09/08/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission E AGA21, T~Tl~iaHIP PARIS BOARD 11. -t September 6s 1970 Eagan Town Hall Phabers preuent: Joe Earriaorz, Charles Hall. Neil Coates , Bill Harris ~r IA ? 111 hnl burg Gerber Hatteberg Dale t.~c;~eUZi; Barb Scln.+iidt . x~e.,nt. Paul b c e.Imanzzia an` Ta ~ns'~P ~r~rl present: p : John ilo, rDa ' Purl:; Plnmer ~Jja Txigall. snd'other C~A*A. members Airs. itUx,,r+~ Wi7":13'tit~ and Ax. Barney Engborg Joe Ilaria.soa chuirc 3 U,o.maemzg. ' Charles Hall read the minutes of the last meeting and Choy were a ppxuv(Ia as, rc:ad, Mr. Hall and Bill. I?a.r5,:Ls reporte, on our present finimcial actuation. .7r. Hall and Barb SrI .cat ruport,)d, on the last Torn Board meeting. It was bruuF,ht to the attention of -tihu P,exk.Boyd roc -abars that those assigned to attend each Town Board meet -ng liLPja' t1.,c responUbility of bringing up the 10?'k land or cash donation racfoira..vnt at the, ,3'e the rezvn .rag proposals are brought before the Toi Board. Ialual. Park Board, epproval tv-Ill be appropriate at the time the property is plattrdd or bui2xiijig puimR71i_ts are granted. Mr. Ivu!2 Cnates reported crn the I6LtL;aizt Town Board meetings. A meeting will be held frith developeca rc,.? Lxat o,rrcroationol areas in industrial and in multi- pl a housing arc-as. Arr a;ngemcaztc were na f1c to pa=y. ~h© ~:i r1s who worked in the sunner dance pro- crams The tawn ship attorney oi:U, smite Cedar Groves Construction Company for per- riu.usion to u.;~e vacant l-xad bc~,, ixid thd" Skelly station on Cedar Avenue and Highway 30 for a ska'cax'q,; rinlz. , Gerber Hatteberg reported ttisat the backstop from the storage garage has bewi in-aua3;.ll.LA at McKoa rmd th(.:Jbas)ax,tball baLkboards have also been put up. Me: Paxk Board recd.--ae-rids that Fseedinry be, done this fail. Mr. 'Dale Everucn has t;il:.?rod i4.th `they Wowenls Action Group about Cedar Pond. He exld. Joe I:arri.son ;d.ll attemd, t'heir` r_Voting on October 6, at 9:30 PM- Mrs Bill Harris will ial°r~ngoeifor 16x Johnson of Suburban Recreation to dis. cuss oti r reg.-ed for a rec-rea t[M-j di: sctor. !Lre John Vass suggested we nightdiaw mw,,h a di.roctor idth Apply Val] -1y Di,acut&sion was held iith,C.A.A.rkmbers regarding skating. We will make the following rescomiaeruiaf„i.ono to tl-.e ;Town 'Bo rd6 Rahn Park • gradin `to ba' dana_ for''a,.6kating rink, regrade a fisting hockey 9 lease a waxwing h6laa s s rink Rahn School - grading for, Co isit and a hockey rink, lease a warming 12.ee a grade for rinks, install security light. Slr l.l, Station - grade fo- rink, inatall security light. r G 4 Cost for these items will be eppr6x pt¢ ly $1 9000.00. The C.A.A. has agreed nu , the hocMey rink and Begets, at ltahn School. We ditcuosed the Eagan Park Dvii~elcTjnE t 3uide. Several corrections were made which 1.6.11 be inked it on a rit.Acr Copy to, tea ropri.nted after a public hearing along tirith my ether changer Vii- ch xavj ca-,-0 out of the he3arinla. It ii-as moved. and seconded tl,, at the 'g lde be accepted by the Park Board and prosentod to the Tocm. Board and a d;.U be roduast,:A for a public hearLnge Hr. Charles Iil.1 and Joa M rrii on idl-l sattcnd the Ordinance Revision Com- mittee hearing Septiaab',,r 9, V70. M1-ie Engborg and Joe Il xx, i.HUr~ wi11 attend the October Town Board and Plan- niral; Commi utAon meetingo. y r RAspectflilly sutmitted Barb Scloldts Secret.ay r ! d 1 ~t fr r 1.t .L C V i , 1'1ti r it i . ,