11/09/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN TOWNSHIP PARK BOARD November. 91 1971 Eagan Town Hall Members present: Charles Hall, Neil Coates, Jan Callenius, Dale Everson, Bill Harris, Jim Maloney, Larry Strohkirch, Barb Schmidt, Millie Engborg Also present: George Nason,- E'. H. Willmus Properties Phyllis Peterson,- League of Women Voters John Voss, 131don Haugland, - Urban Planning and Design Charles Hall chaired the meetink, which convened after a joint meeting with the Town Board, Prk Board, and John Voss. Jan Callenius moved that the minutes be ipproved as mailed. Neil. Coates seconded the motion. Mr. Creorgye Mison showed rlans for a 206 acre parcel between County Road 30 and Cliff hoad, adjacent to and above Clearview in Sections 26 and 29. He expects to rezone part of the pArcel from commercial to residential and sees approximately 50 acres of rough terrain left as open space. Interior walkways are planned and ~r. Nason expressed a willingness to work with a major trail system over the N.S.P. easement. - John Voss suggested that r illmus. Properties construct asphalt walkways along; the easement during their ot~ er construction and that they develop a public park site along the easement.. Credit for this work would require less land to be dedicated. Mr. Nason will supply us with a copy of the plan when it is revised. John Voss and Eldon Haugla.nd discussed the sanitary sewer alignment through Rahn School Park. It appeared that substantial damage to the site will result and John and Eldon discussed the matter with Bob Rosene, who indicated that some alterations could be made. Dale will discuss the matter with Paul Uselmann and urban Planrdng will continue to work with the town engineer on this matter. - 2 - Copies of the minutes of the two public meetings were given to John Voss. Bill R-irris moved that John Voss begin meetings with Bob ltosene relative to hard line drawings and ways to handle playground areas. Barb Schmidt seconded the motion. Further discussion of the concept plans will be held at the December meeting before the drawings are finalized. Tia! Short Rare Committee reported on action at the last Town Board. meeting, at which a lease was signed with Expressway Properties for land adjacent to Country Home heights for skating rinks this winter. Letters of agreement were received from jtahn School (renewal), Pilot Knob School and .Fox Midge Apartments. The To,.,m Clerk is arranging liability covernge for all of these sites. Dale Vverson re-sorted that all bids for warming houses were rejected and treat the '.Town board hps allowed up to X00.00 each for the three rouses. Dale will arrange to Have as much as possible completed for the above figure and volunteer help may be required to finish the work. The Pilot Knob ?.`L.A. has 'requested that the northern park concept plans be on -Iisol-4y at their next meeting. Bill Harris will take the maps to the school and he an(! other 'ark Board members will be available to answer questions during '.ho coffee ges ,ion. There Td.11 be a. -3-eci.11 Planning Commission meeting ednesday, NovembF:r 10, and lnland Construction Company will be discussing property adjacent to the adillmus Troperty. Ncil Coates and Larry Strohkirch will attend. Jan Calleni us Will 7lre.pare an article to publicize our need for warming house attendants. A possible requirement of a first aid course will be investignted. Parsons aTE 16 to adult will be asked to fill out an -3- orrq,l<rymci,l lur-111 al, W,a 'rowi, taetLl... Gerber flatteberp, will replace Dale I';vc11-:'on >n t,ho thr f 'o-m,an 1, i ri rip, comrd ttee and the eoirUT i ttee will. rrret witli the applicants on December 1, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. 1,1illie ;?n.borr presentcd the Park Name Committee report. Dale s'verson moved that the report be accepted, that a letter of thanks be written to each member of the committee: a.nd that Park Board members stud;;, the resi lts for discussion at the next rr*etinp,. Bill Farris seconded the motion. Barb 3cnmidt wi:il write the letters. Bob R.osene pointed out the bridge through Blackhawk Lake Park on a large map. It shows area for walkways !40 feet wide above the watc-r line. NOTE: ME NEXT PARK 80ARD PS';:;'i'TPJG riILL BE W__DN"r,SDAY, DECEMBER 15 RATHF;?r '1'l AN DFCKPJR-Ii;. 14. Dale Everson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion.