Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Norwest Bank Eagan Branch Grand Opening Bea Blomquist - 2/13/1984business Nor west • ceremonies THE EA :AN branch of Norwest Bank Old St. Anthon r held grand openini ceremonies Thursd.ry, Feb. 9, through Saturday, Feb. 11, at its new facilities at the inte, section of Pilot Knob aid Yankee Doo- dle roads. Ribbon cut - tine ceremonies were at 10 a.m Feb. 9, with Eagan A^ ayor Bea Blom- quist doing the honors. Involved in the ribbon cutting were, from left: Blomquist; bank employee Carol Graves; Dakota 'ounty Chamber of Commerce Am- bassador Cathy Johnsor ; bank employee Beth Johnson; am- bassador Dick Steven- son; bar k employee and ambas! ador Laurie Schubert; Norwest vice - preside nt and Eagan branch manager Larry Kranin!i; ambassador Michele Doroshow; am- bassado r Larry Wenzel; and No west Bank Old St. An hony president John S lseth. The new Eagan bank offers a variety of services, in- cluding business, home, auto amt personal loans; night d4 zpository; a five - Jane au o bank; 24 -hour instant cash machines; safe deposit boxes; and check c ishing privileges for ill Norwest custom srs. Hours at the new bar lk are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pionday through Friday, rnd 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday. Drive -in teller hours are from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $. aturday. Phone number at the new bank is 452-6470. Photos by Jeff Burrill JOHN SILSETH, president of Norwest Bank Old St. Anthony, speaks to guests and employees before rib- bon cutting ceremonies. Behind Silseth is Larry Kran- ing, Norwest vice - president and Eagan branch manager. EAGAN MAYOR Bea Blomquist cuts the ribbon at the grand opening of the new Norwest Bank, located at Pilot Knob and Yankee Doodle roads.