08/10/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission r EACAN TOWNSHIP PARK BOARD August 10, 1971 Eagan Town Hall Members present: All Park Board Members Also present: Paul Uselmann--Eagan Township Supervisor John Voss and Eldon Haugland--Urban Planing Leo Murphy--Planning Commission Bob Rosene--Township Engineer Charles Hall chaired the meeting and introduced the new members. Bill Harris moved that the minutes of the June 1st meeting be approved as mailed. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Bill Harris also moved that the minutes of the July 6th meeting be approved subject to these minor corrections: Page 1, 4th paragraph, second sentence, delete "to"; Page 2, let paragraph, delete last sentence; Page 2, last paragraph, second sentence, add "a" after "request" and "to" after "as". Neil Coates seconded the motion. Temporary committee assignments for the new members were made as follows: Jim Maloney, Short-Range Committee; Larry Strohkirch, Long-Range; Jan Callenius, Publicity. Chairman Hall appointed Jan Callenius to serve with Millie Engborg on the park name committee. Suggestions for at-large members were made and it was decided to increase their number from two as previously discussed as there were so many people mentioned whose knowledge of Eagan's history would be a real asset to the committee. Bill Harris moved that Millie Engborg contact the people suggested, set-up meeting dates, and report back at the October Park Board Meeting. Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion. Bill Harris reported on a finance committee meeting with John Voss to set up a development budget for the park sites. Millie Engborg moved that up to $800.00 be spent for submitting an application to HUD for development funds as outlined in the June let letter from Urban Planning, Item 5, subject to Town Board approval. Barb Schmidt seconded ~ it the motion. We could be eligible for up to 50% of the development costs but must have a letter of intent from HUD before contracts are let. Bill Harris moved that the August 6th bill from Urban Planning for $62200.00 for concept plans be paid from the park site acquisition fund to be reimbursed from development costs for each site as set down in the HUD guidelines and that $467.10 for preparing the State Natural Resources application be paid from the operating budget with 107. of the $6,200.00 to be withheld until after the public meetings on the concept plans. Dale Everson seconded the motion. Barb Schmidt will follow-up with the Town Clerk on these arrangements after they are brought before the Town Board. Bill Harris presented the final 1971 budget; copies were distributed and Barb Schmidt moved that the budget be accepted and brought before the Town Board for approval. Dale Everson seconded the motion. Charles Hall recommended that the finance committee research the amount of money in the park acquisition fund and the amount which has been spent for planning costs and which will be reimbursed after the bonds are sold. This information should be available from the Treasurer and the accountant. Paul Uselmann mentioned that the park acquisition fund should be treated as a separate item in the annual budget. John Voss reviewed our progress relative to our present application. He mentioned that he is obtaining additional information from Luther Stalland and that we are still waiting for results from Ed Kuntz's second appraisal. This is holding up our receipt of a signed contract from HUD which in turn is holding up our application to State Natural Resources. He recommended that we sell bonds soon for acquisition because total property costs are increasing approxi- mately $4,000.00 a month. Paul Uselmann mentioned that a major utility bond will be sold in September and that there must be a delay before the park bonds are sold. Bob Rosene recommended immediate negotiations with property owners with -2- i options until the funds are available. John Voss mentioned that he had submitted our 5 year plan to LAWCON and that we could apply to that agency for assistance in the purchase of the sites in the second proposal especially the trail system, Thomas Lake, and the McCarthy Lake Addition. He recommended that we chose a site for the permanent park at McKee perhaps purchasing the present park with some additional land since original plans for the site have been changed. He also stressed that we should proceed with study for the trail system and a site for a leased athletic field. The prepared concept plans were presented by Eldon Haugland with Bob Rosene pointing out pertinent engineering features. Since there are so many details to be discussed it was decided to have a special meeting August 16th at 7:00 o'clock to discuss each site. Dale Everson moved that we go before the Board for authorization to pay the summer dance instructors $1.50 an hour rather than the $1.25 previously agreed on. This would come within a few dollars of the amount allotted for the program and would be more commensurate with the fine work these girls contributed to a very successful program. Millie Engborg seconded the motion. Millie Engborg mentioned that she will be holding a final meeting with the Eagan Park Publicity Committee to decide what should be done with the remain- ing funds. Charles Hall mentioned that Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates had contributed $250.00 for park equipment and Barb Schmidt will write a letter of appreciation to the firm. Bill Harris mentioned that Mr. Johnson from Suburban Recreation would like to discuss recreation directors with our Board and Bill will arrange for his appearance at our October meeting. Paul Uselmann informed us that the Township will be able to provide funds for the purchase of the Rahn Park Extension if all contingencies are met. -3- . ~I V Charles Hall.. reported that Luther Stalland has been authorized by the Town Board to proceed with negotiations for purchase of the 8 park sites in the first proposal and that he will recommend to the town Board when he has proceeded to the point where bonds should be sold. Dale Everson presented the proposed winter budget. Barb Schmidt moved that it be accepted subject to Town Board approval. Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned. ` i n CX1 C JC Dated: August 10th, 1971 I I -4- ti