09/26/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission PRKSBIITATTON OF PROPOSED EAGAN PARK PLAIT TO THE RAGAN TOWN BOARD BY THE RAGAN TOWNSHIP PARR COMMITTES September 26, 1969 Place: Eagan Town Nan on Pilot Knob ]bad MKERS PWINTt Joe Harrison Neil Coates Sagan Townehipp Paul Manseau Bob Ferguson Dakota County Loren Maxfield Paul Allison Mrs. Helen Scott Mrs. Charlotte McPherson TOWN BOARD M9MRER3t John Klein, Art xahn, Paul Uselman and Mrs. Alyce Bolke, Town Clerk AND$ Al Wittman, Dakota County Planner Jim Olsen, Juran & Moody, Inc., Bonding Company The mearting convened at approximately 6:45 p.m. Mr. Fergsxson made introdu ry reamrks and located on a map the homesites or the Park Board members within the ownship to demonstrate the equality of representation from all parts of Eagan. Mr. Harrison presented the re rt of the Park Board (titled PARK 130ARD RENORT ON PARK SYSTEM, dated Sent. 26 1969ra copy of which was included in a portfolio given the Town Heard zrwbers, CAM Clerk, Mr. Witbaan, and Mr. 01sen, together with an explanation of the land-use maps and aerial photo. Mr. Olsen reported that the municipal bond business is more encouraging than he reported at our last meetings that the sale of municipal bonds is greatly iaproved and his personal "feeling" is that this Improvement will continue. Mr. Olsen reiterated that basically there are two methods to finance a Park Acquisition and Development Program, nemely under State Statute 475 and State Statute 429. Mr. Olson is revising the report he had intended to preshnt tonight to reflect the ueturn in the bond rsarket, and will send us copies of that report to include with this Beptem er 26th presentation report. A few pertinent points made by Mr. Olsen are as follows ,Fagan has a 08,051,000 assessed valuation and can issue bonds up to 20% of that figure. He sees no problem in issuing $500,000-MOO,OW in tbads for our park project. He said that issuing 50% of the amount it is possible to issue is a safe and good procedure. No believes Eagan will robably go into 1970 with an estimated $86,000,E00 setual valuation, and should not exceed 4,8MsMO bonded indebtedness or 20% of actual valuation. Be mentioned that at the present time HAA bonds are going for up to 6.75% interest. All things considered, Mr. Olsen said he figure $500,000 is not a *bad" figure for park obligation. Mr. Klein expanded on the "overlapping" debt touched on by Mr. Olsen by meb. tinning that this will probably include, within the next year, the Townehip's part of the Metro Sewer, Mass Transit# and Onen Space. Mr. Olsen added that the School District will also increase Township "Over. lapping Debt". Mr. Klein mentioned ERB means (39000,000 of which 51,000,000 will be Eagan I s share. r P C r I ♦ Q ~ * C a t t e C i ~ w x C ~ Q i p t k v ~ w ~ _ ~ ae2a Mr. Allison as& a very impressive pictorial report, slides ae~o~anied by a narration, of the majority of the proposed park sites. It is felt by the Committee that this type of presentation can be used effectively when and if a Bond lone is scheduled and presented to the voters. Mr. Maxtie1d presented the "PROPOSED OPMENANCES P1~RTAAINTNQ TO PAN LAND ACQUISITION IN EAQW TOVMSHIP", a copy of which is attached to the official copy of the Park Board Report dated September 26, 1969. Mr. Fergwson summed up the work of the Park Committee (Board ) and brevght to a conclusion the Committee 's formal presentation. Mr. gselman thanked the Park Committee for all its work and partieatlarlY Joe Garrison for his tenacity in preparing the report. Be said that he felt the Committee should file their guidelines in Park Aoquisition with the County to comply with their request l meet an Oct. 15th deadline, and we should oo-ordinate our proposals with the ownship Planning Committee. Mr. Wittman complimented the Committee on "an exoellend" job in preparing the presentation and was Impressed particularly with Mrl Allison's pictorial segment. Be stated that he has recently been working with West St. Pans and had they began their park program at the development stage at which Eagan now finds itself, they (W. St. Paul) would not NOW have to settle for "leftovers" for park areas. Mr. Wittman fbrtherreiterated that he does not believe that the facilities that are planned fbr the Jenson.