3764 Golden Hill Ter - Zoning Permit I For Office Use I 1 I M-~ City o Enn 1 Permit 3830 Pilot Knob Road I j Eagan SIN 55122 I Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5685 --__.....-y,,,,--,,.---------- Fax: (651) 675-5634 Email: planning(a-cityofeagan.com ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION p Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. Site Address: PROPERTY c..- INFORMATION _ Owner Name: Name: j0 j-~ r✓ 4n, 5d"tp Phone: 46VP F. F9 Address; CONTACT 'i'7&,itylstatelZip:A G o4W Al N 5 t2 . Applicant Signature: - Date: Email address: rp S e-iq ❑ Retaining Wall <4 feet ❑ Driveway ❑ Other: TYPE OF atio 0+V- `;x-~5 ❑ Sport Court WORK 0 Sidewalk ❑ Fence Description of work: o £'C J A-M Phard surface coverage, shorelan zoning, bluff zone/setbacks, etc,. e Date: __.10 t 2-_,.,..., staff: No es: Pcc ilo ct lr~ro~e~ &C. Revised Plans Approved: Yes I No pate: Staff: ENGINEERING Grading, drainage, utility easements, wetlands, erosion control, improvements in the Ri jht-of-Way, etc: Approved / Denied Date: Staff: Notes: Revised Plans Approved: Yes I No Bate: Staff: COMMENTS MALL 6EI ORE YOU DIG, Gall Gopher State One Gall at (651) 454-0902 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours bL ore you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orcl GABullding InspectionsTERMIT APPLICATIONS\2011\2411 Permit Applications 'tuwnview Association b-~ Z-77 7100 Madison Ave W Golden Valley MN 55427 September 28, 2012 NO-'I VA 1764HO5 Teresa Rosenthal 3764 Golden Hill Terrace Eagan, MN 55122 R.E. 3764 Golden Hill Terrace Architectural Request for Change Dear Homeowner. Thank you for submitting your application for an Architectural Change to the Association's Architectural Review Committee. The Committee has reviewed and approved your application received on September 06, 2012 for the fallowing change; Removal o deck and installation of paver stone patio. Any modification from your submitted and approved application will negate the approval and require a new application to be submitted to the Committee prior to any changes or alterations commencing. Additionally, please remember that the Homeowner, not the Association, Board of Directors, or Architectural Review Committee, is responsible for (i) the construction standards and specifications relating to the alterations, improvements and. Construction work and (ii) determining whether the alterations/improvements violate any restrictions or requirements imposed by any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the unit. If you have any further questions, please contact the Association's Community Manager, Angie Blazek, CMCA, AMS at 763-225-6436 or by email at ablazek@developconimunity.com. Sincerely, Architectural Review Committee Townview Association cc: Community Development, Inc. ik a 1, ~ i .r t ,(may o ~ r Y I x r ~ 4 +aryj'~t ~ F~laF Y t y~f f t~ q "a . a• r~ (Al M1 S ~ h' 1 j~ tt ~Yt F r y v 1 ~t t s R a I FY`s $ ~ a oof t . s t ~ ~Gn d i gat 4