Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Yankee Square Inn under construction - 4/13/1983108 -unit hotel is under construction in Eagan Construction is underway on a 108 -unit hotel at the northwest cor- ner of Pilot Knob Road and the proposed Interstate 35E in Eagan. The Yankee Square Inn Hotel is part of Yankee Square Develop - manl nF Fariaral T,and lei, ni Eagan. Recently, the City Council ap- proved a $3.325 million industrial revenue bond issue to help finance the project. Martin Colon, a partner, said he expects the building to be com- pleted this fall. "The three -level hotel is oriented for traveling business people," Co- lon said last week. The building will feature meeting rooms with catering available and will be across the street from the Sperry Corp. complex. He said about IS tub-time and many part -time jobs will be avail- able when the hotel opens. Kraus- Anderson Construction Co. of Minneapolis is the general contractor. The bond will be paid for from company revenues and the credit of the city isn't involved.