06/01/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission L11a TNZ:11 P I'A,'tl: u'v"AR , June 1, 1971 Eagan Town H.a1.I Members Present. Charles Fall Dale Everson Gerber Hatteberc 'lillie Engbora Bill Harris Barb Schmidt n~lso Present: John Voss, Park Planner Ralph WoM ers and Jerry 'iaaemeister, Pilot Knob Properties Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Bill Harris moved that the minutes of ,:;,e !larch 8th and the 'larch 30th meetings be approved as mailed. Millie Engborg ,cconded the motion. "r. Hall expressed his thanks to Willie Engborg and the Eagan Park Public- ity Committee and to the Park Board members for all the hard work ~-Alich resulted in the successfull bond issue election. A letter of appreciation will be written to the committee members. Special thanks ;,sere expressed to Ralph !dohlers for his technical assistance. Assignments for future Tain 3oard and Planning Commission meetings to be supplimented if necessary are as follows. June. Charles Hall October: "lillie Engborg July. Larb Schmidt !lovember: Dale Everson August: Charles Hall December: Heil Coates September: Gerber Hatteberg January: Bill Harris The member assigned to each month is asked to attend the previous months Planning Commission meeting for background information. Internal committees of the Park Board vlere reformed as follovls: Short Range: Neil Coates, Gerber Hatteberg Long Range: Charles Hall, Dale Everson, Barb Schmidt Finance: Chuck Hall, Bill Harris Publicity: Mlillie Engborg There is a real need for additional members for both the short and Iona range committees. Bob Ferguson has unofficially resigned and Dixie Kremers will not be able to return for many months. Joe Harrison's place has also not been filled. Ralph Wohlers and Herry Hagemeister discussed their plans for Fish Lake. A ponding easement to the high hater mark plus several feet will be dedicated for the entire lake. The bluff and major tree area will be left open. A trail could :fridge the lake to large strip of trees above. Bill Harris moved that the Park _,oard recommend that $40.00 per unit be accented for the first phase to be placed in escrow for a maximum of Wo years pursuant to determination of final park dedication and contingent on a trail system being established through the property. lillie Engborg seconded the motion. John Voss discussed our next steps regarding the park system. He suggest- ed a subcommittee be formed to establish policy and criteria for naming the parks. He mentioned that HUD wants more information for our application and has made arrangements with the attorneys to obtain the necessary information. A lot was designated around the house on the Alexa Burrow property and the price paid for the property should reflect the life estate if that is chosen. The Park Board also determined that any necessary buffers, trees, etc. would be supplied. i1r. Voss further mentioned that the appraisals still are not complete. He suggested that the Town Board go over them and determine a fair market value for each property and submit these figures to HUD for concurrance. HUD will not pay more than half the concurred figure. Any additional funds required to purchase properties would have to be borne solely by the Township. Hr. Voss also submitted costs for preparing future concept plans and mentioned that these charges are normally applied to the development costs for each park. Bill Harris moved that we authorize John Voss to complete the HUJ application and that we recommend John Voss be hired to develop concept plans as listed in his -2- proposal for $7,000.00 plus additional per hour costs as needed to be funded from the bond sale. Dale Everson seconded the motion. With Town Board approval the plans will be prepared, discussed with the lonq range committee and submitted in rough form at the July 6th meeting. The short range committee was asked to come in with winter plans for the August meeting. Dale Everson will work with them. Dale also mentioned a broom Ghat Bill Branch could purchase for about $220.00 with refitting of cores to cost about $120.00 approval for this purchase will be sought from the Tot-in Board. Dale Everson also moved that a file cabinet be purchased for the secreta::' a,!d the payment for services of a typist be authorized when necessary. Bill Harris seconded the motion. The Finance Committee will institute a monthly report of current expendit- ures with the assistance of the town hall staff. The ponding area off Turquoise in Cedar Grove 6 was discussed. Dale suggested some filling could be done and mentioned the need for the township to mow this area. Another meeting date will be set up with the residents and Bob 7osene. Gerber Hatteberg discussed the snow fence which was installed by residents at ,c Kee Park to protect nearby homes and was authorized to submit the bills for reimbursement. He also stressed the need for mowing. Bill Branch will be contacte(A &bout mowing both areas. The next meeting of the Park Board will be July 6th at 7:30 p.m. rather than the regularly scheduled date of July 13th. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Township Park Board -3-