12/08/1970 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission I MEETING OF THE PARK BOARD TOWN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA December 6, 1970 Members present: Charles Hall, Neil Coates, Dale Everson, Millie Engborg, Bob Ferguson, Gerber Hatteberg, Barb Schmidt Also present: John Klein,. Art Rahn, Paul Uselmann, Alyce Bolke, Luther Stalland John Voss - Urban Planning and Design Jim Olson - Juran & Moody Ralph Wohlers - Guest speaker Delegation from Women's Community Action Organization Charles Hall chaired the meeting. It was unanimously RESOLVED that we ask the Town Board for two new appraisals or for one new appraisal and updat- ing the Kuntz appraisal if that would satisfy HUD requirements. Jim Olson discussed a tentative bond issue proposal of $630,000 for 20 years. Mr. Uselmann asked if a 30 year term was possible. Mr. Olson answered that if the present pattern of improvement in the bond picture continues then 30 years would be appropriate in that parks are a permanent improvement and future higher valuations would help to pay the costs. Mr. Olson explained Eagan's bond rating, which is now BA, the second highest rating available. This rating is based in part on the ratio of debt to assessed valuation. He men- tioned that parks don't add to assessed valuation but that our proposed park debt would compare very favorably with other communities. He added that our amount of acreage is not out of line with our coming development. He stated that he will have new figures available within the next week on Eagan's assessed valuation. He asked how many acres we might expect from dedication under our new ordinance and Mr. Klein answered that developers will give dollars rather than land and will do a better job within their own projects in providing for recreational facilities thus keeping their tenants off public land and taking the burden from the taxpayer. John Voss discussed HUD's new requirement for two appraisals to be submitted with our application.' He mentioned that they must include comparable sales information which Mr. Kuntz's appraisal does not include. Mr. Uselmann stated that Mr. Kuntz does have that information at his office and could update his original appraisal. John Voss recommended C. R. Pelton and Associates who have done satisfactory work for the State and who could complete an appraisal by the end of the month for approximately $1300 to $1600. Luther Stalland also recommended Parranto Bros. who have done much work in this area. Mr. Klein stated that we should go ahead on the appraisals, that the money should come from the park acquisition fund and that the Town Board would pass a resolution to that effect at their next meeting. Mr. Voss ran through the entire HUD application for the Town Board. He stated that the Eagan Park Development Guide was put together to satisfy the planning requirements of HUD. Mr. Klein suggested that we get an answer from HUD before the bond issue election because he felt it had a slim chance of passing without assurance of HUD assistance. Mr. Voss mentioned that if our application is not approved it could be watered down. Sites could be deleted and the application resubmitted. Be also clarified the fact that some locations could be changed at a later date. Such change must be explained to HUD but does not affect the status of the application. Mr. Voss also mentioned that the attorney must examine the application. I and that he would leave a copy with Mr. Stalland. He also left copies of the concept plans for Blackhawk Lake and the Rahn School site. It was mentioned that we have no contest over drainage into Blackhawk Lake as it is a natural basin and is used for ponding. A settling area would not help to remove salt. A maximum water level will be maintained. Mr. Klein mentioned that people are going toward swimming pools rather than lakes. -2- Mr. Hall ran through the Eagan policy statement. He mentioned areas of concern which the Park Board has regarding the HUD application. Mr. Klein asked for a memo to that effect. They are in brief: the appraisals, the ques- tion of whether any sites will be severely contested, whether Eagan's lack of a comprehensive plan will have an effect on the total application, the dollar amounts of the present appraisal, and the timing of the bond election. A more detailed memo will be prepared.for Mr. Klein who also requested that he be sent copies of all correspondence between HUD and Urban Planning and Design. The Park Board meeting was reconvened and the minutes were approved as mailed. Neil Coates reported on'the lack of availability of a good skating site on the North side of Yankee Doodle Road. He will check with Paul Hauge regarding the Township's position on liability for the well-site pond area. { It was reported that we are working with several private individuals who are willing to flood and maintain rinks in their neighborhoods. We have obtained Township liability coverage for a rink in Lot 5, Block 9, Country Home Heights. Mr. Louis Jeska, 2838 Vilas Lane has his own hoses and adaptors and has permission from Bill Branch to use the nearby hydrant. Mr. Steven Fredell of Highview has been provided with County permissi:)r, to use Valley View Plateau - Plat #2 Outlot 1 adjacent to his lot at 2880 Highridge Terrace, Township liability coverage is in process and he will con- tact Mr. Branch regarding water and will borrow hose from Mr. Jeska. Mr. Paul Pahos, 2835 Burnside is attempting to obtain the owner's permission to flood and use,Lot 2, Block 6, Country Home Heights, a water filled area across the street from his house. We will assist him with this. Will arrange insurance coverage and do have hoses he can use if permission is granted. -3- We have obtained permission from the owner and coverage for a hockey f rink at 2859 Lexington Avenue South built by a private group headed by Mike Thomas, 693 Freeway Road. This rink will be available to Eagan residents except for Saturday and Sunday mornings. Dale Everson reported that the warming houses are in place and he is arranging fuel and electrical hookups. He worked with the Cedar Athletic Asso- ciation building the rink at Rahn School and installing the lights. He recom- mended that we not use Cedar Pond for skating as it is very bumpy. He suggested that this area be used for sledding and that we have an attendant during Christmas vacation and on weekends. A schedule and a set of rules are being prepared for the Town Clerk who is hiring five attendants. A letter was read from the Eagan Mrs. J.C.'s asking us to place their order for a combination suing set to be installed at Cedar Pond Park next ( spring. Their check was turned over to the Township. A finance committee meeting will be held December 17th. All sugges- tions on future expenditures should be forwarded to the committee members. A half-time recreation director was mentioned as a possibility. Bob Ferguson recommended Marge Shadduck be contacted for help with publicity. She is not interested in being a Park Board member at this time due to other commitments but is willing to help us and has had much experience with preparing slides from maps. Mr. Ferguson suggested we have publicity coffee parties and appear at P.T.A. meetings. It was RESOLVED that May 18th be set as the date for the Park bond issue election. Neil Coates made the motion and Dale Everson seconded it. Our guest speaker, Mr. Wohlers, recommended that we begin immediately to organize for our publicity campaign. He suggested that we gather material and choose possible techniques. He emphasized visual presentations as being most effective and mentioned using tapes with a sli9e showing and then having -4- Park Board members present to answer questions. He stated that we should have r" some printed material to hand out, also. He suggested that we contact every civic and religious organization and get on their agendas for appearances just prior to the election date. He stressed that we should be sure to show how the i land will be used and that we should include children in our pictures. He recommended checking with the State and County for material. He offered to I help us edit the information we gather. A member of tlomen's Action suggested that we color a zoning map to show the pressing need for open space. Outside assistance will be required and we must determine how much to ask for in our next budget request. W.C.A.O, nee6' information in January as to how they could best assist in this area. Sugges- tiora made in addition to those mentioned above included buttons, signs and mailings. Millie Engborg will be in contact with the W.C.A.O. park committee. Respectfully submitted Barbara Schmidt Secretary -5- I~I I~I _ i i I _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ i _ ~ i , i -'~ih w ~ -