07/12/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) SUBJECT TO APPROVAL r MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on July 12, 1979 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Carroll, Thurston, Loken, Gits, and Thomas. Also present were City Planner Dale Runkle, Park Director Barb Schmidt, Public Works Director Tom Colbert and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Coates, Martin, Lucke and Radl. MINUTES. In a motion by Loken, seconded by Gits, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the June 14, 1979 Park Advisory Committee meeting were approved. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA.. In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the July 12, 1979 agenda be approved as presented. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported on City Counicl action to (1) approve the purchase of a-grass sweeper; (2) submit a preapplication for State and LawCon grant assistance for a 20 acre expansion of Rahn Community Park; (3) approve a contract-for the State share of the fiscal year 1979 grant for parkland in Section 9; (4) approve plans and speci- fications for a 10 foot Dakota County bike trail along Johnny Cake Ridge Road; (5) approve a City trailway on the west side of Pilot Knob Road for that portion proposed for upgrading be- tween County Road 28 (Yankee Doodle Road) and proposed I-494. WINDCREST PLAT. City Planner Runkle stated that park de- dication as proposed for the Windcrest Development has been re- evaluated by the City staff. He indicated that the Windcrest 2 plat consists of 77 acres of which 12.4 acres is to be de- dicated as park land. City Planner Runkle further indicated that of the 12.4 acre dedication, only 10.9 acres would re- ceive park credit as calculated by the parkland ponding policy. Therefore, park dedication for the Windcrest plat is in excess of the required park dedication. City Planner Runkle explained that the amount of land recommended for trail dedication is to allow for future trail connections to Skovdale Second Addition and the parcel directly i south of Skovdale Second Addition. Another consideration is to allow for trail connecetions to the passive area at the SE corner of the Civic Center Site. Park Director Schmidt explained that it is important to separate and adequately buffer the trail area from the residential area and due to the topography within the area, there are no physical barriers to set the park boundary aside within the plat. It was also noted that multiple trail corridors could be developed through this area becuase of its proximity to the Civic Center Site and Patrick Eagan Park. In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, all members voting in favor, park dedication of land for trails for the Windcrest Addition was recommended to the Council as shown on the proposed plat. WINDTREE ADDITION PLAT. City Administrator Hedges explained that the City Council approved the Windtree Addition plat, how- ever, there was concern as to whether the park land as recommended for dedication was usable and therefore sent the matter back to the Park Advisory Committee for further review and consi- deration. 3 He further explained that there were additional questions re- garding how the property could be used if in fact it was usable and what the development costs would be to the City of Eagan. The Park Advisory Committee reconsidered whether land or cash in lieu of parkland dedication should be recommended for the Wind- tree Addition. After discussion on the matter and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, a recommendation was made to the City Council to accept park land dedication instead of cash in lieu of park land for the Windtree Addition for the following reasons: 1. There is a limited amount of active park land existing to service this residential area. 2. Previous Gopher Eagan park land can be made to satisfy neighborhood park needs with the addition of the park land re- commended for the Windtree plat. 3. Isolation of this residential area requires the pro- vision of a neighborhood park. 4. Property to satisfy park needs can be obtained at no cost through dedication, even though there will be some cost for excavation prior to development of active park land. 5. This land appears to be as suitable for park use as any other area within this neighborhood.. 6. It is probable that additional industrially zoned property within this neighborhood will be converted to residential use. ORRIN THOMPSON. Chuck Winden presented the proposed plat for the Orrin Thompson development west of Johnny Cake Ridge Road. The plat provides for an all purpose trail along the gas pipeline 4 easement as requested by City staff. Chairperson Lundsten inquired as to the developer's experience with trails in previous developments. Mr. Thompson stated that where trails are well planned and serve a definite purpose they are well used and are a positive factor in the development. He mentioned a horseback and cross-country ski trail from the Elm Creek area in his Maple Plain development as an example. He further stated that he has experienced some problem with back yard trails which people see as an invasion of their privacy. Park dedication credit will be calculated at the rate of 50% for the land in the easement area and the developer will grade and seed the trail area to control erosion. It was pro- posed that the remainder of the park dedication requirement be made up by cash per unit to be placed in escrow against possible land dedication to satisfy neighborhood park needs in the 140 acre parcel west of Johnny Cake Ridge Road which Mr. Thompson is also purchasing. The responsibility of incorporating landscaped buffers for the trail area into the developer's landscape plan with credit given against the cash requirement was also discussed. This matter will be considered when the landscape plan is submitted. The developer will install a sidewalk on one side of Covington Drive and will construct a 10 foot asphalt trail within the Johnny Cake Ridge Road right-of-way to tie into the County trail which is currently under contract for construction. No final action was taken. 