adjoining property owners during January and will appear again before the Park Committee when their concept is more definite. Myrel Lundsten moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that Johra Voss be authorized to analyze Sections 29, 31, and 32 to determine potentif.1. locations for park land. All members voted in favor. A letter from Gene Holderness of Dreyfus Company was read outlining the mutual agreement between the Park Committee and Dreyfus regarding park ded- ication. The Dreyfus company agreed: 1) to donate and deed to the Village 184 acres of land for use as park or playground; 2) to construct at its own expense a pathway between the Easterly park area and the adjacent street; 3) to construct at its expense a double (2) asphalt tennis court with fencing at ends at a, mutually agreed upon location; 4) to construct at its expense a ball diamond to include grading, seeding, construction of basepath and a wire back- stop at a mutually agreed upon location; 5) to provide playground equipment or a donation of $2,200.00 whichever is less. Jan Callenius moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that we recommend that the agreement be accepted by the Council. Dale Everson gave a report on the present status of park construction. At Rahn the boards and lights are there but the contractor states he has been unable to get the proper bolts due to the material shortage so the rink will not be completed until after the 15th. At McKee the boards are up but addition- al rill is needed. Dale also remommended that in the future we put in regular hydra:its rather than yard hydrants for park use. He will check with Bob Ro,iene and or Metro Engineering about repair of leaking yard hydrants in Carneliaiz and Woodhaven. Flooding of skating rinks is now underway. Dale also suggested thht we could use the 500 quartz iodine lights we already have to provide more light- ing at Cedar Pond. Dale will make arrangements with Corrigan Electric to mount these. Barb Schmidt will find out which power company serves Bur Oak Park to see if additional lighting can be added for the ice rink. She will also check with N.S.P. about the lighting at Country Home Heights. Arrangements have been made for satellites for the various rinks. ~2- A discussion of the Parks Ordinance was held and some corrections were made. Barb Schmidt moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that we adopt the ordinance as corrected. All members voted aye. A corrected copy will be submitted to the council on an informal basis for their review. The proposed snowmobile ordinance was discussed and Chuck Hall again clarified the position of the Park Committee. The committee as a whole respond- ed to those sections dealing directly with parks or with recreational areas. Comments about other parts of the ordinance were made as private citizens. A summary of the comments will be given to the council. Jan Callenius reviewed the job description of the warming house attend- ents hired on Thursday evening at the fire hall in Cedar Grove. The schedule of hockey rinks was discussed and Jan will check with Mend-Eagan to see if it is possible for them to switch games from McKee to Pilot Knob so there will be more free ice time at McKee. Signs indicating a reward for vandalism will be posted on each warming house. It was decided to open warming houses on Saturday morn- ings only if there is a game scheduled. C.A.A. will use rinks Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings till 1:00 p.m. No Sunday morning prac- tices are scheduled although games will be held in the afternoon. Dale talked briefly about the proposed indoor hockey rink. A motion was made by Carolyn Thurston and seconded by Myrel Lundsten that the park meetings be changed to the second Thursday of each month to e,iable billage consultants to be present. All members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten Next Meeting: Thursday, January 10th January Council Meetings: Jan Callenius