05/05/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN TOWNSHIP PARK COMMITTEE S , May 5, 1969 Place of Meeting: Eagan Town Hall, Eagan Township Dakota County Members Present: Dick Thorpe, Acting Chairman Mrs. Charlotte McPherson Joe Harrison Mr<.^< Helen Scott Neil Coates Loren Maxfield Paul Allison Al Shadduck Jack Consoer Invited Guests: Robert Eidem, Office of Local and Urban Affairs, State of Minnesota Al Wittman, Dakota County Planner The meeting was called to order by Joe Harrison. Mr. Thorpe, Acting Chairman joined the members after the meeting was in progress. Mr. Eidem is a community planner however the staff of his office is not sufficient to actually make plans for communities. Instead it works in a general consulting capacity being available to answer questions, make suggestions, etc. He suggested that n ce Eagan is unincorporated it is auto- matically included in the Dakota County-wiener park land. Mr. Wittman said that at this time Dakota County has no detailed plans specifically for Eagan Township other than the County Parks currently being acquired. Mr. Wittman, in response to a question from a committee member--p said that in the event of a conflict of plans by the County and the township, the County plan would take precedence , however, mutual agreement would be the preferred may of handling such a situation. He also said that the general inclusion of Eagan Township within the Dakota County Use plan would not qualify Eagan for federal funds, that a broader and more detailed plan by the Township would be looked at more fa w rably by federal agencies than piece-meal or "bit=by-bit" type planning. He and Mr. Eidem agreed that a detailed park plan is of prime importance to qualify for any kind of federal or state financial assistance for land acquisition and/or development and advised us to draw up such a plan. Federal funds are available for planning only for incorporated cities. The Town- ship will have to finance planning, but the resultant plan can then be used to put into operation applications for funds for the development and acquisition of lands. Communities can buy land with HUD money and develop it with HUD money, but they cannot develop land with HUD money that was not bought with HUD money. ~Mr. Wittman suggested that a Land-Use "survey" of Eagan be made by the Committee using school site plans, sewer line maps, USGS and aerial photos and topographic maps, as well as the CountY+ s Land-Use Analysis and other appropriate reports already available Mr. Wittman emphasized that good zoning is necessary in the development of an orderly well planned community, and a discussion followed by members on the apparent lack of- such detailed planning and logical and appropriate zoning for our tovmship. Mr. Wittman gave the following steps to he followed for the application of funds through HUD (Housing and Urban Development): 1. Prepare application this will probably take about two months' of compre- hensive and detiled include ai preparation and should 2 = good strong evidence of available monies from the Township. 2. Submit'Application 3. Review of application by HUD approximately four months depending on their work load and the "weight" and justification of our appli cation. 4. , HUD issues a utter of Consent to the applicant (Eagan) which can be used to obtain options. NO LAND can be BOUGHT on the strength of this letter however. Funds for re-imbursement of monies spent.by Eagan will be available perhaps within a year. Some alternatives suggested by Mr. Wittman included borrowing money from a bank to Snance land acquisition, and leasing with an option to purchase. It was noted that Mr. Glen Northrop of Burnsville has had much experience leasing park land for Burnsville and might be a worthwhile contact for information. Mrs. McPherson was designated to call him to determine if and when he might be able to meet with one of our members to give us pro oedural information. Mr. Thorpe ~uggested members of our Committee might meet with the Township Board members and the ownship Planning Board to better coordinate our various groups' work, and to determine this Committee's duties and authority. Mr. Harrison agreed to initiate plans for such a meeting. (This meeting was held May 19, 1969.) The next meeting is planned for 5:00 p.m., May 26th, 1969 at the Eagan Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Charlotte McPherson, Acting Secretary 5/20/69 cbm Eagan Park Committee