Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Council decides on Naegele Sign - 3/28/198310A April 2nd "White Side Walls" Co -sp Dnsored By R -AAA- BE )e Ruth Baseball BYOB .et Ups • Beer Wine Cr 3mpagne THE :LG .PLC 7700 147th ST. W. APPLE VALLEY, MN 432 -6500 or 432 -3396 Next Week .. . April 9th BUTCH AUTOMATIC & THE FOUR SPEEDS 50'S, 6C'S AND ROCK 7411 l0Ji► On In lid MAW! CHIi.DREN'S OUTi =RWEAR Coats & Jackets 2 (infants thru size 14) Off BOYS AND GIRLS Spring Cresses - Slacks % & Tops 25ff ;sizes 4 -14) INFAI V TS AND TODDLERS Dresses, Pants, Tops, Coverall 5% off ALL MAJOR BF :ANDS • Lee, Hea Ith -Tex, Carters, Absorba, Iz,d,Oshkosh, Zena. WeatherTa]ner,& Many More! �e Shop CHILD' IN'S FASHIONS • CEDARVAL E SHOPPING CENTER 3932 Sibley M 'morial Hwy. Eagan 454 -8111 PRAIRIE V LLAGE MALL Eden Prairie 934 -8080 OPE410TIL9MF 10 -6 SAT NOON TO 4 SUN. City Council news Council votes to reduce height of Naegele sign by Linda Hanson The City Council agreed March 15 to require the Naegele billboard along the Cedar Freeway to be reduced in height by 10 feet. But that wasn't enough to satisfy about four angry residents from River Hills Ninth Addition, which is across the freeway from the sign. The residents have been complaining since last fall that the sign is an eyesore and is 13 feet higher than allowed by city ordinance. Dick Decker, president of the River Hills Nine Neighborhood Association, said he couldn't understand how the council could allow Naegele to violate the sign or- dinance. Since there is a hill between the sign and the freeway, if the sign were lowered 13 feet, br- inging it into compliance with the ordinance, part of the sign would be hidden by the hill when viewed from the freeway. According to the city or- dinance, a sign is to be measured at lot level or road- way level, depending on visibilitiy factors. The controvery came about over confusion on how to measure a sign's height. The ci- ty interpreted the ordinance one way and Naegele inter- preted it another. Councilmember Jim Smith suggested a compromise by re- quiring Naegele to lower the sign by 10 feet. But the residents weren't happy with that. Dick Decker said the sign should either be brought into compliance or it should be taken down. Voting in favor of the 10 -foot reduction were Smith, Tom Egan and Jerry Thomas. Voting against were Ted Wachter and Bea Blomquist. After the vote, the council unanimously voted to change the wording of the city's sign ordinance in order to clarify it. According to the changes, the height of a sign is measured from the lowermost ground point to which the sign is at- tached to the highest point on the sign. Signs are not to exceed 40 feet in height, as measured at lot level, roadway level, or a specified point between the two levels as determined by the City Council. The level used will be based on visibility factors on the ad- jacent roadway. Council approves single family home development by Linda Hanson The City Council March 15 approved a rezoning and preliminary plat which will allow 26 single family lots on Tiberon First Addition. The development, in what was formerly called Mallard Park First Addition, is nor- theast of Woodgate. The 6.86 -acre parcel was rezoned from R -1 (residential single) and R -4 (residential multiple) to an R -1 planned development. According to developer Mark Parranto, who is a former member of the City Council, the smallest lot will be 8,500 square feet and the largest 28,500, with the average lot size 11,000 square feet. Sidney Johnson, who had previously tried to buy the pro- perty from the Willmuses and rezone it for a duplex develop- ment, opposed the rezoning for single family homes. Johnson's 1978 rezoning re- quest was denied by the council when Parranto was still a member. Johnson took the city to court in 1979 over the rezon- ing denial and lost. Before the March 15 council meeting, Johnson's attorney, Richard Meshbesher, wrote a letter to the city which alleged that Parranto was the key per- son in denying his client's rezoning in 1978. Meshbesher added that Par - ranto had said in court that the land was to be used for 12 single family homes and that the 12 duplex lots proposed by Johnson was too dense. Parranto told the council he doubts he used those exact words and he resented Meshbesher's accusation that he has been in cahoots with Willmus for the last five years. "I only started negotiating (with Willmus) two months ago," Parranto said. "These accusations are ludicrous." Johnson said his contract with Willmus to develop the land had not been formally canceled and he would fight the cancellation. "We don't feel the war is over yet," he added. Councilmember Tom Egan said the council didn't want to get involved in a sour grapes situation and moved that the preliminary plat and rezoning be approved. The council voted unanimously to approve. Council, firefighters agree on size of department Fire Department officials and the City Council agreed last week to having an average of 75 volunteer firefighters in the department. The Fire Department will be The Eagan CH ONICLE, March 28, 1983 able to have slightly more than 75 firefighters if recruits are added to fill the positions of people planning to quit. Fire Chief Bob Childers ask- ed the council March 1 for THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING GREAT TO WATCH ON YOUR TV WITH RCA VID _ • DISC SGT250 al. „--;\ ENJOY THE MAGIC AT HOME TONIGHT! WITH OVER 300 DISCS TO CHOOSE FROM! vi FREE DISCS WHEN YOU BUT AN RCA VIDEODISC PLAYER! OMME! EM MA!. 31,11!3. 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As of Thursday, there were 66 volunteer firefighters in the department. 4 Cedarvale Cedarvale Mall Highway 13 and Cedar Eagan PRESENTS THE PETTING ZOO FROM JO DON FARMS Location: Cedarvale Mall Date: Monday, April 4th thru Sat., April 9th Hours: Mon. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Admission: Free