5 THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS. City Planner Runkle discussed the proposed plat for Thomas Lake Heights which is part of the Black- hawk Park PUD. City staff has contacted the developer regarding the proposed elimination of Heine Pond as future park dedication due to changes in the overall neighborhood park needs. The lo- cation of Thomas Lake Elementary School with its potential for joint use in conjunction with Evergreen Park will well satisfy the active facility requirements within this neighborhood. City staff will meet with the developer July 17, 1979 to discuss possible substitution of a trail link south of the proposed plat. The internal trail link from the Balsam Lane cul de sac which connects to the trailway in the Heine plat was endorsed by the Committee. No final action was taken. This plat will be presented formally to the Committee at the 3 August meeting. ZACHMAN HOMES. City Planner Runkle next discussed the proposed plat for the N% of the SEA of Section 30, Park Committee members recommended that park dedication for this plat be sati- sfied by land, with the NSP easement to receive 50% credit and the additional land to be located in such a manner as to accomodate expansion of the free skating area in the event that the grant proposal for the expansion of Rahn Park is not funded.. No final ; action was taken. TILSEN HOMES. City Planner Runkle next presented the pro- posed Tilsen plat. Park Committee members recommended that park dedication be satisfied by the NSP easement area at 50% credit I with the additional requirement to be made up in cash subject to staff confirmation that the High Line Trail can be extended 6 within the easement area and that an alternate link to the Blackhawk Road crossing of 35E can be provided within State right-of-way in the event the tunnel underpass is not con- structed. No final action was taken. RAHN THOMAS TRAIL. Park Director Schmidt reported on progress on construction of the Rahn Thomas Trail which has been final graded with asphalt expected to be applied the week of July 18th. Committee Member Jean Loken reported a problem with mini bikes making trails in the Thomas Lake Park Native Prairie area. FISH LAKE OUTLET. In response to questions from Park Committee members, City Engineer Colbert discussed the feasi- bility report for the proposed overflow outlet for Fish Lake. The State Department of Natural Resources has set the Normal Ordinary High Water Level at 843.6 with the overflow outlet to be set at 842.1. Chairperson Lundsten requested that the City Engineer contact the DNR to be sure that this agency is aware that this elevation will eliminate public access to Fish Lake by flooding large portions of lakeshore previously dedicated for public use. -It was further requested that City Engineer Colbert prepare an exhibit for the Council showing the impact of this elevation on the dedicated park land. Park Director Schmidt was asked to prepare a memo to the City Council regarding the Park Committee's concern on this matter for inclusion in the Council packet prior to the August 7th public hearing. I 7 RECREATION REPORT. Park Committee members reviewed the jSummer and Fall program reports and suggested that the Summer Theatre Experience be scheduled again next year in a more densely populated area, and that Baby Sittin n nd First Aid classes be scheduled if they are not offered by other City departments or nearby school districts. The success of Burns- ville walking tours for retired persons was also discussed. Committee Member Mike Thomas commented on the excellent work done by the Park Department crew in preparing for and assisting the 4th of July Association in preparation for this year's celebration. RESIGNATION OF ARNOLD LUCKE. City Administrator Hedges informed the Committee of the resignation of Committee Member Arnold Lucke who is moving to Burnsville. The City Council will be notified of the need for a replacement. ICE ARENA PROPOSAL. City Administrator Hedges has been contacted by an Eagan resident, Pat Leahy, regarding a petition signed by several hundred Eagan residents supporting the need for a covered ice arena. Building Contractor, Mike Gresser, has approached Councilmen individually regarding a proposal to build the structure on City property and lease it to the City. 4 It is expected that the support group will approach the City for funding. Mr. Gresser has asked to be on the Council Agenda for the July 17, 1979 meeting. The proposal is for a $1,500,000 arena which would require debt retirement each year in the amount of approximately $175,000. It is anticipated that this matter will be referred to the Park Committee by the City Council. Concern was expressed as to where funds could be obtained for such a pro- posal and as to whether this proposal represented'a high priority r s need for all City residents for a possible bond referendum. r. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. w s w