07/10/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) C r SUB.iECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE I Eagan, Minnesota JULY 10,1980 A regular meeting of the Eagan. Advisory Park Committee was held on July 10, 1980, at the Eagan, City Hall. Those present were Committee Members: Carroll, Loken, Radl, McNeely, Martin, Johnson, and Tilley. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Vraa, City Administrator Hedges, and City Planner Runkle. The Committee Members Pettit and Thomas were absent. MINUTES There being no corrections to the minutes, -McNeely moved and Loken seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the minutes of the June 5, 1980, Park Advisory Committee Meeting. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairman Martin asked that a discussion regarding the patroling of parks be added to old business. Committee Tilley stated that she has recieved a request from residents in the South Oaks Addition to construct a kick board for soccer use at South Oaks Park and requesting time under new business to discuss the proposal by the residents. THOMAS - HIGHLINE TRAIL Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that the City Council at their July 1, 1980 meeting continued consideration to approve plans and specifications for Improvement 80-23, the Highline Trail between Nicols Rd. and Blackhawk Rd., until the appropriate revision was incorporated showing the alignment of a proposed future snow mobile trail. It was further explained that the City Council still supports the original direction provided in January, 1980, to allow right-of-way within the 200 foot easement for a snowmobile/ horse trail which could be constructed at some future date. Consulting Engineer Bob Rosene stated that there are no changes required to the plans west of Rahn Road; however it is necessary to change the plans and specifications for the proposed bike trail between Rahn Road and Blackhawk Road to allow for future construction of a snowmobile /horse trail. He then explained with the new plans, there will be Park Minutes July 10, 1980 Page Two adequate space within the 200 foot highline easement to construct a snowmobile/horse trail in the future on the south side of the bicycle trail. Committee members expressed concern about relocating the trail across one of the small ponds for fear of flooding in the spring months. There was consideration for a bridge and was finally determined that the trail should be constructed higher than the high water level recorded for those ponds to date. There was also concern about enforcement of horses using the designated trail in the Highline easement right-of-way. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that he has been working with Mr. Maynard Olm of the Snowmobile Association to coordi- nate the plans of the Advisory Park Committee and City Council regarding the proposed joint use of a Bicycle Trail/ Cross Country Sking and Snowmobile/Horse trail within the Highline Trail easement right of way. Mr. Olm is responsive to using Shale Ln. from Nicols Road to Rahn Road and then directly tying in with the Highline Trail at the Shale Ln. Rahn Road intersection as apposed to traveling through the park and then north on Rahn Road to tie in with the Highline Trail. After further consideration, and in a motion by Committee Member Carroll, seconded by Committee Member Tilley, with all members voting in favor, the plans and specifications as revised where approved, conditional upon establishing the level of the pond higher than the recorded high water level of the adjoining ponds and also that a colvert be constructed under the trail to equalize the water level of the two adjoining ponds. TWIN VIEW MANOR 2ND ADDITION City Planner Runkle reviewed the preliminary plat for Twin that no ark dedication View Manor 2nd Addition stating is required for this proposed plat, because this plat is a repTat less lots that were originally platted. He further stated that the park dedication policy of the City does not require dedication or cash donation for develoP- ark land park ments that are replatted unless there are a greater number of lots created by the replat. There is no action required on this matter. JOYCE ADDITION City Planner Runkle reviewed the proposed preliminary plat for Joyce Addition stating that said preliminary plat consists of approximately 8.3 acres and contains two Commercial lots, 8 duplex lots, 4 buildings and 7 Single Family lots. Because of the size of the proposed plat and the proposed park deveto ment plans. as called for in the Comprehensive Guide Plan it is the recommendation of the City staff that a cash donation be offered to satisfy park land dedication A motion by Committee requirements for Joyce Addition. Radl, seconded by Committee Member Loken with all members votin in favor cash in lieu of park land dedication for all lots platted in the Joyce Addition was approved as Park Minutes July 10, 1980 Page Three recommended by the staff to the City Council for further consideration. RAHN PARK-ACQUISITION '!.L.A.W.C.O.N. FUNDING" Park and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed the status of a LAWCON grant application submitted to the State Planning Agency and Metropolitan Council in the amount of $200,000 for the purchase of 20 acres of land from the St. Paul Land Resources Inc. for expansion of Rahn Park. He stated that the City was originally ranked 4th and it was anticipated that the full amount of the grant award would be made however Metro Parks and Open Space Commission has recently dropped the Cities application to 5th and this could lower the amount of grant funds to be received by the City. Park and Recreation Vraa stated that he would keep the Advisory Park Committee informed as to any changes in the status of the Locon Grant application for the expansion of Rahn Park. NAMING OF PARKS Committee Member Johnson reported on the findings of the subcommittee that investigated the criteria for naming of parks. He stated that the Advisory Park Committee subcom- mittee appointed for the purpose of establishing criteria for the naming of parks within the City