06/09/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN TOWNSHIP PARIS BOARD JULIE, 0, 1970 EAGAI\' TG'."IN HALF RL't S I=' 'SHI'T: NEIL Coates Bob Ferguson Joe Harrison Millie Engborg Charles Hall Gerber Hatteberg Dale Everson Bill Harris Barb SchLmridt 50 PIRLESE_ T: John Voss & Otto Schmid Urban Planning and Design Members of t pie Eagan Town Board l: embers of the Eagan .P lanning Commission Joe Harrison chaired. the meeting, He introduced John Voss and. Otto Schmid, 1!1r. Voss stressed the importance of the 1 Park Board and Planning Commission woriting too-ether. He indicated that Eagan mi o o E-ht need 32 nei- ghborhood parks at saturation, He mentioned a possible parr dedication The of 6,25,.00 pG:c unit for multiple development, He recommended that we on- tact act existing industry aboau -~~ossible contri'b~ations toward athletic fie1ds. He also ji entionecl th.t he thoucht the Me tropolitan Council should look care- fglly at the Thomas Lake area as to the possibility of including it in their open space prograon. 14r. Voss also discussed the present availability of federal funds. He stated that H.U.D. has unlimited funds for acquisition and development only for parks of less ti an twenty acres. This development cannot include swimm- ing pools or community buildings, Chances of yap--)roval for funds from the Other H.UQD® programs and the Law Con Program are very doubtful at this time He stated that he will put toF et'ner an Eagan Park Development Guide we could submit to H.U.D. before t'ne bond. Issue. The park sites chosen by the parr planners for a possible first phase plan for a November bond issue vote are as follows: Blackhawk Lake site, LeMay Laite site, site adjacent to Rahn Duhool, McCarthy Lake site an? t?-.e Chapdelain Lake site, i A meeting of the Park Board was called after the presentation, Joe .Aarrison and Charles Hall were elected chairman and vice-chairman, respect- ively. New committes were formed. I,Iembers of the short-range committee are Neil Coates, chairman, Millie Engborg and Gerber Hatteberg, Members of the long-range comnitte are Dale Everson, chairman, Bob Ferguson and Dick Thorpe Members of the finance committee are Bill Harris, chairman, and Charles Hall. Joe Harrison will meet with the finance committee temporarily and Millie Engborg will help with publicity. Party Board Members were, aesig7•ned to attend the Town Board and the Plann- ing Commission meetings each month. Assignments are as follows; June: Joe Harrison & Dale Everson Septa Barb Schmidt & July: Bob Ferguson & Bill Harris Charles Hall Aug: Neil Coates & Gerber Hatteberg Oct: Dick Thorpe & I1'illie Engborg Neil Coates reported on contacting Carlos McKee, property owner ad- jacent to Rahn P ark, regarding a fence along his lot line. He will get estimates on chain link and vertical redwood fencing and propose to supply t]ne matbria.ls if IvIr. I;icKee will allow the fence to be erected on his line and will maintain it. The next Park Board meeting will be Junly 14th at 7:30 P.M. and Bob Rosene, township engineer, will talk to us about pollution control. Also -2- the WAS s is expected to brinZ coat estimates for Weir -recent pro- posalso Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, secretary ~I i ~I