12/06/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) '\~LNCCVC d SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 6, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee. was held on December 6, 1979, at the Eagan City Hall. Those prsent were Chairperson Lundsten, Members Thurston, Loken, Thomas,,Dandu- rand, Carroll and Martin. Also present were Park Director Schmidt, City Planner Runkle. and City Administrator Hedges. Radl and O'Neill were absent. MINUTES. Carroll moved and Martin seconded, with all members voting~avor, that the minutes of the November 1, 1979, Advisory Park Committee meeting be approved with no corrections. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Thurston moved and Carroll seconded, with a members voting in favor, to adopt the agenda for the Decem- ber 6, 1979 meeting with the additions, as recommended by Park Director Schmidt to discuss acquisition of additional land to expand Rahn Park and plans for Deep Well No. 6 on park property adjacent to the Univac facility on Coachman Road. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. The City Administrator reported on action that was to en y the City Council at the November 7, 1979, November 20, 1979 and December 4, 1979 City Council meetings on matters that were recommended for consideration by the Advisory Park Committee and Park Director. He further read a letter of resignation as submitted by Ginger O'Neill as a member of the Advisory Park Committee to be effective at this meeting. PRELIMINARY PLAT UPDATE. Park Director Schmidt stated that a year en report outlining the status of all park dedication for final plats recorded in 1979 will be prepared in the Annual Report. Memebers of the Park Committee recommended that a map be used to identify park land that 'was added due to acquisition or dedication in,1979 throughout the City. WEDGEWOOD ADDITION. Park Director Schmidt stated that the park dedication suggested by the Park Committee at the last regular meeting for Wedgewood Addition was reviewed and agreed upon by the developer, Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc. A copy of the letter from Park Director Schmidt outlining the park dedi- cation requirements with an acceptance by Mr. Rod Hardy, repre- senting Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc;., was reviewed for members of the Advisory Park Committee. In a motion by Thur- ston,, seconded by Dandurand, all members voting in favor, the park dedication requirements for Wed.gewood Addition as outlined in the letter from Park Director Schmidt and as accepted by Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., were approved and recommended to the City Council for consideration. WINTER RECREATION PROGRAM. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported on the inter Recreation Programs, rink location for open skating and hockey and schedules for the skating hours. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES .DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE TWO She further stated that information regarding the Winter Recreation Program will be included in the City Newsletter, to be mailed out in mid-December. HIGH LINE TRAIL. Park Director Schmidt reported that the Trail Subcommittee met and is recommending the following proposed uses by segments for the High Line Trail: Segment A - Lexington to Pilot Knob Road Recommended: Pedestrian, bicycle, jogging, skate boarding on asphalt pathway. Not Recommended: Horses, cross country skiing, motorized vehicles including mopeds and snowmobiles (snowmobiles can use Wilderness Run Road). Segment B - Pilot Knob to Thomas Lake Road Recommended: Bicycle (with warning signs for steep terrain), pedestrian, jogging on asphalt pathway. Snowmobile, horse and.cross country akiing if separate trails established. Not Recommended: Motorized vehicles except snowmobiles, skateboarding (due to multiple use and steep terrain) Segment C - Thomas Lake Road to Johnny Cake Road Recommended: Pedestrian, bicycle (with warning signs for steep terrain), jogging on asphalt pathway. Snowmobile, horse and cross country skiing if separate . trails established. Not Recommended: Motorized vehicles except snowmobiles, skateboarding (due to multiple use and steep terrain). Segment D - Johnny Cake Road to Woodgate Lane Recommended: Pedestrian, bicycle (with warning signs for steep terrain), jogging on asphalt pathway. Snowmobile, horse and cross country skiing if separate trails established. Not Recommended: Motorized vehicles except snowmobiles, skateboarding (due to multiple use and steep" terrain). Segment E - Blackhawk Road to Rahn Road Recommended:. Bicycle, pedestrian, jogging on asphalt pathway. Snowmobile, horse and cross<country skiing if separate trails established. Not Recommended: Motorized vehicles. r y` PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE THREE Segment F - Rahn Road to Nichols Road Recommended: Bicycle, pedestrian, jogging, skateboarding on asphalt pathway. Horse and cross country skiing if separate trails established. Not Recommended: Motorized vehicles including snowmobiles on account of the recreation area (sliding hill on school property). Possible alternate route could be provided through Rahn Park and on Rahn Road. Park Committee Member Thomas asked if the Minnesota Department of Transportation is planning trail crossings at Cedar Avenue and Trunk Highway 13 for purposes of connecting trails in the flood plain and State Park area abutting the Minnesota River. Park Di- rector Schmidt agreed to research the matter further with the proper State agencies. There was also. discussion regarding a name for the High Line Trail. It was decided that additional time would be given to this matter, realizing that a grand opening for the trail would not be held until the Spring of 1980. In a motion by Thomas, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, the proposed use by segment of. the entire High Line Trail as stated above was approved and is being recommended to the City Council for consideration. SALE OF OUTLOT A. Park Director Schmidt reported that action was recently to en y the City Council to sell parkland that has been determined to be excess parkland property and is described as Outlot A in the Drexel Heights Addition. She further reported that the property is 2/3 of an acre and was sold for $3,300. The proceeds from the sale of parkland will be earmarked to the Park. Site Fund and can be used for park acquisition or development in the future. PARK CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT. Park Director Schmidt state t at the construction contract or development of Northview Athletic Field, the Well Site Park, Burr Oak Park and South Oaks Park has been completed. PATRICK EAGAN PARK EXPANSION. Park Director Schmidt is recom- mending that the grant agreement for acquisition of 15 acres from Pat McCarthy for increasing the size of Patrick Eagan Park be re- duced to ten acres as the City has experienced some difficulty in obtaining the entire 15 acres. There was no objection expressed by the Advisory Park Committee and the Park Director was directed to proceed with the grant agreement to acquire ten instead of fif- teen acres of property to expand Patrick Eagan Park. