09/13/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK CO"4MITTEE EAGAN MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 13, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on September 13, 1979 at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Lundsten, Coates, Loken, Martin, Thomas, Thurston, Carroll, O'Neill and Dandyrand. Also present were City Planner Runkle, Consulting Engineer Bob Rosene and Park Director Schmidt. Radl was absent. MINUTES Coates moved and Martin seconded a unanimous motion to approve the minutes of the August 2, 1979 A.P.C. meeting, with the following correction: Pg. 3, first sentence change...for parks ...to...for active park use. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Neil Coates moved and Roger Martin seconded a unanimous motion to adopt the agenda as amended with the addition of approval of tennis court specifications and an update on the arena proposal under Administrative Business. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT In the absence of City Administrator Hedges, Park Director Schmidt reviewed recent City Council actions regarding matters relating to parks. LONE OAK HEIGHTS City Staff reviewed a recommended 10 foot trail easement between the 2 lots in the Lone Oak Heights plat, which the City may wish to develop in the future to provide access for residents east of Pilot Knob Rd. to the school park area. In addition, staff recommended paving of a trail from each lot connecting to the easement area and continuing to the west property line. The developer has agreed to the recommendations. Martin moved, Coates seconded a unanimous motion to recommend to the City Council that the developer be required to provide a 10 foot trail easement between Lots 1 & 2 and pave 8 foot wide pathways from within each lot at the time of road construction, such pathways to connect to the easement and to extend along the easement to provide a connection to the trail in Pilot Knob Park leading to Pilot Knob School and further that approval of the final plat be contingent upon the owner, Mr. Shields, signing the corrected legal description for the corrected survey of the part: land purchased by the City which affects the west boundary of this plat. PARK COM7,1ITTEE MINUTES " SEPT. 13, 1979 PAGE TWO METRX,1 City Planner Runkle discussed park needs in the neighborhood of the proposed Metram plat. Neighborhood park needs for this development may be expected to be satisfied by Woodhaven Park or a site within this imn`diate neighborhood may be located in the near future. Thomas moved and Martin seconded a unanimous motion to recommend to the City Council that park dedication be satisfied by cash contribution subject to staff completing the field study and finding no need for land dedication from within this plat but that in the event that it is determined that land dedication should be considered from this developer that the plat be returned to the Park Committee for further consideration. TILSON HO.14ES The plat for Tilson Homes was presented by the developer. Dedication of the NSP area and a trail connection had previously been suggested by the Park Committee. Consulting Engineer Bob Rosene informed the committee that 'I-InDOT now believes that a 400 box culvert under 35E is probably not feasible and is considering other alternatives including an overpass or provision for inclusion of a trail within the east right of way leading south to and crossing at Blackhawk Rd. and returning north to the NSP easement area. Thurston moved and Danderand seconded a unanimous motion to recom- mend to the City Council that park dedication for Eden Addition be satisfied by fee title dedication of the NSP easement area to be graded to City specifications to accommodate construction of Phase II of the High Line Trail and further that the developer dedicate land for and construct a trail connection to the High Line Trail between Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 3, with the remainder of the dedication to be made up by cash contribution and further that the developer provide a blanket easement over outlot A to allow for extension of the Hiah Line Trail in the event that no underpass or overpass is planned to be constructed by MnDOT and a trail will not be accommodated within the 35E right of way, such easement to be canceled in the event it is not needed for this purpose. iā€¢iartin moved and Coates seconded a unanimous motion directing City Staff to write to MnDOT to set up a possible meeting to discuss the desires and concerns of the Park Committee relative to 35E and the City Trail System in this location. The Committee further discussed the concerns expressed by the Planning Commission regarding walking traffic on residential streets in R4 areas. It was noted that sidewalks are installed on collector streets and that there is no method or policy for providing sidewalks on the basis of the nature of the development. It was felt that a residential loop street will be suitable for use by bikers and walkers. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPT. 13, 1979 PAGE THREE ZACHMAN HOMES - CEDARCREST Steve Ryan and Jerry Scott were present to review the proposed residential development of 32. 