11/01/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 1, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on November 1, 1979, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Members Thurston, Radl, Carroll and Dandurand. Also present were Park Director Schmidt, Public Works Director Colbert and City Administrator Hedges. Martin, O'Neill, Thomas and Loken were absent. MINUTES. Radl moved and Carroll seconded, with all members voting in favor, that the minutes of the October 11, 1979-Park Advisory Committee meeting be approved with no corrections. ADOPTION OF AGENDA. Thurston moved and Carroll seconded, with all members voting in favor, to adopt the agenda for the November 1, 1979 meeting with the additions, as recommended by Park Director Schmidt, to discuss the 1980 proposed Parks and Recreation budget and establish a date to review that aspect of the Comprehensive Land.Use Plan that relates to Park Development. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. The City Administrator reported that Mr. Neil Coates was recently appointed to the Advisory Planning Commission and, therefore, has resigned as a member of the Advisory Park Committee. He further reported on recent action of the City Council authorizing the City to proceed with the State Outdoor Recreation Project for Rahn-Thomas Trail Phase Two, approval of a low bid for a new dump truck with stake box body, reported on the resignations of Mr. Olson and Mr. Rome as park maintenance employees, and, further, that Mr. Tom Schuster was hired to replace Mr. Rome as a maintenance employee. There was no action taken on the Administrator's report. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1979 Page Two PRELIMINARY PLAT UPDATE. Park Director Schmidt reported that a preliminary plat for Wedgewood First Addition was approved subject to the Park Committee making a recommendation on park dedication. She further reported that the preliminary plats for Lone Oak Heights, Eagan Metro Center and Meade Addition were approved with park dedication as recommended by the Park Advisory Committee. Park Director Schmidt then indicated that the preliminary plat for Marotzke First Addition was continued until the November 7, 1979 City Council meeting. There was no action taken on this matter.' ELECT A VICE CHAIRPERSON. Chairperson Lundsten stated that Mr. Coates, who resigned from the Park Committee to accept an appointment to the Advisory Planning Commission, was the vice chairperson of the Advisory Park Committee. She further stated that, due to his resignation, a member of the Advisory Park Committee should be appointed to fulfill that capacity. In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, Mr. Roger Martin, Park Advisory Committee member, was nominated as the vice chairperson. In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Dandurand, all members voting in favor, nominations for vice chairperson were closed. Carroll then moved an unanimous ballot to appoint Mr. Roger Martin as vice chairperson of the Advisory Park Committee. DREXEL HEIGHTS PARK ACCESS REQUEST. Public Works Director K Colbert reported that the City is required to perform sewer correction work through a portion of the Drexel Heights plat and therefore requires access through Mr. Henry Braun's property. He indicated PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1979 Page Three that the City is negotiating an easement from Mr. Braun to perform the necessary sewer correction work and, as a part of the negotiations, Mr. Braun has asked for the right to construct at some future date three driveway accesses from Drexel Court across Outlot A to serve the east line of his property. Another option, as explained by Public Works Director Colbert, is for the City to sell Outlot A to Mr. Braun. Park Director Schmidt reported that since the trail around the south side of Fish Lake is under water and will not be used as a part of the present or future park system, Outlot A is no longer a viable part of the park system. She then recommended that Outlot A be sold with the proceeds designated to the park site aqusition fund. In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, with all members voting in favor, a recommendation was made to the City Council that, in view of the aforementioned circumstances, Outlot A be sold and the funds from the sale of Outlot A be deposited to the park site fund because it is no longer a viable part of the part system due to the elimination of the Fish Lake Trail. PARK CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS. Park Director Schmidt reported on the construction progress of Northview Park and the High Line Trail projects. Public Works Director Colbert reported on a walkway connecting a pedestrian cross walk from the intersection of Pine Ridge Drive and Lone Oak Road east to Pilot Knob Elementary School, and further that School District #197 has agreed to jointly construct and to perform winter snow removal from the walkway. An agreement with the City and the School District will be drawn up in the near future. No action was required and/or taken on this item. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1979 Page Four r WEDGEWOOD ADDITION. Mr. Rod Hardy, representing Dunn & Curry, Real Estate Management, Inc., appeared and reviewed the preliminary plat entitled "Wedgewood Addition" that was previously approved by the City Council subject to Park Committee action regarding park dedication. Park Director Schmidt presented the following staff recommendations for park land dedication for this portion of the Lexington South PUD: 1. Retain Outlots A and F as park dedication, 2. Eliminate Outlot B as park dedication and draw lot lines into the pond, 3. Retain Outlot C as park dedication, 4. Reduce Outlot.E to a small triangle in the southeast corner of the Outlot, and 5. As a substitution for the reduced park land dedication, the developer is to provide cash in an amount equivalent to the cost of constructing a trail on the east side of the pond in Outlot E, east of the area presently being platted. Park Director Schmidt further recommended $10,000 as the amount of the cash payment. She also stated that Outlot D is to remain as multiple residential and further noted that the developer expects the previously committed park land not required for dedication to be subtracted from the overall dedication requirement for the Lexington South PUD. Mr. Hardy stated that Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., is agreeable to a cash donation for the trail; however, the amount as recommended by the City is not acceptable. He recom- mended that a letter of credit for three (3) years be agreed upon r • PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1979 Page Five between the City and developer for construction of the trail at a dollar amount to be negotiated which is acceptable to both parties and further stated that the letter of credit would be canceled in the event the City did not build the trail within the three year time period. The Park Committee expressed concern as to whether the Outlot might not be platted within that period of time, thus pre- venting the City from constructing a trail. Chairperson Lundsten suggested that a time stipulation for a letter of credit be allowed for three (3) years starting at a point in time after the property is platted. The City staff was then directed by the Advisory Park Committee to retain Outlots A and F, eliminate Outlot B and draw lot lines into the pond, retain Outlot C as open space, continue D as multiple residential and reduce Outlot E to a a acre triangle and ask the developer to provide a letter of credit or cash escrow for construction of a trail and/or in lieu of park land dedication, and upon receiving an acceptable agreement from the developer for the entire park land dedication, the item is to be scheduled for further consideration at the December Advisory Park Committee meeting. Y HILLTOP ESTATES PARK TRAIL. Mr. Rod Hardy, representing Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., appeared and asked for an extention of time to construct the trail along the road and adjacent to the pond in the Hilltop Estates plat. He stated that construction of the trail was agreed to by his firm; however, due to the poor construction season, a slow down in development within the plat and further with the uncertainty of the lake level, he is unable to complete construction of the trail this season. After discussion PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 1979 Page Six by the Advisory Park Committee, and in a motion by Lundsten, seconded by Carroll, all members voting in favor, the Committee recommended extending the date for completion of the trail in Hilltop Estates until November 1, 1980, and further requested that appropriate signs be installed designating the location of the trail so there is clear understanding by new residents that a trail will be located as agreed upon by the City and developer. The staff was directed to revise the letter of credit per the action taken on this matter. EAGAN TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT. The recommendation from the Trail Subcommittee to name the High Line Trail "Eagan East-West Multi Purpose Trail" was continued until the December meeting. A tentative use plan for the entire right of way for this trail was then discussed in detail. No action was taken; however, it was agreed by members of the Advisory Park Committee that various groups such as the horse group and snowmobile group would be invited to appear at the next meeting to provide input on the proposed uses of the High Line Trail. The next Trail Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for November 8, 1979 and representatives of the Eagan Valley Rangers Snowmobile Club will be in attendance. RECREATION REPORT. Committee members reviewed the Halloween Party results and extended appreciation for a job well done by Dorothy Peterson, the Park & Recreation Programmer. The warming house hours for the 1979-1980 skating season were approved as recommended by the Recreation Programmer. It was also recommended that the lighting for the Rahn tennis courts should be free to the user and available 24 hours a day. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 p.g DATED: NOVEMBER 1, 1919 TLH