Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - City Council to consider windmill ordinance - 9/20/1982 (2) City Council to consider windmill ordinance by Linda Hanson radio and TV towers which exceed the conditional use permit from the City will be allowed that is more than 100 An ordinance regulating the con- height limitations set in the zoning or- Council. feet high or the distance from the tower struction and maintenance of windmills dinance. Those who already have windmills or to the nearest property line, whichever is expected to be considered by the City If the ordinance is passed, people radio/TV towers will automatically be is less, unless the council grants a Council Tuesday. who want to erect a windmill or granted conditional use permits. variance. The ordinance would also regulate radio/TV tower will have to obtain a However, the owners will have to comp- • Windmill propellers won't be ly with the safety measures in the or- allowed to exceed 35 feet in diameter. dinance unless it requires a major struc- The bottom of the arc of the windmill tural change to the tower or a substan- blades must be at least 30 feet above the tial expense. ground. Some of the requirments of the or- • Towers must be adequately insured dinance are as follows: for injury and property damage caused Ll 1~ of M ' v • Applicants who wish to build a by collapse of the towers or other ac- tower must supply documentation that cidents. INN their wind energy system design is safe • Violation of the ordinance is a before they will be granted a permit. misdemeanor. Dancing • No windmill or radio/TV tower Friday & Saturday I Nights r,~i