12/15/1971 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission { EAGAN TOWNSHIP 'PARK BOARD EAGAN TOWN HALL December 15,, 1971 Members Present: Neil Coates, Charles Hall, Dale Everson, Bill Harris, Gerber Hatteberg, Jim Maloney, Barb Schmidt Also Present: Paul UselMan, John Voss, Eldon Haugland, Bob Rosene Representatives of Ailmus Properties, Inland Construction Co., Vogelpohl, and Arnold Carlson Ted Ringborg from Troop #509, and Dennis Blomgren, a resident Charles hall chaired the meeting. The minutes were approved as mailed. John Voss reported on his meeting with the new appraiser whose work should be completed by the end of the week. He also informed us that the HUD office in St. Paul is currently re- viewing our development application. John Voss and Bob Rosene submitted proposals for planning and engineering services during bid letting and construction. Bill Harris moved that they be accepted and presented to the Town Board for approval apt t*e-January 4h,. Neil Coates seconded the motion. 1:) John Voss also submitted his billdated atnueTy 149 1971.. All items had previously been approved. Bill Harris moved that the bill be accepted and presented to the Town Board. Dale Everson seconded the motion, It was also noted that the park bonds have not yet been sold. Bob Rosene recommended prompt action as the best bids are received early in the :spring. John Voss and Eldon Haugland reported on meeting with, Bob Rosene regarding the sewer line through Rahn School Park. An alternate route has been selected which will do less damage to the site. John Voss and Bob Rosene recommended that further work be done on the trail system immediately so that our plans can be expressed to the 't'own Board and co-ordinated with the overall sewer plan which will have a public hearing January 18, 1972. .lan whi Barb Schmidt moved that the Park Board request the Town Board to authorize contact ,with the highway department regarding an underpass or pedestrian crossing for 35B in Section 29. Eldon Haugland discussed various types of play areas. He noted that while the budget excludes having all modular equip- ment, a combination of modular and conventional could be worked out in the neighborhood parks. He displayed several models which stress land form perimeters rather than concrete or asphalt. These would be easier to maintain and less expensive to construct. The Park Board was favorably impressed by the exhibits and Bill Harris moved that they be accepted as to design and concept. Jim Maloney seconded the motion. -2- Mr. Ted Ringborg, assistant scoutmaster, appeared with one of his scouts and they expressed their willingness to estab- lish a bird sanctuary in an area behind Mount Calvary Church. They would begin slowly by building and setting out feeders, and hopefully the project would expand and could include planting of shrubs and other activities. Gerber Hatteberg moved that Troop 509 be given permission to begin work on a bird sanctuary in Rahn Park :Extension subject to an opinion from our insurance company that such an activity is permissible. Dale Everson seconded the motion. Barb Schmidt will check on the insurance coverage. It was noted that the Troop does carry itb~ own insurance. Mr. Dennis Blomgren requested more fencing on the side of the Rahn Park hockey rink adjacent to his garage. Dale Everson will purchase the wire and ,ir. Rlomgren will help put it up. He also mentioned a pile of trash below his house in the Aahn Park Extension. Barb Schmidt will call the utility department to see if it can be picked up. The short-range committee discussed progress on skating rinks. Gerber Hatteberg will bu;- hoses and arrangements are being made to light Pilot xnow and !..cKee. Luther stall.and has asked that the Park Board formally request the Town Board to direct him to proceed on an option to purchase Site ##1. Bill Harris so moved and Herber Hatteberg seconded the notion. `:he Park Board was supplied with a sample pruchase agreement. Mr. Nason appeared on behalf of :rillmus Properties and discussed their development. They would like to dedicate ease- ments for trail ways to the township. Park land is included in their plans and no additional dedication would be required. Cal Lundquist appeared for Inland Construction company and discussed a central park and a linear park in phase 2 of their development. Ao additional dedication would be required. Vogelpohl representatives indicated that underground parking had raised their density to 19.3 and that they will contribute u;;40. 00 per unit. Arnold Carlson discussed his new development which has a density of 4.6 and which includes 3 park sites. Some sites will be dedicated to the Township. At least one will be mowed and maintained by a property owners association. No additional dedication will be required. Discussion of the Park "Taming Committee report was post- poned to the January meeting because of the late hour. The new Dakota County Park Planner will be at our next meeting which will he January 12, at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was adjourned.