Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Late: 1970scFebruary Christ Lutheran Church Sancuarty dedicated - Christ Lutheran Dedicated ate= A CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF EAGAN HAS COMPLETED AND DEDICATED THE SANCTUARY UNIT AT THE RIGH'. \ ,r m• • N I adi k. v'~v~i~ va ~ v ~4f you ,ty ~ ar ''K \ \ \ 1 \v o 0 tac n • , ~ apt fi't' gn,,• Avvv. tap a REV. N. F. SPOMER is shown preaching to the 10:30 a.m. coi gregation, Sunday. The pastor, who has recovered from a heart attack, preached at both : ervices. Members of the building committee are: Dale Vogt, Roger Johnson, Sharon Stroh kirch, Gordon Schramm, Roger Fredlund, Ted Wachter and exofficio members, Pastor Spc mer and Mark Koenig. Tom' \ \ Ca ~`h~W``?~n\ d V`M~ „ J but ~ \ ~IMYN2 \ ~•r ~ . \r Abe ~ r e na a~ " U M \ v uhf vba v ~ x\ \A i p .ny~v v v vv~~, V vtah vy \\asa\ \ o \a ati ~ \ a N Y THIS IS the new Narthex area of the Christ Lutheran church in E,1gan. The "greeters" for the service are Mr. and Mrs. Duane Cummings. Architects were Robert Burow & Associates and the general contractor was Lovering Constructi,>n. Genz Ryan of Rose- mount did the plumbing and Reisinger of Farmington did the exc 3vation. Joe's Electric of Cannon Falls did the electric. PASTOR SPOMER, at right, and his assistant Pastor Otto Schlegelmilch, look over the program. The Christ Lutheran church was an original branch from Trinity Lone Oak because the 51/2mile trip by horse and' buggy was too for so the first church was built in 1910. The church has 895 communicant members and 1,238 baptized members.