Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Plans for high-rise offices, motel discussed 494 Pilot Knob Road - 7/12/1982 Plans for high,rise offices, motel discussed by Linda Hanson high-rise buildings on the site. The con- turned down his request to rezone land leasing for Kraus Anderson Realty, Consideration of rezoning for a com- cept plan includes a six-story hotel, two from R-4 to commercial. He said the wrote a letter asking if the council mercial park, possibly with high-rise 12-story office buildings and a 16-story council told him there was too much would consider changing the policy. buildings, was temporarily put on hold office building. commercially-zoned land in the area. • Was informed that the city has paid at Tuesday's City Council meeting. According to the site planner, Carl Another developer, Scott Bader, said to the officers in the Eagan Volunteer John Klein, 1495 Lone Oak Road, Dale, the existing R-4 zoning on about he plans to ask the council to allow him Fire Department compensation pay- told the council that before approving half the property would allow them to to increase the density of the Duckwood ment for the first six months of service Federal Land Company's request to build 400 to 500 apartment units. He Trails project because of the impact of this year. The amount, which was rezone a 100-acre site at Lexington and said the proposed planned development the commercial park. He said it would budgeted, was $3,270. Yankee Doodle Road to planned of commercial and office buildings be difficult for him to market • Continued until July 20 considera- development, it should look into the would be a "quiet addition to the com- townhouses which would be sandwich- tion of the Mission Hills Planned history of the land's zoning. munity." ed between apartment buildings and of- Development. The development is for Klein, who was chairman of the town Roger Sjobeck, 3510 Widgeon Way, fices. the proposed county court facility at board in the early 1970s when the land said the neighbors in St. Francis Woods The City Council voted to continue Rahn and Cliff roads. was rezoned for commercial, limited and Duckwood Estates were generally the requested rezoning to give the city and general business, and multi-family supportive of the plan because of the staff time to research the zoning history residential use, said the intent of the reduced amount of R-4 zoning. of the land and potential storm sewer original rezoning was for a colonial However, he did say they objected to problems. It is expected to be on the m ~ l Clip & Save l Williamsburg-type development. the motel, high-rise office towers, ex- council agenda either July 20 or Aug. 3. r~ He said, "It was presented as not a cessive commercial zoning near single ' high density development-but as family homes, and'~were concerned In other action the City Council: o o °c e° something with a butcher, baker, about the vagueness of the plans. • Decided against amending the o' e° 0 candlestick-maker and those types of Councilmember Tom Egan said the city's off-sale liquor policy to allow ' things.... That's what we gave that zon- city's new height ordinance calls for a another off-sale license in the north cen- ' °]~°o ing for. public hearing on applications for con- tral part of the city. The City Council ' 0 The previous owner also agreed to ditional use permits for high-rise policy is to keep the number of off-sale o donate 10 acres of land to the city for a buildings and the residents would have liquor licenses limited to four, all of ' park, he added. a chance to be heard at that time. which are currently taken. (Two liquor ' Since that rezoning, the property has Since the developer hasn't submitted stores are in operation and two other ' W E DELIVER changed hands. Now Federal Land detailed plans for any of the high-rises licenses have been approved but are not ' Company wants the council to rezone or applied for a permit for them, the being used.) Rod McKenzie, director of the land to planned development. The council is only discussing the concept of ' PIZZA -Piping Hot ' main change would be in rezoning part them at this site. ' SPAGHETTI -Homemade ' of the land from R-4 (multiple residen- Two developers of nearby property ' tial) to general business and limited were concerned how the council would I CHICKEN -Crunchy ' business. handle Federal Land Company's re- ro Q SANDWICHES -Fantastic The developer would also like the Fantastic quest. Ron Krank, who is developing council to give concept approval for Pilot Knob Center, said the council ESTHER LERMAN Call us for delivery '