04/14/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission RAGAN TOWNSHIP PARK BOARD MEETING r. April 14, 1969 PLACE: Eagan Town Hall Pilot K nob Road Members in Attendance: Joe Harrison Dakota County 55111. Loren Maxfield Paul Allison Al Shadduck Mrs. Charlotte McPherson t; In the absence of Mr. Thorpe, Acting Chairmanp Mr. Harrison presided. Various desirable park areas were discussed taking into consideration their pot- ential availability, their proximity to developed areas, their anticipated cost, and their distribution throughout the Township. Mr. Allison volunteered to check with the Highway Department on one piece of land and with a gentleman from Univae Township's ther piece regarding the possibility of an arrangement for the recreational use of the land. Other potential park land includes the wooded area directly south of the new Rahn School bordering Cedar Grove; Mrs. McPherson Vol- unteered to check into the ownership of this parcel and will report to the Com- mittee at its next meeting. ` The Women's Community Action Organization of Cedar Grove submitted written suggestions for These included basketball Cedar Pond Park Improvements. backboards, tether ball, and putting the picnic tables in concrete. Several of the budgetary items were discussed including the two basket- ball backboards for Cedar Pond Park. It was agreed that this equipment should be installed as soon as possible. Mrs. Me Pherson will check on costs, installation, etc., and will report back to the Park Board at its next meeting. Arrangements for a guest speaker from the Urban Planning Association Program were not completed, so no guest speaker was present at this meeting. Mr. Harrison will try to arrange with Mr. Ruhe, Superintendent of Parks in Minneapolis, to come talk to us at our next meeting. Y x. a isou will cont6V t a i-{r. !Lei, a wgar;ii g !.--d on 11ackhawk Leal . Mr. Harrison designated Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. Scott to contact Apple- baum's and the Valley National Bank and other businesses to see if they would donate the cost of some concrete (or similar sturdy-type) benches for Cedar Pond Park. It was agreed to send copies of the meeting's minutes to all Committee members as well as the members of the Town Board. The next meeting is planned for 8:00 Monday evening, May 5th, at the Eagan Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30. Respectfully submitted, C ` Mrs. Charlotte McPherson, Acting Secretary E 4. I~ i