02/09/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Fcbl-C,,az P,, 1970 Pl.aco: Eagan Tovm Hale. to Kxicb Poad. Be h eta County PARIS, CU'DI'F EE I1E.?2ERS PRESENT: -c% I'horpop Chairman Nci.l Coates 1, -,uw 1-lo-1,C -a u?c^ Al P ~7~ f Zl x so a X r3. Barba. a Schmidt ALSO PRESL11Tv P`il Hoelr?a na Mcmber of Eagan Tc:n Boa.. A - rcrld 1, cc P e or - I, trcpol.itan Cvancil T,'Lr. Thorpe ch Urod the noeting. He c=entod an an article which oppearad in the St. Paul paper regarding the guidelines for conaiderdng using r°oquoots a-Uch were adoptcd by the Eagan Tow--ship Advisory Plu, i Cc-.,,dssi,on.. These guidelines race ended that the c amity ch(,-,s,ld co--s of of fi ,y por-Front reoidentia1 d~e:ll.inus and fifty per- cont cc ;crci,al. and i.r`dustri.al property at saturation. They further ?c-atic,, nd that rontal wits should Tact orceed fifty per-cent of all r W1Ldc,-at1al r its crd r cntioncd speei.f t c areas for future industrial and ce- m>ore;iptl deselQ- ic-mt. It tilas decided that the secretary of the Park Cc-=it lee shos =Idinto a letter to the Plarning Cc:nmission strongly supporting their position and it was sggestcd that we may want to meat i th the P? arz :g Cc n-i.ssion to discuss these guidelines in the near future. 1?r°. Har moon, Mr. Uselri nn and Mrs. Sch- idt 'All meet vi.th Mr. Kunz on Manday Febr ary 16, to discuss the appraiser®a report. Mr. Arnold Alaren spoke to us on the overall plan of the Motropol® itan Council rh a.ch does not include federal a quiciticn of oaay land within Eagan Toumshaip% lie stated th zat a Metro Council Guide for planning open space is nToy under rovisien but trill soon be published, perhaps in March. If ym e-o not receive our copy we are to let him know amd he will make sura L,3 got re. He ;vpp2-tcd us with a newletter covering the necessary steps for t^s to take to have our plans revieued by the Motr°o Council.. He suggested that use contact It. Thomas Clausen in a month or so for help cn logal anpeets and monticned that Mr. Ken Reddick could help its tai th now3 releases and other publicity for the bond issue. Both men are also with the Council. He t icmfght that possibly he can send us a letter of preliminary approval of our plans. A Letter of thanks trIll be sort to him for cork out to talk to us. of .0 i Mr. t_ ' t, i r I r'a. t._N:i:ea t-.:..t ivad t ) , kL - k: Action on e ' r t.,, r: !AS a fit ve cc t i _ l:_.. A._.~_d. . ~ t r. for a re V.: i;,,., w i non venter, waB de £,.k.4.''aX i h'@':s ty S h c. Auld schedule a meeting with members of the W.G.A.D. and "i.{rhapEi, W L ~yµ'~ ~Y pS_~Chief cambers the ",(_LG !'uaG Board Qmmud the of Po-Lice JV E to j.( kkVV ~~aa Z'''~~ ,~t~w 6feu~.vV .i~.3.is matter further. The secretary °'°yg the i~ , will s ~..o btat;d..i r.C era~ . when NOW have been arranged. The meeting was adjourned, Ara. Barbara 0 jchKdt.~ secyntavy C I I C I E~Ak:, N TOWNSFIP b'x;_KK ':,OWI'rTEF, I August 2()th p 196`=. MerherS Present: Joey Harrison Mrs. r:elen `.'cc:tt. Fob i''e.rguson Al _`r-Ddduck` caul Allison Mrs. C'h,arlotte McPherson ALSO John Klein, Chairmar, Eagan T,-wn Boarfi, present curing part of the even ng "Pete" Parranto, Realtor and Developer, a brief appearance Paul Manseau, Applicant for tha, Committee seat vacated by Mr. Consoer Dan Gustafson, Applicant for the Committee seat vacated by Mr. Consoer Mr. Harrison, chairing the meeting ir: the absence of Mr. Thorpe, re- viewed the purposes, background, and progress of the committee for the benefit of Mr. Vanseau and Mr. Gustafson. The applicants ga ~e their reasons for wishing to serve on the Committee, then were excused. Mr. Xanseau was voted to fill the vacancy subject to the approval of the Town Board. :fir. Harrison will. make arrange- ments to introdua6 him to the Bca.rd at their next meeting. Mr. 'Iarriscr, reported on mee t.ing with the Town Board and the developers regardir;g the "Windsor F.,tates`° rla.t. Agreement etil ha not been reached, on the strip of ls.keshore desired by Poex Coznrr,ittee for deli aced public lane Ir: order to assnire 7ur,? is access to Rlacr,r,awk Take. f Mr. Klein ;showed us they rrel mirnary highway :tay-out of the new Cedar Avenue freeway. It answered some i,ie t ori;3 t}:r, Comrrittap had n the placement of several proposed parks. I The Committee's me vclsed Park Fresentation Out'ine was reviewed in de- tail, changed, delet. ons ar-3 acid tlon s ..a.de. Two new Playground Park Sites were added to t,ela.adce the recre.~.t irr, space in the densely populated areas of the Township. "Pete" Parranto nut, in an a~:-nearance with his planned devel.upment in S . 1 Pc 5. The next meeting is scheduled for Se tember - 7d, A ~ at r 00 T7. m. at the Fagan Town. Hall. The Short_Ranre .iub.-Committee `has rescheduled its meeting for Monday, August. 25th. Mr. Yanseau wil.i. renl-3ce Mr. Conseer on the Short,-tiange group. Tentative: Flans are that No-1.> Ferg-asonp an:i Dick Thorpe will attend the 0-tuber Planning Committee meeting. _eetinp, was s d iaurner3. RFe, ectfully submitted, Mrs. Chgrl.otte B. McPherson, Acting Secretary