6 acres with additional land within, the total area set aside for possible purchase by the City for parks and also an area designated for commercial use. Lundsten moved and Martin seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council that Park Dedication for Cedarcrest Addition be satisfied by fee title dedication of the NSP easement area on the northern boundary of the total parcel with credit given at 50% according to City policy and the remainder of the dedication to be made up by cash contribution as calculated by staff on a percentage basis, and further that the developer be required to install an 8 foot asphalt pathway on a 10 foot trailway between lots leading east to Rahn Park and that a similar trail be installed leading north in the event that the City is successful in acquiring that land for park. Mr. Scott of St. Paul Properties requested that he be kept informed of the City's progress with the grant application. SOUTH DELAWARE HILLS Park dedication for the South Delaware Hills plat was referred back to the Park Committee for reconsideration at the 9-4-79 City Council meeting in response to concerns raised by residents over the lack of flat land for park proposed to be dedicated within the plat and regarding the distance from their homes of the proposed park in Inver Grove Heights. City Consulting Engineer, Bob Rosene, explained that the Department of Natural Resources has now conducted field work regarding water levels for the two ponds affected by this plat and that tentatively the DNR would reocmmend 808.5 as the Normal Ordinary High Water level for the North Pond and 809.5 as the NOIT-1 for the South Pond. This would allow for installation of control elevations for the North Pond at 806.5 and at 808 for the South Pond. These determinations are subject to final establishment at a public hearing to be held by the City probably in conjunction with the hearing for the lift station from the North Pond. The developer presented a proposal to add Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 11, to the park dedication and to grade the adjacent area to City specifications to accommodate the installation of a ball diamond. It was noted that other areas within the existing and proposed park land could accommodate the installation of an all purpose court. PARK COMMITTEE MI?'NTES SEPT. 13, 1979 PAGE FOUR Residents requested considerations for more flat land, perhaps as a trade for the 5 acre park proposed in Inver Grove Heights. Residents also requested assurance that courts would be built to serve this neighborhood. The Park Committee noted that the park dedi- cation was well in excess of the normal requirements and that funds were not now available to build courts for the park but that these improvements would be made a part of the Park Acquisition and Develop- ment CIP and considered for inclusion in the next park bond proposal. Park Director Schmidt explained that the 1971 Park Bond Proposal emphasized acquisition of park land and included some development but was not intended to fully develop all parks and that additional development was expected to continue in the future as neighborhoods developed and park needs increased. Chairperson Lundsten requested City Planner Dale Runkle to discuss possible park use of other flatland elsewhere in the plat. Runkle noted that the B lots in question appeared to be the only feasible location for active park within the plat. Ile further noted that the 5 acre lot in Inver Grove Heights had more potential for installation of active park facilities than any area within the Eagan portion of the plat. Coates stated that law enforcement of the park in Inver Grove Heights could be handled by either municipality without difficulty. Martin moved and Loken seconded a motion, which was unanimous, to recommend to the City Council acceptance of park dedication for South Delaware Hills as previously recommended with the addition of Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 11, and the developer grading the adjacent area to City specifications to accommodate installation of a ball diamond and further with outlot D eliminated from the dedication. In addition, the committee recommended that necessary actions to order the instal- lation of the lift station be taken as soon as possible so that the water levels as agreed to by the Department of Natural Resources would be made official and would not be subject to change in the future. RAHN TENNIS COURT PLANS Consulting Engineer, Bob Rosene, presented the preliminary plans and specifications for additional tennis courts at Rahn Park as previously approved for preparation funding by the City Council. Coates moved and Thurston seconded a motion to approve the plans and specifications for the second courts at Rahn Park and lights for 4 courts with staff to work out the details of the lighting system. All members voted in favor except Martin and Danderand who voted no. PART' COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPT. 13, 1979 PATE FIVE ARENA PROPOSAL It was mentioned that the Arena Proposal previously discussed with the City Council has been temporarily withdrawn until the results of a similar proposal by the Rosemount Hockey Association are known. TRAIL MEETI^IG The next meeting of the Trail Subcommittee was scheduled for Tuesday, 9-25-79, at 7:15 p.m. at the Park Office. REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Discussion was held regarding the Sept. 18, 1979, hearing on proposed uses for revenue sharing funds. Committee members requested that the City Council consider providing funds for matching grants from this source as well as consideration of other special projects which would satisfy park needs. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.