Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan historians are looking for your stories - 7/12/1982 Eagan historians are looking for your stories Most residents didn't live here before We want to know what it was like to the days of housing developments and study in school, buy groceries, plant shopping centers; they don't realize crops, navigate the roads, cook for a what a small slice of Eagan's past they family, build a barn, celebrate know. They don't know that Eagan has Christmas, fight a war, visit neighbors, mourn a death, have a picnic, get rrtar- Lisa Fleming ried, weather a winter in Eagan. They may be familiar experiences, but no one remembers them just the way you do. existed officially for over 120 years, and If you've got a story of your own or unofficially quite a few more. one that was told to you that's worth The City of Eagan plans to publish a keeping-make sure it's kept. Tell your city history this year. The History Com- kids, grandchildren, a tape recorder. If mittee has been gathering information; you don't share it, it lives only as long as we've stockpiled quite a bit, but there's you don't forget it. much more we could have. The community history is a way to In addition to black-and-white facts, make your recollections live for we want more folk history. Not only the everyone. Call me (Eagan City Hall; important dates and monuments but 454-8100) or write me (3795 Pilot Knob the history of folk-every day people. Road). On behalf of the other children Books and records can last for hun- of the suburbs, I'd like to hear from dreds of years, but people and their you. ways of life are perishable.