has met and is recommending the attached as prepared by the Park and Recrea- tion Director as guidelines to be considered when officially naming parks within the City. After a brief discussion on the matter a motion was offered by Committee Member Johnson seconded by Committee Member McNeely, with all members voting in favor that the guidelines for naming parks within the City as recommended by the subcommittee and Park and Recreation Director be adopted and recommended to the City Council. PARK SIGNS Committee Member Tilley reported on the subcommittees findings regarding criteria for making park identification signs. She stated that members on the subcommittee along with input from the Director of Park and Recreation established the following list: 1) the sign must be easy to read and aesthetically pleasing 2) well built, sturdy and long lasting 3) inexpensive to maintain Park Minutes July 10, 1980 Page Four 4) some degree of originaltiy in the sign 5) sign should blend into the Park, becoming an element of the total park design 6) the sign should be natural and avoid "mix of materi- als" in the construction 7) the introduction of the City's logo on the sign as a means of identification with the City of Eagan and as a park in Eagan Park system Committee Member Tilley further stated that the subcommittee - concluded- its effort ---with----a--discussion o€-t-he--A-gni€-icance- of a park sign and the importance of developing' a sign that will reflect the rule of parks in the community. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa spoke about the type of wood that is best for constructing park signs stating weathering and the least amount of maintenance should be considered in selection of materials. Shrubs, trees and other plantings were also discussed by Committee members to be used as background around the signs. There was no formal action taken on this matter however the Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to contact a landscape architect to prepare some drawings for park signs at a cost not to exceed the budget. TREE REMOVAL Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the Park Department has received a number of requests from residents asking for permission to remove dead trees from City Park land to be used as fire wood. He stated that a policy and procedure needs to be developed to handle these requests if it is determined that the public should be allowed this privilage. A procedural outline as prepared by the Director of Parks and Recreation was then reviewed and established as a policy of the removal of dead trees by residents for fire wood or other proper use within City Park land. The procedural use is as follows: 1) request for a specific tree (s) is reported or is no= ticed by staff 2) .City Forester to make inspection and determination for cause as well as to ensure that the tree is on park property 3) Forester and Director of Parks and Recreation to make determination if tree should be removed v Park Minutes July 10, 1980 Page Five 4) tree marked for removal, notification that tree will be made available for firewood 5) permits issued, at office, for disignated tree (s). A five dollar permit is required. 6) City crews to drop tree (s) 7) resident is allowed 7 days to cut up and remove tree 8) City staff inspection to insure clean up and removal has been completed. Chairperson Martin stated that the policy as prepared by the Parks and Recreation was well prepared and asked for consideration from the Advisory Park Committee on the proposal. City Member Carroll stated that he was supportive of the policy however emphasized that some dead trees remain in Park land to serve the various wildlife purposes. After further consideration on the matter and in a motion by Committee Member Carroll seconded by Committee Member Radl with all members voting in favor the tree removal policy as presented by Director of Parks and Recreation was approved and recommended to the City Council. PATROLLING OF PARKS Chairman Martin suggested that additional patrolling be provided by Police Department for the trails and other park land that is not accessible for patrolling with police patrol cars. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Police Department is using bicycles for patrolling and it maybe possible to expand this use into the trailways as well as some park areas. He also stated that the Police Department is planning to provide for additional patrolling of park land as suggested by Chairman Martin. C.I.P. Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that the Capital Improvements °rogram was, completed and has been presented to the City Administrator for review before it goes before the City Council for consideration and adoption. Members of the Park Advisory Committee were given summary sheets of the C.I.P. proposal as written and presented by the Director of Parks and Recreation. There was no action taken on.this matter. y • .RPark Minutes July 10, 1980 Page Six SOUTH OAKS PARK Committe Member Tilley stated that she has received a request from property owners in the South Oaks Addition asking that the City construct a soccer kick board in the South Oaks Park Parks and Recreation Director Vraa discussed his concern for a wood backboard stating that the purpose of the park should be examined before further consideration is given as to whether a soccer kick board is the right element for that park. He stated that the cost for a soccer kick board is estimated at $200 and is used as a practice devise. There was discussion regarding potential liability and maintenance of the soccer kick board. There was also discussion as to whether soccer kick board should be installed in the park on a trial basis. Park and Recreation Director was asked to contact John McCarthy, a resident of the South Oaks Addition and also Mr. Gilland of Rosemount High School, the Rosemount High School Soccer Coach to determine the use and cost of a soccer kick board. This matter is to be placed on the August 7, 1980 Advisory Park Committee Agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Dated: July 10, 1980 TLH visory Park Committee ecretary