01/12/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGUTAR MEETING OF THE PARK BOARD EAGAN TOWNSHIP, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA January 12, 1921 Members Present: Charles Hall, Neil Coates, Millie Engborg, Dale Everson, Bill Harris, Dixie Kremer, Barb Schmidt Also Present: Paul Uselmann -'Town Board Supervisor,-A1 Drenckhahn, Ken Erickson - Mendota-Eagan Athletic Association Charles Hall chaired the meeting. The Minutes were approved as mailed with the exception of changing the word contest to control at the bottom of the second page. It was also noted that the rink Mr. Pahos is willing to maintain is not across from his home, but is one of the group of lots we wish to purchase in Country Home Heights. Our first item of business was a review of the first draft on tha 1971 operational budget. It concentrates on the Cedar Pond area for development as we believe it is preferable to complete one park at a time rather than putting in just a few items in each of the 10 sites now owtied, leased, or soon to be dedicated to the Township. It also stresses the need for park maintenance and for storage for park equipment. It includes a separate fund for acquisition for such sites as the Rahn Park extension which would be renewed by cash donations from developer. It makes every effort to responsibly assess all costs relating to parks which are incurred by the Township and therefore includes planning, I legal and engineering services.,appraisals and maintenance and storage. A motion was made by Neil Coates to authorize the finance committee to forward the operational budget as discussed to the Town Board and to budget for 1972 for levy purposes. proceed with the anticipated Paul Uselmann recommended a three year projected budget to enable the Township to anticipate park needs. He informed us that all budgets must be validated by the Township the first week of March. The Finance Committee will meet with the Town Board to present Lhe budget. Al Drenckhahn expressed special interest in our plans for the north end of the Township. He stressed the need for a hockey rink and felt that he would probably be able to provide the volunteer help to build and light a rink if we supply the boards as we did for Rahn School. He mentioned that the children on the north end of Eagan have been using Mendota Heights rinks for years and that it is urgent that we have facilities of our own to meet our responsibilities in this area. Investigation will be made toward leasing a site from Rauenhorst near Country Home Heights. Mr. Drenckhahn also volunteered his personal help in publicizing the park bond election. It was mentioned that the HUD application is still waiting for the new appraisals and that the realtors involved were not aware of any timetable. It was agreed that we contact John Voss to see if he can start the a pplication through the local agencies without waiting for the appraisals. It was determined that we should formally notify the Town Board of our tentative May lath date for a bond issue election. This will be done at the next Board meeting. Millie Engborg reported on the publicity campaign. She is meeting with members of various organizations to set up public appearances and to find out what specific questions people are most interested in. She will prepare a written outline of the projected publicity program which will be submitted to t ed he Town Board. We are discussing a slide a g presentation, flyer and a May Day parade. We welcomed our new member, Dixie Kremer, and asked that she take over the day to day publicity so that Millie can concentrate on the election. 1Pa 2 Barb Schmidt and Neil Coates were assigned to write the annual report with Bob Ferguson to make the presentation. Town Board and Planning Committee meeting assignments were made as follows: February - Dixie Kremer, Neil Coates March - Bill Harris, Bob Ferguson April - Dale Everson, Barb Schmidt May - Charles Hall, Millie Engborg June - Gerber Hatteberg It was reported that insurance coverage has been provided for Lawrence Poppler's lot in Country Home Heights and for Martin Shields property behind Pilot Knob school for skating rinks. A letter will be prepared and presented to the Town Board for their approval to be mailed to the property owners of 7 of the 8 primary acquisi- tion sites ( a letter has already been sent to interested parties at the Rahn School site) informin-- them of the present status of our plans. We will also noti_f, the owners of the non-priority sites included in the second phase of the park plan. A letter will also be written to the Totm Board expressing our concern with highway department plans to narrow Blackhawk lake and bridge only a 10 foot channel. Dale Everson reported that the skating program is going very well with snow removal the only problem. He indicated that Bill Branch has a snow blower on a tractor which can help. Dale also recommended that the warming houses be larger next year. It was mentioned that a broken window in Mr. Blomgren's garage at 3923 Beryl next to Rahn Park was presumably caused by a hockey puck and that Eagan's liability insurance will not cover this loss. It was suggested that Mr. Blomgren's homeowner's insurance would probably take care of this. Page 3 i A light for the hockey rink at Pilot Knob School was discussed. It was agreed that the Park Board would pay the monthly bill if installing the light was cleared with adjacent property owners. Charles Hall reported on the special meeting with Bor Son construction Co. He recalled our decision to move to an alternate sight adjacent to Rahn Park. Arrangements are being made to dedicate an outlot in that area and if we were to purchase outlots D & E, between the two we would have an excellent extension of Rahn Park. The Town Board has notified the attorneys to begin negotiation on the purchase of-these outlots. Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Township Park Board AGENDA SPECIAL MEETIRG OF THE PARK BOARD TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February 8, 1971 1. 7:30 P. M. Guest Spea'_:er - Gunnar Isberg, Dakota County Planner Former Chairman of Inver Grove Heights Park Board • The subject will bePublicity and Bond Election. i AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARK BOARD TOUN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February, 9) 1971 1. 7:30 P. i1. Approval of Minutes 2. Short Range Committee Report. 3. Long Range Committee Report. 4. Finance Committee Report, 5. Other continuing business 6. New Business - Pir. Arnold Carlson will discuss park dedication for his new development.