09/08/1969 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2) 4... ScDtc ibcr 1969 Fen-an O L•.rn Fl3)-_ MCIIIL, r3 present: Dick Th=i,"n,, vI<'3 ^111 ~ L FP'GT" l v°o7 ri (r~ <rC,-g Kcjil LV 0 T, p 1 iY° ri 3 C ~r'~ L • " On 17a7 -..r c'ld / (part ti) f1~ ~'0: Pa4~~ j SO M1. pzoporcd r ,,-_w M Mr. John ECI_oin, f.j 3'i-^^wris T'r f l yC:SS L nr.~D (pa=t l'W"'o-) Tits < iri Juri=-, & Ir ~r t IIr Paul Uc olu:,an, m UVr~ Bay °i y ~c4.?' (part t ) Jco FLarrl "On rc-7, 0-tsd c l a ocn, or a.ticn ::fit's I'ra Hauge concerning Incorpor£3tir ri r,.)[-,t aro,2,,3 in E, t CC `+?i4o hs- TojmsI'<ip ParfL (3yato2Yis 1'?u1 IFS ~lr" ?'I C 1(` g n~ F Pi ra rr_ t :d t: tt.~ €~ut it ts g e a stion for new € nd//o r rani scd ordinanc3s t,.) Pv.ri ? lc a I word i~ ; co i F^~t tlFcy can b3 m.c) m.;r° ,od to tha o,,! F'oarl r,,3 c r-l a i3 poo i.blea Hr. Uuclraan also r ontk.on d fA S;.C~Ft$n C3 lylJ Sept k`';` C~ wf13 and cul,21ggo..r ed the Park Coro-i tee Send S='Oone to 111"L--n Ana H-- alco afLcd C.b~ L.'+ To had tn .e to our x•egt*ewt for a park strip around £31s~~y,r ~ ~d c. a2tWana~e'er { L; tc,,~ c_w ^ 1 we di scu the s a- tus of that pa.rti.cul.ax problem. ~Later in ~h3 r.cot n the eomaittce arced its position has not cI anj7Ivd,, Mro Oxon report^d th°'t th3 1,`_ nisi pal Bond Ma het f o DBAD for tho preWcht at least, b3cauco of tr: Stag: lcu tootrictinl; the ot"nit of interost paid Ca7d Lncauca of t'.3 uncertainty oi°; tha Tax-, d :wpt atatus of such bonJaa Mr. Olsen Cave us rany pointers cn the vn f n vhiclh to pfoc •cd vi th a bon: issue if and vrIac:n ito proc ontcd to tho'; `-)t ray, The iycuvc.:i too b~ ~cr:^nt of 7oc.^2;,?°1:F.p Or;1ir^ncos which !ivuld croate and Im-,)rovo Faganl"." r crc t?ton op c- t nitf cs for ituo rocidGn1^3 1Precent and fature Uhrov-h t;h: 3 CL Park land p of ..c a i ncluded : o,that 10% of all land' mnnodl~and F= v; ovvd ccs P.-o (M;ult.apl® d.re111n3) lend b3 donatod to tha Tournchip a o dc.'1ca t:4 land f psi rIt pt rp", aonO ,,C--r erei.cal land ~ teat ro 1,'alra an €-Tv. it of land equal IM /0 of tho aac°3ssod valuation of tke 1 ~ ~ 1 nrra, ,.Induotr ial land that rc".it a c.: o 'vp t:a 5% of the total a.croarr w 3 they dcval©p-r:ent be donat,-d to th3 an ftd.icatcd bard for par?: p apo es, plus monies up to an r_4 o ° t n_T„ 1 % f :8 rsc, a~ d t-al.u ti,on the r c aftnu'er of the total LaC`t ~ I t t a M ^s .Y r ti t.. v b: cJ novri.b tG d to th3 Park wand of the 1'oc.ql^h2p for the avc~~ c? tw4o3 r,~ t u p h or.i racr ation land. This prom--ad ordinanco updatln of d otho~r chin7os will b3 diocus -d and refined further by a sub-c nizittco to nc-at 6tv^ tl-- 1 ~is rlont h:,