04/13/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN T9,-ZISHIP PARK ?3GARO April 13~, 1970 Placo Fagan Totm Hal,:l, Pilot `r'h ova Road DaI. ata Cct zty 1,010E,15 PISSENT: PAPI r i~ E Paya A,l,li.son. [L!3rvn Irfiel..d. I Coatoo I'To o."a Scott JCo Harrison Barb ScI.. Ldt AIS® PRESETe o John Voss., park planner Charles Hall, property oc~ar Ilark funider°son, Egan J.C. sO Grog Bezdicok, Eagan J.CoOs 11r. Harrison chaired the meotingo The minutes of the last meeting wore read and approved. Theo mcct.Tmg was turned dyer to our newly hired park planner, Mr. John Voss. Mr. Voss discussed points 1:,3 should consider in putting to- gether a park development guide. He stressed that we must clarify our total objectives and define the areas t.a intend each park to serva. He also reco:masndcd athletic fields be ecparated from neighborhood open play parks. The Part Board decided to break into it"-sI separate co=aittees in order to gives attention to current needs c-°hila preparing for the bond issim. I The long range ccr~ittee All meet vrith John Voss to work on the develormont ode. The finance c : Td.ttco trill work on apportioning the money we warn allotted this year for maix-tencc3 and cq#p-mcnt. Tho short range c ittee rill worst on curr cat and futures rccroational proe- groms. Mark Anderson and Grog Bazdicek from the Eanan J.C.es ino,Ared about our needs in the baseball area and indicated that they were v-11 i.ng to contribute voluntary help and possibly a limited mount of financial aid. The short range ccmuttea vrill meet Vith m abers of the J.C. ° o and the Cedar Athletic Association as soon as pcssiblo to determine t.,har=e their assistance coUd best be utilized. The Lit✓rest ari.d smppor°t of the JoC. ea is most appreciated. Paul Amason re. ported some results of a meeting of McKee aroa residents regarding possible sites for baooball die onds• An atta- pt i-.rill, be made to lease laid to the Scuth East of the r°osld tin-1 section from the (mer, General Beverages. Tho short rmigo co . ttee Brill also roquest permission from the Toth Board to grits to the State of I nnosota to ask if tra could use a small piece of stlat,e !and -A jcccn.t to the i-~- Kee hcnos. This would be on a temporary basis, perhaps two years., and would be used for baseball diamonds. -2- The Park Board reconn.el:c'ed a 1 Ll,ae of 5l .25 c 1 hour and will present- this platy to the Toim Board for approval and for azithorizatiorz of tie expenditure of between one-hundred and fifty (1,150.00) and two hundred ($200.00) dc;Ilars. The additional fifty (:550.00) dollars would cover tho hi.rifl of two exltra girls if the registration roves l.ar e cno7agh to ?riake t1-ds c vi sable. I,ss. I.remet will supply us faith letters of endorsexaent of this program from the school principals, a letter of pen-:issien from Ir. Rosas and ti;Te will write for a letter of understanding regard ?g triet'Aes tlic to,MLship liability insitrance -i+?ould cover such a program. (T11is le!3r Las be an received mid cover age is pro- vided. ) Paul Allison submitted concept plans for development of the park site in Cedar Grove 7. These plans were approved a*.?d a copy will be sent to the PlexLnirag Ca-muission, the Toun Board and the Township engineer. Assigm.ents were made of Park Board numbers to attend the Tovm Board and the Planning Coranission meetings. They are as follows: March - Neil Coates & Dick Thorpe April e Joe Harrison ~ Bob Per uson May - Paul Allison 8 ?Loren I ixfield June - Helen Scott L, Al Shad:'uck The budget and the :annual report axere approved for presentation at the March 10th annual neeting. Respectfully suhmitted, Mrs. Barbara J. Schmidt Acting Secretary