-Holland Lake County Park will be duplicated by the f9acilities Ikgan's Park Committee has proposed in the presented outlims. No also mentioned that new, revised OUTDOOR RIlCREATION PLAN Guidelines just published by the State of Minnesota advocates 15 acres per thousand instead of the 10 acres per thousand by municipalities for park space. Mr. Wittman said that the State Conservation Dept. report from the CONTI on the County's five year financial requirements for parks acquisition & development aao dime October 15th. Ragan's requests for park funds during the next five gears should be Included in the County's report since it would be hard to Jaetl.tyr requests for fu da during that time if there is no record of Began Ia plans. Be gave the Park Committee the. benefit of his experience on points that should be incorporated into our applications for funds to the various governmental agencies, as well as proper procedures for these applications. He asked that our report be submitted to him as soon as possible in order that his report to the Conservation Department am be submitted well ahead of the October 15th deadline. Mr. Uselman formally made a motion that this plan be submitted to Mr. Witt- man to damply with his request for Ragan's park plan (NOTB: The exact wording may be obtained from Alyce Balks 's notes of the meeting). Mr. Rahn seconded the moticnf Mr. Klein abstained from voting on the grounds that he did not have sufficient infor- nation on the Pralwsad Pxstn is vote (NOTfRi $•re again the *mot weriting of Mr. Klein'a abstention and the reasons thoWbr mar be obtained from Mr. BolkeIa official minutes of the meeting). The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Oxk)- \ Mrs. Charlotte B. Mapherson, oc3 all Park & Town Board members Acting Ssargr" 1 Ir~o • r x SECTION E J11AKOTA COUNTY TRHtiM DEMom 1 i, im Committee Proposed Park System For Eagan Township r Dgro. 6 ♦ 3 I 7?? f M D...I.P..nr ua...... ra..av a.. CIA. 913 E I• IrM.rtrlal Am 7 • s 10 I I I U.1... 16 16 IS 14 13 20 21 A 23 24 ..AA 30 27 26 86 Tj%J1 OT4 1l 32 33 36 #In 01 WI1p rrr. PROPOSED PARKS LOCATION IN EAGAN. The Eagan Park committee question has been the rapid and in the future for public use. has completed an intensive ten population growth and the urgen- The park plan will be present- month study and presented to the cy indicated for park land acqui- ed to the township voters via town board supervisors their re- sition. The projected population meetings with various civic or- commendations for Phase I of a for Eagan township in the year ganizations throughout the town- proposed Eagan park system con- 2000 in earlier reports has been -ship as well as official public sisting of nine main sites, three set at a 91,000 figure, but after hearings. It is hoped that a bond playground sites and four alter- discussion with the Metropolitan issue will be presented to the nate sites, voters next spring after proper The park board consulted var- Council amore appropriate S- gure would be 120,000. Itmustbe appraised values have been made ious state, metropolitan, park, and support gained for a Park emphasized that the Metropolitan county and township officials in Council did not take into consid- Bond issue. If approved by the making this study, and the park eration the possibility of another voters, the township will apply plan has been coordinated and major airport or the rapid de- to HUD and LAWCON for the filed with the Dakota County Park m a n d for multiple dwellings various funds available to assist System through close work with which is taking place in Eagan them in acquiring the land. These Al Wittman, the former county township today. matching funds will pravidefrom planner. Based on the 10 acre per 1,000 one-half to two-thirds of the The park board also studied referred to earlier in the 1967 total cost if approved. various county, state and federal Minnesota Outdoor Recreational The E an pg&k committee as reports. One of these was the report, the township should ulti- commented at our or veY=L Minnesota Outdoor Recreational mately have 1,200 acres of park have been a o sired Plan which in 1967 indicated land. Based on the 1969 report, Sr ha ?1? tnrLav's_ valuatinn_ that municipalities should ac- the township should have 1,800 Yeas from agw ten i quire 10 acres per thousand po- acres. times as much. of delay dimla- pulation, and counties should ac- other urgent responsibility lation, quire 15 wheacres reas the 19erease the 1969 9 Minne Minne- - of the township is to provide is es land availability and in- sota Plan indicated municipali- small neighborhood and play- creases the c s The par and ties should acquire 15 acres per ground parks which have been s n avor o immediate ac- thousand population. The plan included in this phase of the quisition so that the sites may stipulates that municipalities park system. be preserved in their natural should acquire land for fre- A majority of the park acre- state and developed into parks e has been oriented to the as the need arises. quent dents and short that term use counties for rest- should lakes in the township because The following are the proposed acquire dents land for-the purpose of a park with a lake within its park sites, anticipated useage providing areas larger than pro- boundaries would give a great and approximate acreage. The vided by local units of govern- er range of all recreational ac- numbers are used to distinguish ment. tivities. Eagan township has the sites only, not necessarily Foremost in the park com- beautiful and scenic areas and the order in which they are need- mittee's considerationof the park they should be preserved now ed.