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE FOUR PARK SIGNS: Park Director Schmidt presented concept drawings for par entrance signs. Committee members reviewed the drawings and were receptive to the proposed signs as presented. The recom- mendation was made that Park Director Schmidt explore the possi- bility of using reclaimed wood from Dutch Elm or Oak Wilt diseased trees to make the signs. RAHN PARK EXPANSION GRANT. Park Director Schmidt addressed the present an urture criteria for LAWCON and LCMR grants, stating that the first five (5) projects that were approved for state funding were lake access projects. She stated that the Rahn Park expansion was not approved and further that there is no guarantee that the Rahn Park Expansion Grant would be approved in 1980 even though the City was encouraged to reapply to the State Planning Agency. Park Director Schmidt reported that Zachman Homes, Inc., is asking to plat the second phase of their project, but before. they can complete platting, they feel it is necessary to know whether the 20 acres of land north of their proposed development owned by St. Paul Properties will be acquired for the expansion of Rahn Park by the City or developed into the third phase of their subdivision expansion. Park Committee members discussed the need: for the City preserving the 20 acres of property adjacent to Rahn Park owned by St. Paul Properties for additional expansion of Rahn Park. City Administrator Hedges stated that funding the park land acquisition would be a problem for the City unless grant funds were acquired. He stated that the acquisition would cost the City approximately $200,000 which is not an acceptable levy unless the acquisition is approved by a vote of the people. He stated that there are no other sources of funds to acquire the park land availa- ble to his knowledge in 1980. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Carroll, all members voting in favor, action was taken to recommend an extension of time by the City from Zachman Homes, Inc., to determine whether a method of funding is available to acquire the 20 acres of park land presently owned by St. Paul Properties, under option by Zach- man Homes, Inc., and adjacent to Rahn Park for the following rea- sons: The park land would 1) Expand the present park land allowing safe and contiguous use for the school and the City, 2) The twenty acres is the most suitable site for park land expansion in the. area, 3) Increased housing and population density will create the need for additional park land, 4) The park land is required to provide additional open space for programs designated by the Cedar Athletic. Association, 5) Contiguous park land is more desirable for a maintenance program, and 6) Acquisition of the 20 acres com- plies with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for park and recreation open space. w j PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1979 PAGE FIVE DEEP WELL NO. 6. Park Director Schmidt stated that a deep well is panne or construction in 1980 on property that is pre- sently designated as park land, located adjacent to the Univac property on Coachman Road north of Yankee Doodle Road. Park Com- mittee members expressed dissatisfaction that they did not have the opportunity to review long range land use plans for that pro- perty before action was taken to approve construction of a deep well on that site. In a motion by Thomas, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, it was recommended to the City Council that future plans and progress of Deep Well No. 6 be delayed until the Advisory Park Committee has an opportunity to review the site plans for Deep Well No. 6 and to assess the impact of the facility on the future use of the park site. STEVE MORRIS - COMMUNITY CENTER FACILITY. Mr. Steve Morris appease as an interests resident o tie community to discuss, the need and a proposal for a multi-purpose community center faci- lity. He spoke to proposed uses including a studio figure skating rink , a hockey rink, an olympic sized pool, six racquet ball courts and four tennis courts. He stated that there is a need in the community for this type of facility. Mr. Morris indicated that he has reviewed some preliminary design features for a community center facility.. He stated -that the building he had looked into is a steel structure, 330 feet by 260 feet in size, and would cost an estimated $1,700,000 to construct. Mr. Dave Wallace, representing the Cedar Athletic Asso- ciation, appeared and stated that he is supportive of the presenta- tion and stated that a number of residents in the community have expressed interest in an outdoor pool which should also be consi- dered in the study. Committee members stated that satelite swimming pools have been considered as a part of long range park development in the community. Mr. Wallace asked that an outdoor pool be consi- dered for the Rahn Park area if outdoor swimming pools are consi- dered by 'the City Council in the future. Mr. Morris indicated that one method of financing a part or all of the community center faci- lity would be through a fund raising program with private business.. The City Administrator stated that the only funds available by the City for constructing a part of or all of the facility would be through a referendum or vote by the people. After a lengthy discussion, including various important questions by the Advisory Park Committee, it was suggested by the City Administrator that representatives of various organizations in support of a community center facility meet with the City Council and Advisory Park Com- mittee to discuss the various alternatives available for considering the development and construction of a community center facility. There was no action taken on the matter. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30p.m. DATED: December 6, 1979 TLH Secretary