Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - City Hall referendum passes by large margin - 9/20/1982 City Hall referendum passes by large margin by Linda Hanson the police station and remodeling of port" for the city. keep the ground from freezing. Since Eagan will get a new City Hall. the present City Hall. The present Detailed plans and specifications most of the building is a second story The City Hall referendum was ap- City Hall will be used for Fire will now be prepared by the project's addition, the only excavation needed proved Tuesday by almost a two-to- Department administration, am- architect. After the plans are review- is for the part of the building which one margin, with 2,356 votes cast in bulance storage, paramedic living ed by the council, it will go out for will be the council chambers. It will favor and 1,197 against. quarters and a community room. bids. Construction is expected to be built into the side of a hill and The referendum increased the mill City Administrator Tom Hedges start in late fall or early winter. have a basement. rate by .93 mills to pay for the was pleased at the wide margin of ap- Meanwhile, bales of hay will be - - - $965,000 second story addition to proval and feels it is a "vote of sup- placed at the construction site to EAGAN ?ONICLE a Current newspaper Vol. III, No. 38, Monday, September 20,1982 TWO SECTIONS Bringing you the news of the people, the neighborhoods and business of Eagan SECTION A tt~' ,