10/12/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission s & MKS JOWIS p PARK HOARD October 12, 19?1 zem t"m Sall nmdme p omuts Chnilm Aall, JaA Ca1lerALis' Wail Cue~ basher Hattebergs DIU R64%ds, .liar 0►,~ Larry 1 t' t2wjen Hall chaired the vintiog. Meil Cpates M,vg that the domes be aipprored as mdjed. tleorlser Hattaba g seoonded the arA3oa& gill Harris di*SWed the pauvid oevers peed for rise Path Ho," Iddth fbids donated by the Began Park Ptd alsitV C=t*-t+wr. Tb~dr ehasm ae>vered all but 415.23 of the over, and LmM SUmUciseh =vMd that tae balance be paid by the Peat DOW4 tr*n dsoellaoeovn foods. Jim mmonq seioubd the mouca. Mr. Harris also p rema tted the oorrected Amt sxpessditsr"s end disaasaioa followed. jIa r43+oesy repro-ted fbar the ab*rt age cmmdttae 00 pa+ogeess of Vitt Doe a Isoohery rink and free ahatiag area at pilot boob Sdmxd. iyr. Hilsoa Las given verbal pert d ssiM W d a site an the eest wide of the solsool Lee bases sateoted. jor. yacW has volmteer belp frae the Ymsd-t,agan AtttleUa AsowAs:ti on to & the construction and is woAdmg oa a 210Ui19 aasd o%W es~e ~e. Tlds ru* will awed to be taken down and stared by 'the tOMMOMP in this spsrine, ► dt um 4miLact the saWol fbr a Letter of parsdasi+oa goad arrow liability tso+w. It wom romrted that Dale won has bolldiM petadte fm tbt" IIWN 416 bmsem midis eeatting fbr vw=aatioss of the Pilot Xmb Looat3na. He also be* a loose fear the present bevee at Asib s fIWk and ie3.l.l inspect it aid no" the if air repairs are needed. r Hatteberg pmeented *AM Pl I S aaaerpt FIAD ft r l OY" Park. TLe am site is aboat far and cis-birit aares in size and Hill Fria 2DWA l ~ I t ~October 12, 1973 Eagan Township Park Board Page TWO that this plan be presented to the Tomn Hoard at their next meting, so that we mom discuss it at our public meetings and it can be included in the currant land purchase negotiations. Neil Coates seconded the motion. 0etter Hatteberg mill present the plan at the October 19th Tome Hoard meting. John Voss will meet with Barb S.chaddt and Jan Callenius on October 19W to discuss the format for the public meetings. Those Park Hoard noWnrs living in the South part of Eagan will attend the October 28th me" at II Rahn School; those in the North will attend the November ,lath meeting at Pilot Knob School. Charles Hall and Bill Harris will attend both mretings. Jan and Barb will arrange for flyers to be sent home from the schools to nof► residents of the meetings and letters will be sent to those organisations >db worked with the Eagan Park Publicity Committee. Calls mill be made to the hostesses who gave coffee parties and newspaper publicity will be arrangrd. Jan Callenius reported on the Park Name Committee. Their report All be ready for the November meeting and a letter of appreciation will be sent to each member. Plans are proceeding for two volunteer rinks; one at Fox Ridge and one in Country Home Heights. A letter of permission has been received frost Decals Daily of H. and Val Rothchild for the former and liability coverage is being arranged. The attorney for Expressway Properties is presently reviewing conditions for a use agreement in the latter case. Barb Schmddt reported that John Voss has met with Bob Rosene regarding storm semrer construction through the park adjacent to Rahn School. He has also submitted our development application to the new St. Paul HUD office. Our State Natural Resources application is still waiting for a HUD project '7I October 12, 1971 Eagan TownshiP Park Board pace Tlmree number, which wonIt be given until the concurred prices for the parcels are submitted by the attorney. A bill will be vWxd tied by John Moos for the McKee Park concept plan. Larry Strohkirch tans asked to do further study on a trail system. He will work with Barb Schmidt and Dole Everson. Charles Hall and Dale Everson will stv* possible sites for a leased athletic field. A map of the connecting link between the Dakota County Park and the soo site was examined. Bill Harris suggested we hold half hour committee meetings from 700 to 8:00 before we open our general meeting. That will be tried next month. Bill Harris moved that the meeting be adjourned. Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion.