02/12/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAIT si C'. J ~~cb u~ r°e~° 1.2,, 1969 F°a '"C; ~ J=4-~l~:q Plot E~nc?~ Read;, Eagan ~'ortan~. w° . Paul 55111 i1:cw Co 1'4°° 1'i .71 isyo Th=_a ;.c7.'s, a -c^ c'rq 4,.i t by tl, Z^r ? n ` g Dcard to serre on 1:gcis c, t.as d.bsen t . 1i G°.E> VcstLrc '_I.se a t' c-i rte"•d' noti.fiea Mr, tl,,',t ST-),o C CC i not i:ri l to t c .=e cn tt?iL. ccmnaittso, 1'~ Thor°pe r,Tcvic,,icd prcvic.,ps ~,*o= 4ac 1 of the Parts Corm-nittee including trca Y,ocor-.r endnticrns made to the Eagan Tc ;ai Ecard in 199-4, On on informal basis,, Mr. ICs.ei.n volunteered background information, thcr, dr par l'-•Cd, M'r, Harrison suggests d e•- arg,anL titian of ho Park Comratt;ee as the Lost Ee~essir deed at this times Per reQrganistlng pcrrhaps more could b6, accor -pliut ad by cplittin its membership into several cubcoyr=ittees which -rould' be aired at r..cccrpli shin different facets of the Tomnshipss Parks and Recreation rcE;do via di.ff rcpt routes, Sub-Committees st=ggestwd were one for long range planning., cne for short range planning and carren ' needs, one for financing parts ack uisition' Gtce Another pressing need of the comnd tce it vas agreed is the need Por more nacmbers to mare the committee morb effc,tive in its overall planning and execration of its projects. The map of Eaga_n Tomiv,,hip wa-3 stud ed and the home sites of the present members marked to determine tl w areas already represented on the Committee, it was felt representation from ccrtain:portions of the township wqs lacking., how. ever good Park-minded memo-ors are n cdc l no ratter what their locality within the: Tcwnshipa The following persons trere: ~ -gcstA C2d vill be contacted by the mem.. hers of the Committee for possiblh serM ce cn this Cc-mmitteea Mrs, Marge Shadduck Mrs, Sett vAll contact her Mro Pfeil Coates teas , °i cca xrr l.l contact hin Mrs, Bob Ferguson Mr Thor;" ra will contact him Mre, Richard Bradford ~R- Mrs,. Scott v-Ul contact him Mro Leave or Mrso Doris Voight Hlrs„ Scott will contact them • Mr,, Loren Maxwell P1r, llar°r.°i s:n vi-ill call him IoP xerson will' e call Alyce D~ r trep ^c :°n Clc ~ p an.1 get, the c;or:+plete Ti.st of names of persons v,ho have subn tte°d T ett:ers V 0 2y^t.we:?7$ n,rY their services to this co i t,t c-3, ttxe'n will, report these nan3 s to irr, I1r, Thorpe said t:~ ~d tf_lko t;l'uo 1T,e:dl:.,~ 3a of t1 he of t<h a (Cl :.i ttwas to the Eagan To..F"f Boa -d ts~ ~ ['iiCx`.s["o fob approval, then contact these rc=°scn3 him--o 1f -to see if they All acme to serve 7, .f r „ d I?.ro Thorpe r. opor°ted the firm of ~r° ody a Srco is well i.nformod on L;«.gan Tcumship Finances e.hi.ch nlr_ht be usefia to ttbe Cc itt.!3 in financing possible Park Acqui nition or i.rprovcmentsp This firm. particularly a IirA Jim Olson., is also well infor°r:ed on bonding proccdurc3, et.ca Mrn Consoer volunteered to beryin raging contact with the Burnsville School Beard regarding cooperation of the Tc anshi.p L£i.th the School District in the use of the playgrounds, ball diamonds., and tither facilities at the schools. The date for the next nectir9 of this committee waas agreed upon and set for I:c3ting ad j~~=ned about 11:30 p.m. 8 <oQ p.m. It :day, February 24th,, Respect.fufly submitted, Hr°3, Charlotte McPherson Mcmbsr, Park Committee