Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Deals On Wheels opens in Eagan - 3/28/1983Business
Pictured ire Deals on Wheels employees John Reisinger, left, Jeff Barton, right,
and own( r Bart Quale, center.
Deals on Wheels opens in Eagan
Deals o i Wheels recently opened in Silver
Bell Cent( r.
Despite its name, the store's deals are not
limited to goods with wheels. In addition to
selling bic.'cles (including 10 speeds and BMX
bikes), it a lso sells skates, hockey equipment,
cross country skis, and clothing and ac-
Owner 3art Quale said the store plans to
sponsor B v4X races at tracks in Richfield and
Apple Valley, and the store will also sponsor
a 30 -mile bike ride fund - raiser for muscular
dystrophy the first weekend in June. Prizes
will be offered to participants and volunteers
are needed, he added.
Another event sponsored by the store will
be BMX trick show weekends in May at Silver
Bell Shopping Center.
Quale offers bicycle repair classes at the
store Sundays and also teaches community
education classes on bike repair in districts
191 and 196.
Deals On Wheels is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
weekdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and
noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The phone number
is 452 -3505.