03/22/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF PARK BOARD TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUyTY, MINNESOTA March 22, 1971 Lembers Present: Charles Hall, Neil Coates, Billie Engborg, Dale Everson, Bill Harris, Gerber Hatteberg, Dixie Kremer, Barb Schmidt Also Present: John Klein, Paul Uselmann, John Voss and Ralph Wohlers Nir. Hall chaired the meeting. Neil Coates moved that the minutes be approved as mailed. Bill Harris seconded the motion. The first matter for discussion was proposed ordinance 10.05 relating to park dedication as drafted by Luther Stalland. The Park Board recommended that the dollar amount b e set at $50.00 and that the words . . . . and suit ability . . be inserted after amount at the end of the seventh line, and that the words . . . and adjust the optional cash correspondingly be dropped. The Park Boakd also recommended that it be spelled out that land will be dedicated no later than at the time of approval of the final plat and that cash is to be paid when application is made for a building permit. John Voss will inform Luther Stalland so that he may get our recommendation to the Planning Commission for the Niarch 23 meeting. John Voss recommended that we be very specific as to desirable neighborhood sites in areas where sewer and water are being made available. He mentioned sections 29-30-31 as current examples. Suggested criteria for these sites are: enough flat land for a ball diamond, some rolling land with trees and adequate access. The next matter discussed was the Rahn Park Extension. Dale Everson will investigate alternate proposals and will discuss them.with Luther Stalland and the Planning Commission. Bill Farris will analyze our' previous year's expenditures as listed by the cleric's office and will report back at the May meeting. A memo to the Town Board Supervisors regarding deferred dedication for Arnold Carlson's new site and our position on the Rahn Park Extension was approved as read. Bill Harris made the motion and Dixie Kremer seconded it. Chuck Hall reported on the last Town Board meeting at which the. Board approved hiring John Voss to prepare an informational booklet and provide other assistance. The booklet will be mailed by the Town Clerk to the homes of registered voters,in the Township. Bill Harris moved that the Park Board recommend to the Town Board that a public hearing be held on the Park bond proposal and that the date be set for May 11th at 3:00 P. p',. and that we request the Town Board to take formal action on our request at their next meeting. Neil Coates seconded the motion. This would include setting !lay 18th as a definite election day. Bill Harris moved that a two part proposal be placed on the ballot with the first step to cost $650,000.00, and the second step $1,100,000.00. Millie Engborg seconded the motion. Bill Harris also moved that the Town Board Supervisors be contacted by telephone for permission to request a preliminary study from Mr. Olson of Juran and Moody. Barb Schmidt seconded the motion: The results of the study will be submitted to the Town Board,for their approval at their next meetings Bill Harris also moved that John Voss be designated to prepare a sample ballot and submit it to Luther Stalland for his approval. Barb Schmidt seconded the motion. Page 2 John Voss brought us up to date on the HUD application. The appraisers are wonting together to make the necessary adjustments and will contact him if any additional expenditures are necessary to satisfy HUD. They should be ready at this time and John Voss will follow up on this. He suggests that no additional money be spent until after the bond issue passes. HUD will still send a letter of consent with con- tingencies. The letters from both school districts have been received and will be forwarded. HUD is beginning to look at our application now. Dale Everson volunteered to color a large base map and John Voss will photograph it for the booklet,. Barb Schmidt moved that the introductory page of the booklet be written from the Town Board. Dale Everson seconded the motion. John Klein mentioned that he would like an opinion from. Luther"Stalladd if.the letter was promotional rather than formative. John Voss will write the letter as informational only. John Voss also stated that he would like to mention public hearings for future concept plans in the booklet which would commit us to them and this was acceptable to the group. He added that after a successful bond issue we could submit to HUD funds by -.adding one section to our application. Our resent application is for acquisition only. He mentioned that HUD's emphasis will be on development funds for the next fiscal year and that development might even be made available for parks not acquired under HUD programs. Various items for the second step were given priority ratings and John Voss will recommend which should be chosen at our next meeting, a special meeting March 30th at 7:30 P. N. Page 3 Millie Engborg reported on the publicity Committee. Appearances have been set for approximately 15 organizations and are now being set for coffee parties. Park Board members should plan to sign up for definite dates at our next meeting. Other projects ready for approval are as follows. 1. "Fun in Parks" crossword puzzle contest for 5th and 6th graders to be held in Eagans four elementary schools with a first prize winner in each school to receive a small inflatable kite and the grand prize winner to receive a giant sized one. 2. A park poster contest for 3rd and 4th graders with one winner at each school and one grand prize winner - all to receive art supplies (Grand prize winners may appear on the Casey TV show) 3. A park poster for display at Cedarvale and other appropriate sites. 4. "THINK PAP.I{S" buttons and bumper stickers to be handed out by Boy Scouts who could man a continuous slide show at Cedarvale on two Saturdays prior to the election. They would also require a hand out and a fact sheet. 5. A voter registration booth at Cedarvale during the last week of registration manned by the Eagan Mr. or lirs. Jaycees or the Lions Club. Lillie also mentioned that plans are being made for a May Day Parade and that park buttons will also be hidden with each egg in the annual WACO sponsored Easter egg hunt'. The Park Board gave Billie approval of her suggestions and greatly appreciate all the effort which has gone into organizing this committee. Cal Lane, a young 4H member is interested in planting pine trees in parkland this summer for a conservation project and wants to know how many trees we could use, where we would like them and whether they would need to be watered. Dale Everson suggested 100 trees each in Outlot 1?, Cedar Grove 6 and at Cedar Pond, and will talk with the young man. The meeting was adjourned. respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Township Park Board