02/09/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission s s 11INUTES OF MEETING OF PARR BOARD TMIN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February 9, 1971 Members present: Charles Hall, Neil. Coates, Lillie Engborg, Dale Everson, Bob FerSucon, Gerber Hatteberg, Bill Harris, Dixie Kremer, Barb Schmidt Also present: John Voss, Arnold Carlson, John I:lein, Paul Hauge, Joe Harrison Chuck Hall chaired the meeting. The minutes were approved as mailed. Arnold Carlson discussed park dedication in his new 28-acre develop- went. He also mentioned a 40 foot blacktop road adjacent to his park in . Evergreen Park. The Park Board recommended that he move his ball diamond back to provide for parking space. Mr. Carlson will supply us with a topographical map. Dale will check it over and report back next month. A decision on dedi- cation for Mr. Carlson's new area will be made when more information is available. John Voss reported that he has the two new appraisals for HUD and that they are very well documented but very far apart and that HUD may require a third one. It was decided to use the high figure for the application. John mentioned that if our application gets a high priority we will get a very quick answer but in any case should have a letter from HUD for the Spring bond election. He stated that HUD is not working on a quarter basis at this time. An answer from the Hetro Council is expected by the end of this week so definite plans were made for Chuck Hall, Neil Coates and John Voss to go to Chicago February 19th. New bond proposal figures were discussed and John Voss will contact Jim Olson for a new breakdown. Other supporting material will be gathered to go with the application. At this time we not with the Plannin- Committee and Paul Hauge to discuss Ordinance 10. tle concurred with the Planning Com6ittee's recommenda- tidn and resolved that the word "current" should be inserted before market value and that the special rate for multiples :)e dropped and all residential treated the same. John Klein sat in on our meeting and the annual report was approved as read. Mr. Klein stated that a town official can support an issue such as our plan as a private individual. He mentioned that we are obligated to put I out information to the voters. I Paul Hauge was asked about progress towards purchase of Outlots D and E. He stated that Cedar Grove attorneys will be getting back to them with a price. He also informed us that a township can purchase land on a contract for deed. The Short Range Couxnittee will meet with members of Mend-Eagan Athletic Association relative to leasing property from Rauenhorst for a hockey rink. Our next meeting will be held Monday, March 8th, rather than March 9th due to the annual meeting falling on the same day. Respectfully submitted Barb Schmidt Secretary -2-