02/24/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission E_r_SILN TO'ciNSHIP 'l R?', F1 cbr u r^j 24p 1969 ca v4."1 l HEAllp Eagan ` eishio D,,- to (,I,- ty, 1h4nnesota 551- i c Dick Thorpe PA had : o!r I°r°4s, He'l-nn Scott t rTr Cc ~c Tteil Coats 1'=-crr Mamf is ld Mra Thorpe r°oviewcd the roetwr. of o? lwvh d the minutes were, r°cad for the benefit of the pr oopeetil7e =J rcrfbcro in att~o°:~c^oe~ it %ras reiterated that Lc o typo a of parrs are necossary and ahoull be in:1=1od its t,Le tee n?chip park developmont 1-MI (l) Neighborhood pa.rtzo of 5 - 20 res fcat n- picnic facilitiesg ball diamrandsq play groind equipment, wading poolsp ctA-op a^~~ (2) the larder or Co 'anity parks of 20 o C.0 acres fe.aturinr hiking and bicycle path3v un^cd d areasm lat4es with su-i inn bcac hese grey? picnic facil.itiesq otc® It ryas agreed that a report sho-aM b`e r.,.^do to the fortheordng Annual Tov-n T est inn setting forth in detail the reryorganilzation of tb-.s conLmittee including this aub- cc: ttces for Long Range P " ningn Sian ~4I:~? Ve p2ars ng and Current needoo and Finn racial PTannirg for park acquisitiono Discussion of the Tc shipls 111C% Ptblic 1m--d Ordt ante" governing tho cianam tion of potential park la~*~d by residential csdrelcpera rove-n-led the enistir.erdinPrr= reader as follows: "T n of Eaga.n# Dakota Cou nty~ K rn.~sota Ordinance No, la as ar.-e ndcd Section 10005 Public Land Ordirs ve flStWivision la -.-7, DEDTCAT3C~1 BY SUBDIVIDER* :Th3 Eoar€l of Supervisors may in its disc crot ions require subdivider to dedicate a r° ^a o=- bl.s portion of the proposed s bdirision 9 but in no Brent to cmcecd tca per ccort (7-0.) of tho total subdivi sior for x°ocrodtio:r area The nanbers ^greod trith T r'o Thcrpe l ho Otid he belleved tho TownsMp Cr dinarnce Chou Id be no i7eaker• than the State Crdincncov The rn.4aor3 a,bo arrreed there is al critics raced to strengthen tho Tc.-=ship Ordinance s~nce vital c aak-nesses seem to enist in the ®rdi nancets rrordingo i Man!3ara i-.are aoootnted to th.e. varic' c:.°-:ittee:s cr'ith which ttacir irac?i~c~k rr the exisUi 'all fields co that thc3r can be utiliEcd bottrr; Short, Range Plarr.fr g rI Ou LA aITO include r-On,. ;:C:s for Optie..7 d "an RR p • n to ...W.~ a` p'wZ~;..`T..n i1t on rose rvatic ; for part-, r arposco, 3 yar c -ti tr"o (i7ith I=d tax ere pt if po-Able under ezri.s firl-I statist os)o ".r° Thx pe and I ro flarriocn volum"Weercd to get together to plan the contents of a letter to the Toga Beard rcquesting tt3ir c,ocporation in other facets of what we e rpec t to be v i engerotic end ca.tv°ernly fo °a r dm-^ovinng ownship Parks Systcm and ProLg ran.* Fro Thorpe e and Miry. Harricon 17 al. o vv roc Ca the cente t of the Park Comm i.ttree report to the fertY cca°dnLm, lrr ual. gc ni flcot ng in March. stb jec't to the opprov of t he other Conn-Attee mumborso A n etin -tco acco, plich the abovo purposes was sched. tiled for March 3rd at the here of Mra Harri B n, Mra Thorpe eai.d he rill OsIC the Tc: Board for confirmation of the four nva merrbers of the Park Cc=i.ttee as icon as< possi.blo, The ShortmRange planners 1411 `vetrebo 27th. at the home of Jack Consoerp The thir d meeting of the full Park Contridttca vMs cot for 60-00 pan., March 10th at the Ea.ga n Town Hallo The meting uns adjourned at 1100.., Pzmo Respectfully ge7brittedo d Mrs Cbnrlotts )3o McPherco np Secretary ~I