Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Sperry Univac Protesters cause over $55,000 damage - 8/27/1984 Sperry protesters cause over $55,000 damage Testimony by an FBI agent case. Friday, Aug. 17, related that the LaForge and Katt, both of two protestors who entered the Brainerd, were arrested at the Sperry defense systems plant at Sperry plant Aug. 10 after they 3333 Pilot Knob Rd. caused bet- smashed and poured blood on the ween $55,000 and $65,000 in computer equipment. They damage to a computer and two claimed their actions were in pro- power units being developed for test of Sperry's production of the military. nuclear weapons components. The testimony came during a During the Aug. 17 hearing, court appearance for John LaForge and Katt submitted as LaForge, 28, and Barbara Katt, evidence a "Citizens' 26, before U.S. Magistrate Floyd Indictment" of Sperry, which E. Boline in Minneapolis. Boline outlined their reasons for issued a ruling that allows the destroying the equipment. They federal grand jury to consider the, are acting as their own attorneys.