09/14/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission r t4 RAGAN TOWNSHIP PARK BOARD MINUILS September L4, 1971 All Park Board members were present, Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Bill Harris moved that the minutes be approved as mailed. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Mr. Hall reported on the previous months Town Board meetings at which the following items were approved: Final annual budget, Winter budget, Bills from Urban Planning for HUD development and State Natural Resources applications, and an increase to $1.50 of the hourly wage for the summer dance instructors. He also mentioned that plans for storm sewer drainage into Fish Lake include a dam and settling pond with an underwater discharge into the east end of the lake and that the feasability study of the Peridot Path ponding area has not yet been completed, but should be available soon. Jim Maloney reported on Short Range Committee plans for a hockey rink and free skating area at Pilot Knob School. Arrangements should be firm within two weeks. The school plans a Thursday night program for Junior High students in which the gym, the IMC, and the skating areas could all be utilized. Gerber Hatteberg suggested that we publish the need for warming house attendants when the sites are final. Bill Harris moved that the Park Board inter- view applicants and spell out their duties to avoid some of the problems that occurred last year. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Dale Everson, Jim Maloney and Bill Harris volunteered to so serve. Mrs. Gange expressed her husband's willingness to maintain a rink and suggested a level area adjacent to Fox Ridge apartments. Neil Coates will check on this site and we will notify Mrs. Gange of our progress. Paul Pahos, Bob Losinski, Louis Jeska and Jerry Adams asked about maintain- ing a rink in"the Country Home Heights area. Neil Coates will meet with them to r w decide on the best location and report hrck.at the October meeting. Ttie publicity committee was asked to arrange for articles after the October meeting informing residents of the location of the permanent and the volunteer rinks and to encourage any other volunteers to make arrangements as soon as possible. Charles Hall reported for the Long Range Committee on Urban Planning's presentation of the park concept plans to the Town Board. Gerber Hatteberg reported that John Voss has looked at the McKee site and will see how the site could be expanded and draw up a concept plan. Public meetings will be set-up as follows: November 4th, 7:30 P.M. at Pilot Knob School to review plans for Country Home Heights, Highview, Pilot Knob, Burrview, Lemay Lake and McKee Parks. October 28th, 7:30 P.M. at Rahn School for Rahn Park, Rahn School Park, Cedar Grove #7, Cedar Pond and Blackhawk Lake plans. The publicity committee will see that articles appear in the newspapers and will call the hostesses of the park bond coffee parties and ask them to notify their friends. The Mrs. J.C.'s will be asked if they would be willing to serve coffee and cookies. Gerber Hatteberg reported on the September 7th Town Board meeting where it was determined that power lines go down Blackhawk Road rather than between Black- hawk Park and Cedar Grove #8. Chuck Hall mentioned a property owner who would like to sell 5 acres adja- cent to the McCarthy Lake site and John Voss will contact him regarding exact boundaries. Bill Harris discussed the August expenditures and will obtain additional information and a list of June expenditures. The Park Naming Committee reported on their progress and asked for an ex- tension to the November Park Board meeting for their final report. 2 I! Millie Engborg reported rezeiving a gift for the lark Board from the. bhg4n Fark Publicity Committee of funds to purchase a Poioroid camera. Paul Uselmann mentioned the importance of informia,g Bill Branch of our grading needs as soon as possible. Neii Coates moved that the meeting be adjourned, Barbara Schmidt seconded the motion. Dated: September 14, 1971 Secretary I 3