Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - The Lone Oak Tree will be cut down - 12/12/1983 _0 0. by David Siegel It is called the lone oak tree. he Lone Marred by the metal of misdirected vehicles, scarred by the countless nails ' and tacks that held community notices, it stands alone at the intersection of Lone Oak Road and Highway 55. It's ak T ree closest neighbor is blacktop. r*.` The tree is no longer pretty. It barely leafs out in the summer. It hasn't had acorns on it in years, but it remains a symbol of the community. r t Eagan's symbol will be cut down in a few weeks ai At least for two more weeks. Then the Minnesota Department of Trans- portation plans to remove the tree and give the wood to Eagan. ue~?~a ~ There will be some grieving for the tree, and officials of MnDOT know it. n "We respect that importance. It's - very sensitive down in Eagan," said Bob Bockrodt, public information of- ficer for MnDOT. City Council members will decide what to do with the wood from the tree. It probably will be used somehow in the Photo by David Siegel TREE: to P. 2A The Lone Oak Tree, a symbol of Eagan, is expected to be removed soon. The wood will be given to Eagan. EAGAN a Current newspaper SECTION A vol. IV, No. 50, Monday, December 12,1983 TWO SECTIONS Bringing you the news of the people, the neighborhoods and business of Eagan 2A r Eagan's Lone Oak Tree r"4 EAGAN will be removed soon HRONICLE M TREE: fromP.1A roads, according to city records. The 1209 E. Cliff Road • Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 1 Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church, 890.4456 organized in 1881, is located near the Member, Minnesota Newspaper Association & Suburban Newspapers of America new City Hall. One suggestion is to tree. mark the rings with a significant event A replacement for the Lone Oak Tree President & Publisher News Editor that happened that year, said Ken Vraa, was planted this summer on the prop- Mary Ziegenhagen David Siegel i director of Eagan's Parks and Recrea- ertv at the church rar__ ucpanment, • waiuoru « hurarustng manager Sports Editor The expected removal of the tree in Joanne Shiebler No one knows the exact age of the about two weeks (the exact date hasn't Robert Roth 4 tree. Estimates put it beyond 200 years, been set) is no surprise. It is dying and Distributed to every household & business in Eagan every Monday. Subscription copies Vraa said. The age will be determined has long been recognized as a traffic mailed. Controlled circulation permit pending at Burnsville, MN post office, 55337. when it is cut down. hazard, Bockrodt said. Office Hours 8am•5pm Mon-Fri "In early years, people passed by and MnDOT is having a historical plaque Voluntary Subscriptions $12 Per Year put up notices," he explained, made that will be presented to Eagan Mailed Subscriptions $16 Per Year The first Town Hall was built in 1893 and placed on the site. When the plaque on Michael Shield's farm near the in- is done, the date for removing the tree tersection of Pilot Knob and Lone Oak will be set, Bockrodt said. i