Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Water treatment plant hearing set - 7/12/1982 Water treatment plant hearing set for Tuesday by Linda Hanson picks up during the summer months According to a staff report, alleviate the problem is through Is it worth paying an extra $2.16 a when high water usuage stirs up building a plant would cost about $6 hydrant flushing. According to the month to get rid of the iron and mineral deposits which stain clothes million based on estimated 1983 report, this wastes 5 percent of the manganese in city water? and fixtures. construction costs. It would be paid water pumped from Eagan wells (49 That's the question that will be put Last March the council decided for through water user rates (18 million gallons in 1980.) to the public Tuesday, July 13, at a against building a treatment plant percent); continuation of the The amount of iron in Eagan water special hearing on whether the city which would reduce the hardness of surcharge on water bills (34 percent); ranges from .06 to 4.8 parts per should build an iron and manganese the water. The council decided to wait connection charges to new homes (43 million (ppm), according to the water treatment plant. The meeting until this summer before deciding on percent); and the accumulated funds report. Although this poses no health will be at 7 p.m. at City Hall. iron and managanese removal. from the surcharge (5 percent). hazard, it is above the .05 ppm level The City Council is holding the By eliminating the option of If the plant is built, a typical water of ideal water quality recommended hearing at the height of the rusty hardness reduction, the council felt it bill for a family of three would by the American Water Works water season to ensure that as many might be cheaper to build a plant. It increase by an estimated $2.16 a Association (AWWA) and the .3 ppm people as possible have their say. directed the city staff come up with month or $6.47 a quarter. nuisance problem level set by the The council held a hearing last new cost estimates. The staff report contends that Department of Health. January on building a water treatment Since 1974, the city has been because of economy of scale, it would The amount of manganese in the plant and only about 50 people collecting a surcharge on water bills be cheaper for the city to remove the water ranges from .02 to .24 ppm. The showed up, many of whom opposed for construction of a treatment plant. iron and manganese than for AWWA recommended ideal level is the plant. So far, there is about $750,000 in the individuals to do it at their homes. .01 ppm and the nuisance level is .05 But interest in discolored water fund. Currently, the city's only way to ppm.