06/09/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN TONNSHIP PARK COMMITTEE June 9, 1969 P%ce of Meeting: Eagan Town Hall Dakota County Members Present: Joe Harrison Al Shadduck Minnesota Paul Allison Helen Scott Neil Coates Charlotte McPherson Koren Maxfield ALSO: Paul Uselmsn, Town Board Member Mr. Harrison chaired the meeting in the absence of Mr. Thorpe. Mr. Allison reported no further contact with General Beverages concerning land in the McKee area that the Park Cbmmittee would like to see used for a Township ball diamond and/or recreation area. Mr. Ferguson reported via proxy that six new schools are bein built in (1) Sagan Township by the three School Districts affecting the Township or TO the three school districts portions of which are in Eagan Township. This information is necessary to the Committees overall reereathn facility survey and park plan for Eagan. Perhaps Mr. Ferguson can clear this up at our next meeting. No new developments were reported by Mrs. McPherson on the stump removal project at Cedar Pond. Mr. Coates reported contacting officials regarding the comprehensive plans of the villages of Inver Grove Heights and Mendota Heights, their use of these plans, and their appraisals after such plans were put into operation. Mr. Coates will continue this comprehensive plan research and will report more details as they are available to him. Mr. Harrison reported on his talked with Mr. Northrop of Burnsville regarding the leasing of land for park purposes. He said it was strictly a temporary measure and that Burnsville is no longer operating its recreation and park land acqui. sition in this manner. Mr. Harrison also reported his meeting with Mr. Rohe, Superintendent of Parks for Minneapolis who was of the opinion that a comprehensive plan for Eagan is not mandatory to qualify for HUD and IAWCON funds, however he believes that an extensive and carefully detailed Park Plan is extremely necessary. Mr. Harrison said that the MC predicted 91,000 population for Eagan by the year 2000 indicating that estimate is probably on the low side. The Committee agreed this prediction underscores and lends even more importance to the obtaining of desirable park and recreation land immediately before it has disappeared and Eagan becomes a megalapolis with no public land for the use of its hvAdred thousand residents. Mr. Harrison has set September as a deadline for the building of a 20•-30 year Park Plan by this Committee. The plan will include but will not necessarily be limited to: 16 specific areas (by legal description) of suitable and desirable park land.` 2. details of the land itself, water accessibility, pedestrian accessi.• bility, portions that are wooded, aesthetic values,, eta. rf f _ , f nnnc ,4 r w :2_ 3. the amount of money involved in the ultimate acquisition of this land, -4. the specific purposes of each parcel of land when acquired., i.e. su:emaer and/ror winter sports., hiking trails, rest and relaxation, ball diamonds, multiple-use. Mrs. Scott volunteered to take over the hockey rink painting project and will be asking organizations and individuals to volunteer painters. Nr, llselman reported in his conversation with Mr. Hauge, attorney on retainer by ga$an Township.. that in Mr. Hauge's opinion if park land is bought with money acquired as a result of a bond issue and thereafter land more suitable or desirable becomes available, the first parcel may be sold in order to acquire the second parcel. The monies, in Mr. Hauge's opinion, could not be used for other than the acquisition of park land. Mr. Harrison reiterated that the June 23rd meeting of this Committee with Rr. Olson and Mr. Hauge will be an important one and will cover #aany aspects of bonding and the financing of a park program, and many more of our questions can be answered at that time. Mr. Uselman suggested this Committee work closely with the Planning Committee in preserving sites for parks close to new housing developments. The Como. mittee unanimously agreed that as park sites are chosen in areas being engineeredfor water and sewer service, that these services should be brought into the park sites immediately instead of waiting until a later date when the engineering and installation costs would be much greater. Mr.-Uselman suggested copies of the agenda and minutes of the Planning Committee miPt be useful to the Park Committee in keeping cognisant of the develop- ment df the ownship. Mr. Harrison will look into the possibility of the acquisition, of such minutes. A schedule (shown below) was set up whereby teams of Park Committee members will attend the Planning Committee's meetings: June 24: Loren Maxfield and Mrs. McPherson July 24: Paul Allison and Mrs. Scott August 28: Joe Harrison and Al Shadduck Sept. 25: Neil Coates and one other volunteer Mr, Uselman suggested the members of .this committee prepare a plan ` with some specific sites and approximate costs on neighborhood type parks before the meting with Mr. Olson and Mr. Hauge June 23rd. Mr. Harrison suggested he together with another member of this committee, and Mr. Wittman, Dakota County Planner, meet with someone on the MC to help prepare the detailed Park Plan so vital to Eagan. A Committee member to join Mr. Harrison in this meeting can volunteer at the June 23rd meeting. Ea n Township Mr. Jack' Consoer was unanimously voted by the Committee to be7bbal,l«-field coordinator for the balance of this ball season. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Mrs, Charlotte B. McPherson, Acting Secretary c' n c Q r y , rC i e