03/09/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission F,AOt1d T ,`r yrs. ? P ` PH T-CA TD March 9, 1970 EAGAll Tgii HALL, 7~ , g P71ELTT : Parr? 1 san Paul L, ce~, au eil Coatos Helrwn Scutt Joe Har-r-ison barb Sc1z:idt ALSO PMRSENT: Paul Cis e1zr.amn., Eagan T cTm^'2i.t) Stopervisor James Frisbee, develcpor Cho lcs hall, prcpe.,;,ty c-Mo.5 Ja es Krcnio I,2r. Harrison chaired the meeting. Mr. Kuntz asked for clarification on soveral of the parcels he is apprais- ing. It was dete ine.d that we vmuld redraw the line on the Almouist property cm site 3A to exclude they house. Also it was d ci dod to de , c t Lfte the Berry prcs Per y 0-n site 3A to exclnde the house. se® On nto~ e c a Hera al.at., site w© trI11 drop dorm from, the Schwartz property to the Richaard Heinen property and Helen Scott brill contact Mr. Heinen. Mr. Hall asked about our plans and indicated that he would like to sit in on some of our meetings. He is welcome to do so. SFr. Uselmann informed us that the Toim Board has allotted us $10,000.00 in operating expenses for this year, subject to the approval of the voters at the annual meeting. (The budget was subsequ.cntly approved.) He recce ended that we set up a priority plan for the use of this money. He mentioned that the $2,000.00 uhi.ch had been set aside on a yearly basis for park acquisition was not given to us this year due to the pending bond issue. He suggested that in the future re submit a two part budget at each ann.?al, meeting consisting of an operational budget for the ne-ift fiscal year and a pro- jected budget including operational and othor ejTaenses, for the folloidng two or three years. This would help the Totm Board to plan ahead and anticipate our needs. Mr. James Frisbee presented his plan for the eighty (80) acre Oak Chase development and asked about park requirements. He agreed to resubmit his plans to include a five (5) acre park site. The balance of the ten per-cent require- Pont tr.Lll be in funds to equal the current appraised valuation of three (3) acres. He will be at the planning co.i.ssian Meating on March 24the and park board members should be present. Dixie Kremer presented a plan for a s=umer rocreation program., She pro- posed that we hire six teen-age girls to conduct tL~~b~ng and dancing classes for girls seven years of age or older. She has permission from Mr. Rosas, Superintendent of Building and Grounds, Independent School District 191, to use the gymnasim, s and mats at Cedar and Rahn Schools for two hours, one day each week,, for ten waeks during the swmer. The Cedar Athletic Association Amdllary has agreed to supply the regis- tration blanks and to conduct the registration. -2® Ca'=,ittecs ware forced to v~orlf the prywentatic~ rkr the anvru71 re.etingp 1-IlE rch 0tho 12r o. Scott, Kr. Castes mA Kp. Han.soau i,,ill work of the bT,dgeto Kr. Ha.rriccnp 11ro 11 sen and Frs. Sch lidt 17-0-1 XrUrk an the r°cport. Mr. Thorpe ui Cave the r por°Cr at t;he nGcti:^ o I'D was decided to assign two peoplo cr ch month to attend tho ings of the Toz..m Board and the Plmnnn t2g Cc f.csicn. I?r. 11,=coau Md T'ar so Sc1zLL u v-02 attcnd in Febz-a r<io A letter was racoi vcd f r em the W=cn"s C = ttxdty Actim. Qr°ga~ ~a® tion cf Gcd.ar Grove ccnco-z._L?a a ouz-voy c d ctcd in the J°.ndor Cand Sensor ILLCh Schools. The results of t-his n.- vcy indicated the desire of-the students for a recreatien ccnter. It v-as docrd.od that we should scheftle a octizng ixith mcmbara of the W.C.A.0. and per-paps rn_wsbers of the Tovm Board aid the Chief of Po2lce to discuss this matter .further. The secrotary will so notify the W,,C.A.Q. tithes details have been arranged. The meeting was adjourned. Respectf,02y submitted, T2rs. Barbara J. Schmidt, Acting Seoretary I