Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Comserv unwraps present to future - 4/13/1983Comsery unwraps present to future To motorists on nearby high- ways, it looks like a big blue pres- ent — slowly being unwrapped. It's the new $15.5 million world headquarters of Comsery Corp. in Eagan. Near the roof, workmen on scaf- folds are peeling away blue plastic sheathing from the aluminum wall panels of the four -level tower of computer technology. Down below, employees are trickling in the door and movers are hauling in computers from small Comsery buildings around Eaean and Mendota Heights. One day last week, Richard P. Daly, the Comsery president, appeared as pleased as any new homeowner while strolling around his building rising on 81 acres be- Eagan tween the Minnesota River and Highway 13 at Yankee Doodle Road. "The new building is a consolida- tion of six facilities and improves our operating efficiency," Daly said. "The building also benefits our image. We have customers vis- iting us from all over the world." He noted the plastic being re- moved had protected the panels during construction and prevented the weather trom giving the alumi- num a patchwork appearance. A pond shimmers before the Please see Comsery /2S • 2S St. Paul Richard P. Daly, president of Comsery Corp., welcomes visitors to the compa- ny's new world headquarters building in Eagan. The recently completed $15.5 Comsery • Continued from Page 1S front of the building facing the highway and fresh sod is taking root. When all the computers are moved in, their heat will help warm the building, according to Gary Paradise, vice president for marketing and communications. Another building feature is an open lobby rising toward the ceiling with a bank of win- dows facing, the river. Besides enjoying the view, employees may tone up in the exercise room which has a sauna or loosen up outside on a jogging trail. Altogether, about 400 employees will de- sign and manufacture computer and educa- Mike Barrett million project stands between the Min- nesota River and Highway 13 at Yankee Doodle Road. About 400 employees will work in the building. tion programs in the 190,000- square -foot fa- cility. Plans call for future expansion to 360,000 square feet as the company grows. Comserv, a publicly owned firm with of- fices across the U.S., in Canada, Mexico, Eng- land and Ireland, posted net income of ap- proximately $2.5 million on revenues of $25 million during fiscal 1982. An open house for employees will take place April 22 with a dedication to be set lat- er. Opus Corp. of Minnetonka began construct- ing the building in the spring of 1982. As Daly said, "The future looks extraordi- narily bright and we're taking an aggressive posture."