08/20/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission :E'A t.rAN TOWN-EF I ' PARK 10MM?TTEE August 2C"t`rzp 19071 r; ?'resent: Jc,xa ' arrison tdrv. . Helen co tt Pob -Lr`erguson Al -*ru,,(J(Stlc}-, caul A1? inn Mrs. C"-tarlotte McPherson ALSO: John Klein, Chairmar p Eagan T-wn Board, present during part of the evening "Pete" Parranto, Realtor and Developer, a brief appearance Paul Manseau, Applicant for the Committee seat vacated by Mr.. Consoer Dan Gustafson, Applicant for the Committee seat vacated by Mr. Consoer Mr. Harrison, chairing the meeting ir. the absence; of Mr. Thorpe, re- viewed the purposes, background' and progress of the committee for the benefit of Mr. Vanseau and Yr. Gustafson. The apT)licants ga ,~r their reasons for wishing to serve on the Committee, then were ex-,used. Mr. ?Ianseau was voted to fill the vacancy subject to the epproval ()f the Town Board. Mr. Harrison will make arrange- ments to introduc* him to the Rcard at their next mHeti.ng. Mr. Harrison reported in meeting with the Tcrern Board and the developers regarding the "Windsor F testes" r,l a.t. Agreement atil ; ha.- not been reached on the strip of lRkeshore desired by Fnrk `,~onw,ittee for dedi, ated public land zr order to assnire public access to Blacl";hawk Take. C Air. Klein showed us the rrel tninary highway lay-,fiat of the new Cedar Avenue freeway. it answered some riertlone Committee had n the placement of several proposed parks. The Comm.-'Ittee°s tirc used I'arl, Freser:t.ation Gut ine was reviewed in de- tail' changers, del.atjons a,'.3 add,.t I0r,s 'Ftd Two new Plays=round Park Sites were added to re.larce the recre= tion space in the densely populated area; of the Township. "Pete'' Parranto put, in are appearance with his planned development in Sec. 15. The next meeting is .<;chedul.ed for September SW at 7.30 Tr. T-, at the Fagan Town, Hall. The Short--`(rove 'ormlttee has rescheduled its meeting for Monday, August 25th. Mr. Manseau wil.. reT.l-ice TVr. (-,onsoer on the Shorts-Range group. `tentative plans are that. 5c!) i c=r ~;;.~4t: ra, an,:t Dick Thorpe, will attend the O, tcber Planning Committee meeting. ','eeting wars s d curned. Respect fully sutinitted, Mrs. '--harl.otte B McPherson, Acting Secretary